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Why Play Empire? (Dark Side)


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Turning a group of force users to the dark side, instead of killing them, is dark side, I don't care what the 150 light side points say....


That quest made me hate Taris.


*shrug* My character thought that them ending up as Darkside Force users was an inevitable conclusion, and that they were simply being enslaved by the Jedi. I freed them from that and let them go about their lives in peace. If they ever decided to repay my mercy, they'd be a benefit to the Empire.

Edited by terminova
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doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?


In real life yes...but this isn't real life. I play games for escapism. I can't be an evil bastard in real life so I do it in the game...just to have fun. I don't want to be a goody two shoes in game...because I'm normally a good guy in real life.

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Turning a group of force users to the dark side, instead of killing them, is dark side, I don't care what the 150 light side points say....


That quest made me hate Taris.


I disagree.


By turning them dark side, you've unlocked their journey to freedom.


The end goal of the Sith way of life is limitless personal freedom.


Bringing that to another is definitely a show of good.

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"I'm paying a sub for this game and I want some reasons why would people choose to play the Dark Side? I mean, pardon me if my belief is not matching with yours, doesn't everyone wants to be the good guy, save the universe, and peace comes all along?"



"However, I personally find killing innocent people very cruel and I usually want like a "good" bad guy, if you guys get what I'm saying, like a crazy Light Sided Sith Warrior."


My honest answer to this? No. I can literally picture that if I lived in the SW universe, I would not be the person I am right now. Yes, there would be conflict of my own interest at times, but I would not "save the universe", at least- not in the way you would expect it. I used to RP a lot in JA and I had this one character, for which my forum name is named after and I Rp'd him exactly how I would be if I was in that situation. I killed..A LOT. Not just because he was a Sith, but because of stupidity and for the sake of this "Balance" that everyone craves. I asked myself, how is it balance if the Jedi win and the Sith are dead? Also, vice-versa. How is it Balance if the Sith win and the Jedi are dead. There is always some level of dominance. So what did my character decide to do? If everyone is too stupid to understand the fundamental concept of what "Balance" means, then they are all too stupid to be in their situation. As such, I single-handedly orchestrated the downfall of the Jedi, Sith, Empire, and Republic. Why? If no one is able to understand the concept of "Balance" then you FORCE balance on them by destroying them all and resetting the tables back to zero, the ultimate balance.


In this universe, it is true. Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Peace is just you forcing your will on to others and making them submit whether willingly or unwillingly. All subject by their own emotions. Your emotions are what drive you to be better, and stronger. Through Passion, I gain Strength. Seeing a trend here? The Sith Code makes sense.


So.. I choose the Dark Side, because it is the only side that makes sense to me. You don't hide behind the false hope of peace or a brighter future when as you can clearly tell from history, peace doesn't last. It is survival of the fittest. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Edited by DarthSoverus
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LOL, I don't like the empire and the "evil" empire thing. I play a SI as one of my characters because I find it to be a lot more powerful than my JC. I know that they are supposed to be mirror classes and may be crazy, but my SI just kills things faster and so seems to take a lot less damage.
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I'm really missing the point of this post... do you want to know why other people play on the "Dark Side"? Or do you want people to convince you to play on the "Dark Side"?


Answer for the first part: Because I like it.

Answer for the second part: I don't care what side you play on.

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I started out as a dark sided Sith but grew to hate the choices I made. I created another Sith Inquisitor and play her as a light sided Sith---her sister is still running around making horrible choices but will eventually retire to her ship and become a hermit to just craft. I've thought about deleting her and eventually might but have time and credits invested in her and she is nearing max level in crafting.


Hubby and I started off with the intention of playing Republic so created Empire characters during the beta and he was absolutely hooked on the story. You can still be a good person and make compassionate choices along the way as an Empire character. I tend to play my light sided Sith in a rational way. If someone is truely evil and needs to be put down, I will on occasion pick a dark choice over the light one if it means sparing the person and letting them live to continue their destruction. I like the personal choices and feel pretty good about my character. I think that the Sith are less constrained by conventions. I don't like the back stabbing and survival of the fittest amongst the Sith but find the stories quite engaging.


We will eventually get around to playing Republic characters on another server but still have so much to do on the Empire side yet.

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People play the dark side for many reasons, for example most teenagers like being bad guys instead of good guys, because as a rule, most media is always written from the point of view of the good guy.


Take the star wars films, the jedi are good and the sith are bad. If you played KOTOR, in the sith academy in korriban you get to know sith that are real bad, but also some that are decent, and when they explain to you the sith code and how it works, well it makes sense. It isn´t black and white like in the films.


Many republic characters prefer to take harsh actions, for example kill a dangerous criminal instead of letting him go to save innocents. That would be considered a "dark side" action in the game, but it isn´t your typical "evil for the sake of it" action.


When you play empire, specially sith, you have options that are pure evil, like abusing your powers to harm others (sometimes more or less innocent). But you also get other choices to be harsh, take revenge in your own hands (instead of trusting others to fix things), eliminating potential threats instead of letting them go and bite your *** later etc.


So as you see, you can be "evil" for the sake of it, in a sadistic kind of way, or you can simply be harsh and ruthless, not letting your enemies escape and taking the more pragmatic option.

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Turning a group of force users to the dark side, instead of killing them, is dark side, I don't care what the 150 light side points say....


That quest made me hate Taris.


Choosing to save an entire colony of refugees instead of killing them all in cold blood is Light Side.


Light Side Sith is light side.


And all you did on Taris was give them a choice that they didn't have in the first place. It turned out they'd rather be dark side.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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