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Balsavis: story line is sick


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born in to prison so that makes you a criminal? *** I say ***.

Who is the writer for this crap do you understand anything? genetics does not make you a criminal.


You can have a gene that is the violence gene or an alcoholic gene but it does not mean you will be violent or an alcoholic.

In fact some one who has the violence gene and has not been exposed/triggered to some sort of trauma as a child will withdraw from the use violence.

do some research before you write about preconceived ideas that come from eugenics.


this story line is sick and it sickens me

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born in to prison so that makes you a criminal? *** I say ***.

Who is the writer for this crap do you understand anything? genetics does not make you a criminal.


You can have a gene that is the violence gene or an alcoholic gene but it does not mean you will be violent or an alcoholic.

In fact some one who has the violence gene and has not been exposed/triggered to some sort of trauma as a child will withdraw from the use violence.

do some research before you write about preconceived ideas that come from eugenics.


this story line is sick and it sickens me


Holy ****....I got nothing. Clearly there is something grotesquely close about this story to you. Wow. Hope you leave the planet at your earliest convenience!

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born in to prison so that makes you a criminal? *** I say ***.

Who is the writer for this crap do you understand anything? genetics does not make you a criminal.


You can have a gene that is the violence gene or an alcoholic gene but it does not mean you will be violent or an alcoholic.

In fact some one who has the violence gene and has not been exposed/triggered to some sort of trauma as a child will withdraw from the use violence.

do some research before you write about preconceived ideas that come from eugenics.


this story line is sick and it sickens me


I'm not sure what story you're talking about exactly, but I have seen a Codex entry on Torhead that stated that people born in the Belsavis prison are kept in prison because the Republic is trying to keep Belsavis absolutely secret. That means no witnesses get offworld to talk about it.

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born in to prison so that makes you a criminal? *** I say ***.

Who is the writer for this crap do you understand anything? genetics does not make you a criminal.


You can have a gene that is the violence gene or an alcoholic gene but it does not mean you will be violent or an alcoholic.

In fact some one who has the violence gene and has not been exposed/triggered to some sort of trauma as a child will withdraw from the use violence.

do some research before you write about preconceived ideas that come from eugenics.


this story line is sick and it sickens me




At the end of that part of the story line on Republic-side, you can side with those born on Belsavis and support them getting their own plot of land on the planet and be free.


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I suppose this is vaguely on-topic.


I just ran through the entirety of Belsavis today, so it's fresh on my mind. I wanted to give some special kudos towards whoever did the cinematic cutscenes at the very end of the Dread Masters quest line. The climax of the line has some awesome cinematics, I just wanted to say that.


Having said that, for the last four hours or so of Belsavis, I was like, "doesn't this planet EVER END???" But that was probably in large part because I was playing through the whole thing in one sitting and not so much because the content was boring.

Edited by Samy_Merchi
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I don't know if you've finished the planet, or rather the first part of the planet, but make sure you do. You may change your mind. They can't be released in the public because they have already become criminals, but what can be done will be done for them.
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I don't know why people get so bent out of shape with this sort of stuff. Read a huge thread about this game is sexist too.


I don't know, perhaps I'm just an ignant idjit. :(



EDIT: It does just seem to be a game to me, I try not to think to much into it. It's just story telling.

Edited by Amien
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Hey its just a game right?

No sorry, its not just a game it is art and art conveys a message.

What is the message you are giving or did you not think or care about the content that would reach millions of people?


never mind what would i know I'm just one guy with an opinion.


It is still a great game from a lot of people who have obviously worked very hard


The message conveyed is that the republic isn't this happy land at the end of the rainbow some people would like to think it is.


The evils of the republic often get hidden in the back while the evils of the empire gets paraded down the main street. It doesn't make the evils of the republic any less, though, which is what is being nailed down here.


Both the republic and the empire have good and bad sides to them. Playing a character in the game, on either side, it's your choice how your character responds to these moral issues that appear, regardless of your affiliation.


Take a look back in history. I dare you to find any time where one of the sides where unilatteraly the 'evil' side and only did evil, while 'the other side' were 'good' and only did good. Such a thing doesn't exist in our history, and it doesn't exist in star wars either, despite its connection to science fantasy rather than science fiction.

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It does all too often exist in fiction though. I'd be pretty willing to bet that black and white are far more prevalent in fiction than shades of gray.


Since I like shades of gray I have no problem with the Republic things on Belsavis (or as the originator of the thread called it, "Bal"-savis which makes me think of a Beavis and Butthead type attitude). But I can easily see how somebody who likes black and white suddenly would feel that their black and white got turned to black and black and their chosen side has been tarnished.

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I get that SWTOR is playing a bit of the old race card with Aliens its kinda cool, but since i chose the republic i didn't not think i would be playing a story line that would tie in with the thinking of Nazis. why did the empire not get this story line?


Spoilers for Empire Belsavis:


The Republic experiments, etc. on Belsavis are such a huge secret, that when the Empire finds out about them, they use the information against the Republic in order to discredit them. The Cathar population in particular is FURIOUS with the Republic, and iirc begin negotiations with the Empire because of the Republic's questionable morality. So, yes, we DID get the same story line... from a different perspective.



For non-spoilers, see my sig. Sums it up.

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Greetings everyone!


We understand that it is easy to fall into real-life discussion of moral, religious and political views regarding this topic. Due to the volatile nature of such topics, we ask that your responses revolve around Star Wars™ Universe politics and religions if you include such analogies.


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I thought the storyline on Balsavis was brilliant because of what it was about. I ran though it as a LS Jedi Guardian and by the time I was done was able to make some real changes on the world regarding how people there are treated, especially 2nd and 3rd generations.


The whole point of the Republics story on Balsavis was about how bad it was there and what should be done about it.

Edited by VanorDM
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The message conveyed is that the republic isn't this happy land at the end of the rainbow some people would like to think it is.


The evils of the republic often get hidden in the back while the evils of the empire gets paraded down the main street. It doesn't make the evils of the republic any less, though, which is what is being nailed down here.


Belsavis is full of nasty secrets.



Originally created by the Rakata as a prison, it's been held and hidden by the Republic for some time. The Republic have done any number of ethically vile things there, from pitting alien species against each other to find the perfect soldiers, to leaving political prisoners on a prison planet for life with no trial. The Empire is of course no better; they want to restart the Republic's failed experiments. Both sides release dangerous monsters and criminals to vex the opposition, while also endangering their own people.



And I think that's a lot of the point; both sides have a lot of motivation to win at all costs, and both sides have some people willing to be ruthless and amoral.

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