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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I still can't abandon some quests, for example the "Sacrifices" from Balmorra, "Field Trip" - Tatooine and "The Road of War" on Nar Shaddaa. I recall this issue where "fixed" according to an earlier patch.


If you havent announced these problems for being fixed ignore my question. If you have, when will you fix this?

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Will you have a goup warp option or something in the future where we can just summon everyone in our party to us instead of waiting for them to travel from way across the planet or even a different planet? It gets tiring waiting 10+ minutes for everyone to get there, especially if they don't have speeders or quick travel points unlocked :rolleyes:
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You intend to reveal the new cross server PVP queues to accommodate the server's which are lower population.


However, I want to see an option to only queue on my server even if it means longer queue times. This should be an optional setting that you add to allow us to maintain our community. Could this be done?

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Will it be possible to receive our email in our ships? it is such a burden to be in your ship doing space missions and or crafting and boom you get email notice and now you are wondering what it is so you stop what you are doing and find a port to travel to just to get your email then back to your ship again.
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Are there any plans to change the way grouping for PVP Warzones is done? It is a pain when trying to queue your group to find out that one of your party members has already queued. I wish that those grouped as a party didn't have this problem. Also, while on the subject of grouping for WZ, it would be nice if a group could auto regroup without having to re-group every time.
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I noticed the white crystal on the test server has Expertise stat. Will be that stat tied to crystals instead barrel/hilt when the PVP gear becomes fully modable? Because I would like to use my Magenta crystals on my items instead being forced to use the ungly non-canon and non-starwarsy black/blue on Battlemaster gear just because the expertise.


Just a little feedback from a player: Linking mandatory stats (like Expertise that is needed to be competitive in PvP) to aesthetical assets will never be a good idea.

Edited by moefling
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With the new UI being worked on, and seeing the video of it being released, I am concerned that you won't have the option to have hotbars moved about, I am one of those who always likes all of my hotbars at the bottom of my screen and not on the sides.


Will you enable people to move hotbars so they can be however you want on the screen?

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There are already a lot of achievements in the game, and this may seem kind of small. But since it seems most of the FP's have things that can be skipped w/out killing them and quite often the focus is avoid as much fighting as possible just to get to the end. Has there been any thought about adding achievements to some flashpoints for fully clearing the flashpoint?
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Are you going to improve the targeting system?


Tab-target ("target next enemy") behaves completely un-intuitively, and often selects targets behind you instead of in front of you. It's very difficult to manually click-target someone because of how the targeting hitboxes are, and because you can't target by nameplate/healthbar.

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Can you clarify the role of the accuracy stat? Right now, it seems lackluster and/or unnecessary for many classes, yet it appears on all of their end game gear.


Any plans to either make accuracy more important, or change the stats on this gear?

Edited by CaptainJammo
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Will you be adding a PvP Arena/Gladiator system? Warzones are getting dull at the moment and grinding for Valor Ranks, Champion/Battlemaster Bags and PvP dailies + weekly is just not that appealing for players who actually enjoy a real challenge in terms of PvP and wants to distinguish themselves among the top PvP players. Edited by Jibril
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Right now if you want to role play as a neutral character you are punished for it by not getting access to certain items. For example you can't get a relic till level 50 as far as I know. Are there plans to add neutral specific crystals and relics in the near future?
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I'd like to ask a question.


Seeing as this game is missing several "key"features like:


* LFG tool

* UI customisation

* Chat bubbles

* Mouse over healing

* Target of target

* A working search enginge for GTN

* Macros

* Combatlog

* High resolution gear (atleast for self)


You must have known that competitor mmos had theese features implemented. Why did you choose to not have this ready at launch? Knowing you would risk customers feeling that the game is unfinished?


I know some features are coming in game update 1.2

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