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Any damage should break any CC! Balance the game Bioware


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Having all CC break on dmg is not a good solution.

Without cc, my inf shadow would be pretty sad

I'd like it better if there were fewer CCs (especially stuns), however.


An additional problem is one of the only areas of skill in the game is when to use and break cc.

Instead of just having everyone with a CC and a CC break, classes should have more varied and unique skills, but that would make the game harder to balance.

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Ok look at it this way.. I'm cc'd while carrying the huttball, or i'm cc'd next to a group of people.. all they have to do is attack me and im dead within a few seconds. Thats not fair. Thats not giving me a chance to do anything. This isn't about SM.. its about the nonbreakable CC in general, just take it out of the game, make it more balanced.


For god's sake learn to play a marauder. Not only is there a resolve bar to prevent excessive CC but you have a CC break, undying rage which...you know stops you from getting killed for its duration...a shield that blocks damage...force camo which makes you go poof and makes you dodge....oh and also...THE ABILITY TO PASS THE BALL....if you have the huttball and are surrounded by the other team...seems like a great time to toss the ball to someone who ISNT surrounded.


Also...marauders have an aoe stun...i actually never use it and am not sure if it works on players...might want to look into that one as well.


I agree that marauders have a whole ******** of stuff to manage and a full plate in pvp...its what makes then so fun and deadly/scoring machines in the right hands.


My only gripes with marauders take place on ilum during the 1FPS RvR where i really cant do much since it is almost always a ranged camp fight between two masses of players who refuse to charge eachother and actually fight...for ilum i wish we had a ranged "pull" skill so we could at least pull in some enemy players to us and fight.

Edited by Crunchyblack
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For god's sake learn to play a marauder. Not only is there a resolve bar to prevent excessive CC but you have a CC break, undying rage which...you know stops you from getting killed for its duration...a shield that blocks damage...force camo which makes you go poof and makes you dodge....oh and also...THE ABILITY TO PASS THE BALL....if you have the huttball and are surrounded by the other team...seems like a great time to toss the ball to someone who ISNT surrounded.


Also...marauders have an aoe stun...i actually never use it and am not sure if it works on players...might want to look into that one as well.


I agree that marauders have a whole ******** of stuff to manage and a full plate in pvp...its what makes then so fun and deadly/scoring machines in the right hands.


My only gripes with marauders take place on ilum during the 1FPS RvR where i really cant do much since it is almost always a ranged camp fight between two masses of players who refuse to charge eachother and actually fight.


The AoE fear works on players


-_- its really annoying also

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I'm really getting sick of this. My SM battlemaster doesnt get a CC that allows me too do my full damage without it breaking the CC. Now on the other hand an Inquistor gets to CC and do damage all day long and I can do nothing but take it. Tell me how thats fair in any way Bioware?


Can't really do that withouth a major overhaul to every class. But yes, long time ago, CC meant something, and most of it was broken on damage, so you actually had to think what to hit and when to use it. Nowadays it's just stuns and knockbacks for everyclasses because most people don't really have a pvp mindset and they prefer quantity of kills over quality of those kills.

Edited by Keldaur
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They are always on the top of the charts for dmg in warzones, I've seen some do 500k+ dmg. It isnt even about 1vs1 them.. its about being cc'd by them then getting hit by multiple enemies without it breaking the cc.. = insta death with no chance of living. Not fair in any way at all.


They have CC. You have burst. Once they run out of CC, they're dead. Mara/Sent was MADE to kill Sorcs. And I do know the class considering I play Sent too (and apparently, unlike you, I play it WELL)

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They have CC. You have burst. Once they run out of CC, they're dead. Mara/Sent was MADE to kill Sorcs. And I do know the class considering I play Sent too (and apparently, unlike you, I play it WELL)


Why are people around still talking about 1vs1 ? The game isn't about 1vs1 but 8vs8 or zerg vs zerg right now.

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Crowd control is obviously a major part of the skill set of each class. With multiple mobs in every PvE encounter, this matter had to be addressed early on. I would think their intention would be to have people transition seemlessly between PvP and PvE without rearranging skills on the hot bar etc..


Any stun/ root ability in PvP is a twisted debate for devs and the ultimate double edge sword for players. It's simply not fun when you are on the receiving end, and fiercely fun if you're dealing it out.


my feelings are old school. crowd control in most pen and paper/ other rpg games.. damage breaks root.. I prefer it that way myself. I see the debate being a major decision for the developers of any PvP game. BW made a decision and has probably reviewed the issue and found that the timing and selection of abilities reflects a more realistic approach to combat in their designed universe. The use and timing of the critical abilities often make all the difference. When do you try to survive with longer cooldown abilities etc..


I play a trooper and I get to unload 2 rounds per cryo grenade, but it certainly doesn't compare to the sith electrocution where if I have used my tenacity, i'm stuck and just watching the life get drained out of me. Certainly the overabundance of inquisitors brings the issue to the forefront. A bad night of PvP against sorc heavy teams will drive you crazy and may send some to the forums, but there will be those times when you catch them and expose their glass cannon nature.


Bottomline for me is that overall this game is fun. I have been a lifelong Star Wars universe fan and I enjoy my time playing. If I didn't I wouldn't waste my time, not moan and groan. But often a vocal forum gets results, so I don't begrudge the "vocal" for their efforts.

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Why are people around still talking about 1vs1 ? The game isn't about 1vs1 but 8vs8 or zerg vs zerg right now.


Where did I say 1v1? Every class has a role on a team. Sentinel is huge burst with some good team utility (depending on spec). It is NOT a CC class. That's for the others on your team.


Edit: and besides, when I can CC an entire 8 man rez wave for 6 seconds, I'm pretty sure the class is ok...if people are breaking it, that's not a class problem, it's a people are stupid problem. Sorry that the skill cap for the class is above some people's IQ/Skill level, but that's how it is.

Edited by dschlan
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Where did I say 1v1? Every class has a role on a team. Sentinel is huge burst with some good team utility (depending on spec). It is NOT a CC class. That's for the others on your team.


Edit: and besides, when I can CC an entire 8 man rez wave for 6 seconds, I'm pretty sure the class is ok...if people are breaking it, that's not a class problem, it's a people are stupid problem.


You can do that as sage/sorc (if you want me to tell you how i will), gunslinger/sniper, operative/scoundrel, juggernaut/guardian. Ofc, people breaks it because they are stupid, that's why there a lot of stuns, so stupid people can play lowering the skill ceiling.


Where's the huge burst btw ? Annhilation has nice damage, but it's burst (which isn't huge) needs to fuel up.

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You can do that as sage/sorc (if you want me to tell you how i will), gunslinger/sniper, operative/scoundrel, juggernaut/guardian. Ofc, people breaks it because they are stupid, that's why there a lot of stuns, so stupid people can play lowering the skill ceiling.


Where's the huge burst btw ? Annhilation has nice damage, but it's burst (which isn't huge) needs to fuel up.


Um the huge burst? It's in the class...most Sents/Maras are bad but the class has huge burst. I can drop people to 30% (often lower) in 4 GCDs without adrenals and relics. Plus it can be sustained easily. Sent utility: Some healing, Movement +Armor buff/+15% dmg and healing boost and the ONLY heal debuff in the game. Sniper doesn't have that, they're a glass cannon. Operative has burst but no way to sustain damage. Sage/Sorc has no burst, just sustained/AoE, which is extremely easy to heal through. Juggs have more control, fewer defensive CDs and lower damage (depending on spec).


Sentinel is fine. If anything it's one of the top classes. Stop crying and go work on getting better people.

Edited by dschlan
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They are always on the top of the charts for dmg in warzones, I've seen some do 500k+ dmg. It isnt even about 1vs1 them.. its about being cc'd by them then getting hit by multiple enemies without it breaking the cc.. = insta death with no chance of living. Not fair in any way at all.


Yes this is a HUGE ADVANTAGE THAT IS VERY OP. It allows this one class to rule PVP.

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OK, so, a marauder and operative will rip to pieces a sorc in seconds- there, group balance, GG.


Not since they nerfed the Scrapper 3 times.

1. Lowered Burst to a sad state. But is was over powered, the 20% extra was over nerf.

2. They again nerfed output when they nerfed Surg our main stat.

3. They again nerfed output with what they called "Adjustments".


So no the Scrapper is no longer a counter to the Sorc any more we run out of juice and get CCed to death as we were nerfed into the dirt.

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Not since they nerfed the Scrapper 3 times.

1. Lowered Burst to a sad state. But is was over powered, the 20% extra was over nerf.

2. They again nerfed output when they nerfed Surg our main stat.

3. They again nerfed output with what they called "Adjustments".


So no the Scrapper is no longer a counter to the Sorc any more we run out of juice and get CCed to death as we were nerfed into the dirt.


Sorry your class got too hard for you bro. I know plenty of Scoundrels/Ops who still tear most players apart. Your burst got nerfed (btw Surge nerf DID hit everyone, that point is moot), but you can chain CC now, which is equally good. You can still burst if you aren't in lvl 45 greens...again, sorry your class isn't as faceroll anymore and that you might actually have to learn to play.

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I think some people need to L2P


this watchmen makes me want to play a watchmen (also his commentary on tracer missle is amazing)








Seriously people need to L2P

Yay! Another voice of reason!

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I like the part on the scoundrel pvp vid where he puts little comments on what hes doing





"positioning for knockback"



Seriously how many of these whingers ever take the meta aspect of the game into account.


Apparently like .001% or some such

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Sorry your class got too hard for you bro. I know plenty of Scoundrels/Ops who still tear most players apart. Your burst got nerfed (btw Surge nerf DID hit everyone, that point is moot), but you can chain CC now, which is equally good. You can still burst if you aren't in lvl 45 greens...again, sorry your class isn't as faceroll anymore and that you might actually have to learn to play.


Surg is not a moot point if did not affect many class including not much of a effect on Sorc.


On the other hand it is our main stat as a burst class, so yea more then a little moot point.


And no I am not in greens nor was the Scrapper ever a faceroll class as it requires more skill then Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile...


We are not a 1 button class like many are. Much more planing and setup to do any damage.

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Surg is not a moot point if did not affect many class including not much of a effect on Sorc.


On the other hand it is our main stat as a burst class, so yea more then a little moot point.


And no I am not in greens nor was the Scrapper ever a faceroll class as it requires more skill then Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile...


We are not a 1 button class like many are. Much more planing and setup to do any damage.


Dear Sir


Just watch the scoundrel pvp video I linked earlier. He seems to have no problem what so ever taking people on 1v1 1v2 and even 1v3. The class still has tons of burst. Also when played skillfully the class can still do what it was designed to do. Be a hard counter to sorcs and get in take the kill and bail right out.


Also as a sage I can assure you that surge was also a major nerf to me. In my healing gear i went from 35% crit 90% surge to 35% crit 65% surge. I experienced almost a similar effect for my dps specs (dont forget that dots can crit so are affected by surge.)

Edited by Maleficium
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Surg is not a moot point if did not affect many class including not much of a effect on Sorc.


On the other hand it is our main stat as a burst class, so yea more then a little moot point.


And no I am not in greens nor was the Scrapper ever a faceroll class as it requires more skill then Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile, Tracer Missile...


We are not a 1 button class like many are. Much more planing and setup to do any damage.


Oh, sorry, a 2 button class. And Surge is a primary stat for other classes too, such as Sentinel. It isn't just you.


Seriously, Ops were faceroll before, Scoundrels in my guild were complaining that it was TOO easy. As for positioning...stealth...I heard that makes positioning easy. Again, sorry that your class has gone above your skill/intelligence. I recommend Runescape as a suitable alternative.

Edited by dschlan
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I'm really getting sick of this. My SM battlemaster doesnt get a CC that allows me too do my full damage without it breaking the CC. Now on the other hand an Inquistor gets to CC and do damage all day long and I can do nothing but take it. Tell me how thats fair in any way Bioware?
Rather than making all CC break on damage, what they need to do is make damage taken while stunned increase your Resolve.


That prevents the stunlock deaths that are too frequent for a game that wasn't meant to have stunlock mechanics.

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Oh, sorry, a 2 button class. And Surge is a primary stat for other classes too. It isn't just you. Seriously, Ops were faceroll before, Scoundrels in my guild were complaining that it was TOO easy. As for positioning...stealth...I heard that makes positioning easy. Again, sorry that your class has gone above your skill/intelligence. I recommend Runescape as a suitable alternative.


My scoundrel friend that I pvp with was predicting a nerf before it even happened. When we first started pvping at 50 we used to laugh while we were playing Civil war. All he would do was go over there jump anyone (he really liked being able to kill jugs during the initial stun) and kill them. If there was more than 1 person then he would take his kill and run away killing more people while I dumped heals into him.


The OP/Scoundrel was designed to be a stealth class that needed to pick and choose targets not run around getting free kills all nimbly bimbly.

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