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What if "Star Wars: Episode I" was good?


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The guy begins with "Imagine I'm a story exec and Lucas presents me with the script, I read it and tell him: actually, here's how we're going to do it".


IIRC that is exactly what George hated, during his experiences of filming the first 3 movies, hence why he went completely solo on the prequels. Not bossy guys telling him how to film his movie!


And lets face it, I'm sure most people can sit and go "hey, here's what I would have done" But we didn't , did we?

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Yeah the prequels compared to the originals.....well.....suck. Dont get me wrong I do like all of the Star Wars movies but in direct comparison with the originals seem alittle more childish and didn't stay true to how the old films were. Seems like a Sc-fi space opera went to a more family friendly series. Just my opinion though.
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Yeah the prequels compared to the originals.....well.....suck. Dont get me wrong I do like all of the Star Wars movies but in direct comparison with the originals seem alittle more childish and didn't stay true to how the old films were. Seems like a Sc-fi space opera went to a more family friendly series. Just my opinion though.


How were they more childish exactly?


Was it the graphic killings, the politics and senate hearings, or the all out war, not to mention killing children...


Never mind it was because the originals were so much more mature with their teddy bears destroying and elite sabotage force to win the war, the seemingly impossible chance of any main character actually dieing to blaster fire ever and lets not forget the oh so loveable jawas.

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How were they more childish exactly?


Was it the graphic killings, the politics and senate hearings, or the all out war, not to mention killing children...

"Graphic killings"? Unless your standards for violence are those of a naive 8-year-old pacifist, the deaths in the PT films are about as "graphic" as those in your typical children's cartoon. If you want graphic violence, go watch Saving Private Ryan, Rambo, Collateral, or any one of a ton of action/war flicks.


Never mind it was because the originals were so much more mature with their teddy bears destroying and elite sabotage force to win the war, the seemingly impossible chance of any main character actually dieing to blaster fire ever and lets not forget the oh so loveable jawas.

Main characters in many film franchises don't die, so what's your point? The Jawas appeared in less than 5 minutes of screentime in all of the OT films. I agree about the Ewoks, but we all know that Lucas had started to fully take over the creative process by the time RoTJ was made.

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If this is what the average prequel-haters version of what would have made Episode 1 "good" in their eyes, I'm glad that Lucas stayed true to his own vision, and left the haters where they belong...in the basement, lamenting about how Lucas "***** their childhood".


Quite simply, the version this guy presented sucked.


Firstly, Obi-wan can't be the replacement for Luke in the prequels. That is and always has to be Anakin, because the whole idea of parallels in story telling is to show how two people get presented with the same choice, and one chooses the right way (Luke) while the other chooses the wrong way (Anakin). If Obi-wan took over the protagonist role, Lucas would have had to introduce a convoluted plot device (Obi-wan being attracted to Padme) in order to give conflict to the story...a conflict that had to resolve itself in the space of three movies...bearing in mind that Anakin also has to have his story told as well. You could say that this would parallel the whole Luke/Leia/Han thing that only solved itself once Luke found out Leia was his sister...but that only proves the point that such love triangles are best left for soap operas where they have unlimited time to come to a resolution instead of six hours. The best solution was what Lucas came up with in Episode 3 - Anakin believing that Obi-wan and Padme had something happening and experiencing the jealousy that came with it...without it actually being the case.


Secondly, the last battle idea (having everyone attack the same target) SOUNDS good in theory. But if you think about if from a film perspective, framing a scene where two distinct fights happen in the same room (or even location) is literally impossible - otherwise it gets too cluttered and you wonder which fight you are meant to focus on. Take a look at ANH...the only time the two fights meet up (Luke, Leia and Han vs Obi-wan/Vader) is when Luke and the rest have finished their fight and the action is quite obviously not with them.


I'll agree though that Maul was a waste of a character. He could have quite easily taken the role of antagonist in the second movie as well instead of Dooku (who could have been relegated to a Grand Moff Tarkin role). But really, what character development does Darth Maul give the story? He's already done his job in Episode 1, which was to make Anakin Obi-wan's apprentice. Obi-wan is meant to be the embodiment of a true Jedi - he wouldn't want revenge, and it wasn't like he was still 'in training' as a Padawan (Obi-wan is only waiting for Qui-Gon's recommendation to the Council to take the trials), so any attempt to parallel fights between him and Darth Maul with Luke/Vader would fall flat.


tl:dr - Episode 1 is good for what it is - an introduction to the main characters (Anakin, Obi-wan, Padme, Palpatine), with the people who aren't included in the rest of the story (Qui-Gon, Maul) getting bumped off for expediency in story-telling. Could have it been better? Yes. Is it good enough? Yes as well.

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oh my god - all the prequels have so many - increadibly many logical mistakes. Nice to watch once, but ... thank god it's over and George is not going to mess around more in that universe.


And I say that as a huge sw fan.


here is a review that expresses pretty much everything, that the old sw-fans critizise the most.


The review - wich ist almost as long as the movie - was more enjoyable than the real movie.



Edited by pipehacker
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2 things i wish Episode 1 had was:


1. No Jar Jar binks and gungans - they are anoying


2. Last battle should be betwen Royal Naboo forces vs Battle droids



Everything else is good.


Honestly, I didn't mind the Gungans as such. My dislike is reserved for Jar-Jar.

Should have replaced him with Cpt Tarpals imo.


I'll half agree with your second point, but I would have preferred a mix of Gungans and Naboo. Also for the Gungans not to have quite so childish an arsenal.

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How were they more childish exactly?


Was it the graphic killings, the politics and senate hearings, or the all out war, not to mention killing children...


Never mind it was because the originals were so much more mature with their teddy bears destroying and elite sabotage force to win the war, the seemingly impossible chance of any main character actually dieing to blaster fire ever and lets not forget the oh so loveable jawas.


Jawas= UTINNI!= Gone < thats about everything you get from them in the Originals

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In the end, they're Lucas' movies, and though many fans may not have liked some of his decisions, he set out to tell the story the way he wanted to tell it. It says a lot about a guy who dedicates his entire life and his own finances to telling one long story. He likened it to a marriage. Edited by xCyberpunkx
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The only thing I really disagreed with this was the Obi Wan - Anakin - Padme love triangle idea.


While Anakin is clearly what the prequels are all about, I agree that Episode I in itself should have been more about Obi Wan. There was basically no Obi Wan story development whatsoever.


I love the part about Toydarians, and how the movie lacked any sort of playfulness between characters. Not just forced GL dialogue.

Edited by TheCoug
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2 things i wish Episode 1 had was:


1. No Jar Jar binks and gungans - they are anoying


2. Last battle should be betwen Royal Naboo forces vs Battle droids



Everything else is good.


Actually, I think Gungangs and even Jar Jar could have stayed. Make them appear less stupid. Give Jar Jar a brain.


And I know one thing that bothers me, especially in hindsight? The big war boils down to clones vs droids? What kind of lame war is that to be remembered as a particular horrible past thing in the movis or the EU? It's terribly clean, there aren't any families losing their fathers and sons. Almost no "real" people die! Just faceless clone troopers and droids that don't even have their own mind, instead are remote operated. R2D2 and 3PO at least where individuals!


I mean, compare a few of the crucial battle scenes. In A New Hope, a squadron of X- and Y-Wings make their way to the death star and the exhaust port. We see people been shot down, people that meant something to Luke. In Phantom Menance, we only have Anakin blowing up a ship by accident. Not sure if anyone shot down we cared about it?

In Return of the Jedi, we see a Ewok (as "stuipd" as they are) crying over the realization that a a friend has died. In Phantom Menace, stupid robots get mowed down...


The Prequels mostly miss the human element. Either by not having it in the first place (dehumanized clones vs non-human robots) or by missing it metaphorically - displaying character relationships and development in unbelievable or unrelatable manners.


What if people who didnt enjoy something cut their losses, put it out of their minds and turn away from it forever instead of devoting so much energy into trying to convince others not to like it either.

I kinda want to actually see more of people's alternate prequel stories. How they would have done it. How would they have altered the Prequels to work, or how they would have done it ignoring the prequels. But then, that's just lame fan fiction, isn't it?

Edited by MustrumRidcully
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Well i for one, thought that Darth Maul was one of the best characters of the whole movie. he, at the time, was the complete opposite of how Darth Vader was. instead of being slow and easily force choking people, Maul is fast and an awesome light saber duelist. on top of that the race of Zabraks step from Maul being EP1, without maul those people would not be in SW canon.
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First off, while I am not a fan of the Prequels I also have to say I am not a fan of this video either. This is mainly because this guy has no points that he didn't rip off of Redlettermedia.


But I do want to address this though...


Firstly, Obi-wan can't be the replacement for Luke in the prequels. That is and always has to be Anakin, because the whole idea of parallels in story telling is to show how two people get presented with the same choice, and one chooses the right way (Luke) while the other chooses the wrong way (Anakin).


I get what you're saying, but if you look at the overall story of Star Wars it's about the fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. With so much talk of destiny in this movie I find it hard to believe the movie is actually about free choice. Lucas makes it perfectly clear in the PT and in interviews that everything was destined to happen, so Luke choosing one thing while Anakin chooses another s destiny and not due to free will. In all honesty I wish the story was about what you are now talking about and watching the OT and the movies made with a limited involvement by Lucas in particular (Episodes 5 and 6) seem to be leading the audience that way. The prequels and their midichlorians (cementing that there is even a biological destiny) blow that hypothesis clear out of the water. The story you presented is much more satisfying but the existence of the PT completely destroys that interpretation of the movies (which many people, like myself, held for a long time until Lucas made the PT and completely obliterated the themes I enjoyed in the OT).


That being the case, Anakin's redemption was told through his son's eyes, so his fall could be told through his teacher's eyes.

Edited by Nightspirit
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