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Community Q&A – Feb 24th 2012 Blog Discussion


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I have not been able to read through all the posts, but mabye some out there can give me some answears to some questions that wasn't mentiond in the Q&A.


The status currently in my guild is that many players are inactive cause of the endgame content. If u dont play PVP there is notting to do ingame. All have done the daylies, all have more or less full tier3.

We are 50+ members, but at the moment we are struggelig getting a 8 person ops group together to clear the instances.


The reason for this will be:


1. The endgame content is to easy.

2. Bosses drop way to mutch gear. If ur lucky ur full geard after 2-3 weeks.

3. Boss encounters are boaring (spank and tank)


Will there be any drastic changes to make the endgame last longer?


Something I still dont understand is why t3 drop in Hardmode. There is no reason to do nightmare onces u have done it 1 time, cause u get the same loot from hardmode. Because of this endgame PVE is cutted down by several weeks.


Another issue I that i dont find in Q&A is the economics in this game.

Atm I raid 1 day aweek, craft some biochem producs and sell them on marked.

This is more then enough to keep the credits incoming higher then the outgoing.

I have 12.000.000 credits and i dont understand what I am supose to use them on.



I know for a fact that if there ain't several big changes in 1.2, 80% of my guild will quit. I guess this will be the same with other endgame PVE guild aswell. So hopefully there will be some major changes cause the game have a big potential.


Hope some out there can assist me with some answears to my questions, mabye come with some feedback regardig this issues.


Excuse my bad english

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I am glad the faction animations are going to be equalized between mirror classes.


What are you going to do about War Zones that are 3 against 8 like the 3 War Zones I had today?


You give more and better gear to the winner so they can stomp the losers who are out numbered and out geared.


Please Bio Ware explain to me how getting stomped 80 games in a row is FUN?

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That is exactly what we have here. The main pillar of the "story driven MMO" is broken, bugged, not working correctly, whatever term you want to use, for the people who want this content. My main character has been sitting in a cantina for over 3 weeks now because I am unable to play the game in the way I choose. Issues that render characters unable to be played are certainly broken mechanics.


Forgive me, But It is not broken. It is running as intended. The feature of SGRA has not been implemented as of yet. Thus what ever is currently in game IS working as intended. It IS working properly.


You comment about not being able to play the game the way you choose doesn't make the current form of the game broken.


I could simply say that the game is broken because I want to be able to fly like a superhero and because that feature is not in game, that makes it broken? Of course not.


The feature you want to be put in game is not in game yet. Therefore, how can it be broken?


To be fair it is your fault that with all of the features in game that ARE available (like questing, pvp, datacrons, space, etc) that this one issue is preventing you from playing at all?


with all respect, this is not SGRA online, this game is Star Wars: The Old Republic.


I would simply suggest to play the game until the feature IS put in. Keep letting the developers know, constantly. don't give up the fight. Perhaps they will put in your request.

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The number of players that would leave the game because of no SGRA is minuscule compared to the numbers that would leave if they didn't work on the... you know.... actual game!! Bioware has their priorities straight. (no pun intended)




I must say, I would like to see some hot ***** action, though.

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Well I couldnt read anymore after about page 20.... My god you people complain.


OMG they didnt answer your question cry me a river please


They do a Q&A every week which is awesome. Most MMOs Ive played either didnt do this or only did it every few months. They do it once a week.


These devs are very active, very positive, and seem to try and cater to even the silliest requests. They have said its in the works or we have a model for it and yall still complain like **** .... pathetic.


They didnt fix everything in the game since last week omg..... go find something else to do with your life till then, I mean ***?

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SGRA crowd, the biggest crowd in the last Q&A thread, has been ignored completely, again, I see.




So, really? The biggest crowd? I swore it was the LFG players again.


Translation: They didn't answer my question and now I will rage





I had several questions which I had hoped would get answered, sadly none were. There's always next week :p

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1) "Need" will ONLY work for things your advanced class can use, and 2) they'll add a "Companion" button between "Need" and "Greed" to allow people to request items for their companions. That's a decent solution from my point of view.


Hmmm I really do not see the point in this. If Companion button has priority over Greed button, people will just hit Companion. This follows a simple logic; if for some people: My Companion > Your Character, then definitely My Cash > Your Companion



Sadly there isn't always a computer fix for people's natural idiocy. Not you, the poster of this, or you, dear reader, it's everyone else. Me included

Edited by Urkanan
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Still no word about fixing tab-targetting and zooming, shouldnt gamebraking things be top on priority list? Well atleast they added number option to CD:s last patch so cheers for that.


Only gamebraking issuse that got adressed in this Q&A was animations and lag/fps issues, rest were next to pointless when speaking gameplay problems.



I so agree with you, but then if you read the Queastions thread... there are SOOOOOOOOO MANY really pointless questions (Will we get more colors for our lightsabers?)


About the permanent 10% SGRA questions... what the hell do in-game relationships do? Am I missing some super ability or uber cool quest for not romancing my companion? Cause then I would understand all the QQ about having to wait because you wanna romance a same-sex compy, otherwise I just don't get it =|


Applying some common sense, implementing SGRAs is very likely gonna happen when they add new companions or in a content patch that involves a lot of new quests (VA) being added somehow, so there you go, your MINIMUM eta is 2 months after 1.2. If you don't see a positive response about this during April, expect it to be delayed till at least 1.4 around June. Now evaluate whether you wanna keep playing regardless...

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Assuming Bioware didn't write and record the VO already to support same gender, I seriously doubt they're going to pay each VO actor to come in just for that. If they spend resources on bringing in the VO actors, I would rather the money goes towards new story content. I have nothing against same-gender options in the game, but not at the expense of things more important to the game itself.


If same-gender in a vid game is so important to you, play something else.


Edit: The next time I could realistically see Bioware bringing in all the actors would be for an expansion. It might be feasible to add same gender to the existing game at that point.

Edited by Zannis
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I don't care about same gender relationships at all. However, everyone should be upset over the way they are handling it. It's by far the most asked question, every week, and they ignore it every week. It's the developers being arrogant and not listening to the community on their major concerns and only picking what they care more about, which is infuriating to me. All they have to do is say something like "We aren't doing it at this time"/"early development don't expect it soon"/"actively being worked on, hope to have it done sometime this year", anything.



maybe just maybe LA/George Lucas does not want Same sex relationships in their licensed property. Personally I don't think it should be added and I hope LA/George Lucas doesn't permit it.

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maybe just maybe LA/George Lucas does not want Same sex relationships in their licensed property. Personally I don't think it should be added and I hope LA/George Lucas doesn't permit it.


Lucas and LucasArts have already approved of a same-sex relationship in Star Wars. And considering that LucasArts as a company and Lucas personally donated money to fight Proposition 8 in California, it's quite obvious that Lucas has no problem with same-sex relationships at all. Nice try, though.

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Hey all,

I was thinking about the same-gender relations and i think it would be a interesting thing to add to the game at some point.But what worrys me is this kind of stuff does not sit well with some politictians as shown when Mass Effect 2 got banned in the United Arab Emirates for same-gender relation stuff.

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In most games I as a lesbian am quite used to being completely invisible and ignored. To most game companies I'm a non person. Bioware has taken some small steps in a direction that would grant me the same basic gaming experience as my straight friends and this game was specifically marketed to include SGRA.


It's that simple.


I have half my heart on flagging your post, but I'd rather reason with you.


While I do agree that SGRA should be implemented... what does your sexuality IRL have to do with the game?


You can experience exactly the same content as your straight friends. A very different story is: "this content doesn't satisfy me, I want something else / something more". I could say the same about operations, and others about pvp... It all depends on what it is you are looking for in the game I guess.


I would also like to point out that


1) by your reasoning, you must feel "not a person" to sport-shoe makers, snowboard manufacturers, fast food chains, pharma companies... basicly anyone who doesn't think your sexuality is RELEVANT for what they do.


2) "and this game was specifically marketed to include SGRA": I discovered the very existence of this game 5 days before release. In the free time during 2 days that I devoted to reading about it to ponder whether I wanted to try it, I found zero mentions to SGRA, even tho I knew about companions, romance, etc. When did they market specifically to include SGRA?


Imo the whole controversy with SGRA is too many people getting things confused.

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Gotta say, so far these Q&A are, well tbh, boring.


It's either on the cards, "soon tm", were discussing it.


Why not just supply us with a roadmap of what you actually are doing and a realastic timescales like 2 months/4 months/ a year etc.


Okay, I know I am being a little bit churlish and that these answers means something to some people or even many, but tbh, if this is only going to be a feature where you "cherry pick" easy questions, or supply answers as "it's coming", then I for one will just ignore them.


Sorry, I am feeling narked about Crystal colours, I'm pissed on my single malt and the wife has a headache...Again...


Ahh well, ways Seka when I need her...;)


As a programmer myself, I don't think a roadmap is too much to ask for. It's pretty much the norm anymore.

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Hey all,

I was thinking about the same-gender relations and i think it would be a interesting thing to add to the game at some point.But what worrys me is this kind of stuff does not sit well with some politictians as shown when Mass Effect 2 got banned in the United Arab Emirates for same-gender relation stuff.

Referring to my above post my point there is same-gender ingame relations could be added as part of an add-on pack further down the road but this same-gender ingame relations stuff is very touchy with politicians as an example of the controvery surrounding that kind of stuff remember the controversy over that Shepard/Liara optional *** scene?

That's why game developers are reluctant to put that sort of stuff into video games they are developing for fear of getting slammed by Fox News or any politician who happens to dis-agree with it.

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Everyone who is SO obsessed with the same-sex relationships need to let it the hell go already. I understand you want this, but seriously is this something the is GAME-BREAKING not to have? To the people who are saying the Bioware are homophobic and all that crap you really should move on already. They didn't put it in the game, big deal. Personally if I saw same-sex relationships before



Guild UI Updates

Ship Customization

Warzone Bug Fixes

End-Game crafting fixes

FPS Issue fixes

Hero Engine Optimization

Major overhaul of the Galactic Trade Network

Cross Server PvP

Fix the friends list


Or any of of the 1,000 other things that are more important.






would like to add customizing of the UI

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As in my previous posts ingame same-gender relations are controversial because it is outside of the established political correctness norm for video games:ie games must not have any thing other than violence if the game is to avoid controversy.
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  • 1 month later...
When server transfers become available, will we have to delete one of our present characters to open a slot for the incoming ( cross server transfer ) character? Will the option of more than 8 characters on one server ever happen in any form?
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have some questions about the animations in game.


1. When will you (BioWare) do something about the animation "/bow" ?

(When typing /bow you should bow ONCE, not repeatedly. And each class should haver their own bow animation).


2. And when are you (BioWare) gonna change the sit animation?

(If you play a Knight or Consular, they can't have an animation when they have their arms behind their back and spread the legs to show their whole crotch. Also here, each class should have their own personal sit style).


Also, please make so you can press "X" to toggle between sit and stand up, cause as it is looks today you will have to move your charater to be able to stand up.


Thanks ^^

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How long will mirror class balance in PVP be ignored?

Really I want to quit the game every time I find myself 1vs1 with a Sorcerer as they get instant cast compared to my Sage crappy slow pull rocks from ground cast that get locked in the air as the Imperial is always faster.


The FAVORTISM for Imperials has not changed very much since launch. The bias has been ignored every week.

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