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Datacron difficulty


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A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons. I think that's a poor reason to quit, but I can definitely see his frustration. Getting datacrons has nothing whatsoever to do with skill, but only a combination of luck, good framerate, and no lag. I have given up on trying to get datacrons at all because of this. I can understand that they were supposed to be difficult to get to, but when the difficulty is caused by terrible jump design and by having even the slightest bit of lag it's incredibly annoying. On a single player game that requires no internet connection having to make difficult jumps is not an issue, but with an online game it turns it into a purely luck based challenge.


It's sad that such a small, optional thing can be such a huge disappointment, but it is. Hopefully this can be changed in the future. :(

Edited by Cyberwraith
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...purely luck based challenge. ....




I have had no problems getting datacrons and no problems jumping around, it is not purely a luck related thing that is preventing you from getting datacrons, I submit it is the user.

Edited by iResist
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I've gotten them all with little frustration but I agree jumping in a game that is not really designed around jumping is a poor design decision by the dev's....


I would of rather seen more puzzles to solve, make them so their dynamic to keep people from posting the "Cheat Sheets" online on how to get them...


BTW, the biggest key to jumping is NOT to try and jump off the edge of an object, you'll just fall, you have to jump before you get to the edge...

Edited by Monoth
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A friend of mine just quit the game because of the difficulty in getting datacrons.


That can't be his only reason to quit. Datacrons are insignificant in the grands scheme of SWTOR. They are just easter eggs that give a character buff. If you get sick and tired of falling off pipes, you go do something else because at the end of the day +3 to willpower isn't worth the effort.

Edited by JerokTalram
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That can't be his only reason to quit. Datacrons are insignificant in the grands scheme of SWTOR. They are just easter eggs that give a character buff. If you get sick and tired of falling off pipes, you go do something else because at the end of the day +3 to willpower isn't worth the effort.


Yeah but it adds up with other datacrons.

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He's a completionist. Not being able to do something in the game frustrated him enough to quit. I agree that it's a poor reason, but it's there. As for being the user, I've seen many people that could not get the datacrons. I helped one person for 45 mins on Taris to get one of the ones there before she gave up. If your computer has the slightest bit of lag on transmitting your jump to the server it can make the difference between a jump happening at the right time and your character falling to his/her doom. I can perform the exact same action 100 times, sometimes I'll jump straight up, sometimes I'll jump forward, and sometimes I won't jump at all. Poor jump design.
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There is not much you can really do in a game to make something that is supposed to be a challenge to get an actual challenge without doing something like/similar to difficult jumps when even minor lag could effect it.


Your other option is to make it time consuming and difficult to figure out like magenta crystals but once everyone knows the method well it's not "really" a challenge, it's just a time sink.

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..., sometimes I'll jump straight up, sometimes I'll jump forward, and sometimes I won't jump at all. Poor jump design.



^ afraid that is a user problem. Either your computer is bad or your connection is also bad or your hand eye coordination needs work.


I can do the same jump 100 times exactly the same every time.

Edited by iResist
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^ afraid that is a user problem. Either your computer is bad or your connection is also bad or your hand eye coordination needs work.


I can do the same jump 100 times exactly the same every time.


My computer is a brand new Alienware, and I'm getting 80 FPS, so it's not a hardware issue.


My connection is DSL, and has no lag issues anywhere else, so it doesn't seem likely that it's a connection issue.


I have no problems on any other games as far as hand-eye coordination (as an example, The Force Unleashed was easy, even getting the optionals), so that doesn't seem to be the problem either. Also, I've had MANY other people mention that the jumps just don't happen right. I congratulate you for somehow having the perfect feel for the game to be able to make a standing jump exactly the same way every time. For the rest of us that don't, this is frustrating.

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That's not a Bioware issue but rather a personality issue on the part of your friend.


Kind of missing the point. I'm not saying it was a good reason to quit, but I am saying that it is incredibly frustrating and has caused me (and quite a few other people that I've talked to) to ignore that portion of the game entirely.

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Sorry, but this is one ridiculous post. Why do gamers these days expect everything given to them on a shiny pixel platter?


These are supposed to be challenging, end of story. My self and 3 other guildies spent 5 hours trying to retrieve the +10 datacron, but failed due to how buggy the obstacle was.

(apparently Sages are the class you need on you like a trusty swiss army knife) Was I frustrated, yes... am I going to chuck a tantrum? Not over that.

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^ afraid that is a user problem. Either your computer is bad or your connection is also bad or your hand eye coordination needs work.


I can do the same jump 100 times exactly the same every time.


Complaints about the jumping mechanics in this game are pretty common. In 7 years of WoW I can't say that I recall ever hearing a complaint with the jumping mechanics in that game, because it was easier to predict and control. In this game I dread pretty much anything that requires a jump.


The whole design around getting datacrons seems designed to purely frustrate. It's so easy to miss a jump and then have to start at the beginning again. Some of these take a long time and/or a lot of jumps to complete, and missing a jump near the end is frustrating enough to make you want to break something. Or...quit.


Make them a bit more forgiving so that you don't need to restart would work better.

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Sorry, but this is one ridiculous post. Why do gamers these days expect everything given to them on a shiny pixel platter?


These are supposed to be challenging, end of story. My self and 3 other guildies spent 5 hours trying to retrieve the +10 datacron, but failed due to how buggy the obstacle was.

(apparently Sages are the class you need on you like a trusty swiss army knife) Was I frustrated, yes... am I going to chuck a tantrum? Not over that.


Nobody said anything about things being given "on a shiny pixel platter." Being challenging because it requires skill or knowledge, fine. Being challenging because of poor game mechanics and bugs, not fine.

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Kind of missing the point. I'm not saying it was a good reason to quit, but I am saying that it is incredibly frustrating and has caused me (and quite a few other people that I've talked to) to ignore that portion of the game entirely.

No, I got the point. That was just my general commentary on your friends personality deficiency.


His attitude is a part of the growing culture of gamers to have everything easy and dumbed down, while hiding under the veil of being "hardcore" and a "completionist".

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No, I got the point. That was just my general commentary on your friends personality deficiency.


His attitude is a part of the growing culture of gamers to have everything easy and dumbed down, while hiding under the veil of being "hardcore" and a "completionist".


Nah. The design is simply bad. You can make things that are not easy without also making them frustrating. Datacron hunting is frustrating because people don't feel like they have enough control, and so when they fail they don't always feel like there was anything they could do about it. Hence frustration.

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Nobody said anything about things being given "on a shiny pixel platter." Being challenging because it requires skill or knowledge, fine. Being challenging because of poor game mechanics and bugs, not fine.


You may not have literally written such words, but your post wreaks of it. Your "friend" is apart of the new age gamers who just want their cake now.

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No, I got the point. That was just my general commentary on your friends personality deficiency.


His attitude is a part of the growing culture of gamers to have everything easy and dumbed down, while hiding under the veil of being "hardcore" and a "completionist".


Who said anything about being hardcore? As for completionist, it just means you want to see and experience all aspects of something. What does that have to do with things being easy and dumbed down? You seem to have a personal issue about people and want to project that on everybody. In either case, you're focusing on a tangential issue instead of focusing on the issue at hand. The mechanics required to get datacrons are poorly designed and buggy, and this causes frustration.

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As for completionist, it just means you want to see and experience all aspects of something.

Oh, you're right. He should be able to do EVERYTHING in EVERY game............or he'll quit.


Ha, a "completionist" means entitled and spoiled now? Got it.

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How exactly are datacrons hard to get?


I mean, i can see the balloon one in Tatooine being unrealistically difficult to achieve, but unrealistic difficulties are great in games like this, it gives for something to be jealous over and wish you could achieve, this is key to mmo's.


It's not like you have to do them at all, they give little reward that actually makes a difference in the long run, purely for the challenge of collecting.


Quitting over a thing like that is pretty sad as well, I don't know why he would get so upset over such a trivial and optional side hobby.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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You may not have literally written such words, but your post wreaks of it. Your "friend" is apart of the new age gamers who just want their cake now.


Actually, you couldn't be further from the truth. But there's nothing anybody could say that would convince you differently. And I think the words you are looking for are reeks and a part.


What my friend (and I) are asking for is a system where either the jumps work properly and rationally, or a system that doesn't require the jumps and instead presents a different challenge that's not dependent on a poor game mechanic. I don't want no challenge, I just want a challenge that doesn't depend on luck to the exclusion of skill.

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Oh, you're right. He should be able to do EVERYTHING in EVERY game............or he'll quit.


Ha, a "completionist" means entitled and spoiled now? Got it.


I see, obvious troll is obvious....


Are you saying that people should not be able to do everything in a game? Why put it in if it's not meant to be done?


Anyhow, it's obvious that you're just trolling at this point, so I'll quit trying.

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