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Underpowered Healing


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I'm sure this has been posted somewhere, but healing seems so underwhelming. I'm a 46 sage leveling as heal spec and it's frustrating that at low health, an equal level strong mob can out damage a healing trance with rejuvenate ticking to drop me.


In another instance, most of the time, in order to keep a companion alive I have to spam heals. It's almost like my NPC companion is experiencing the game while I help them out.


I'm not QQing too hard, I did level 1-46 as healing spec, and enjoy it for the most part. I'm mainly surprised that there isn't healing topic on the front page. Maybe that means I'm off base, but I'd like to read some opinions from those more knowledgeable.

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There is nothing weak or underpowered about sage healing. That's the reason you don't see posts about it. If you're having issues with a single, same-level strong mob, it's on you, not the class. Edited by iNcEpXn
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I leveled 1-50 as Seer and, though I'm sure it took me longer to kill things, I never felt underpowered. Our heals are strong and versatile, and our dps is OK.


What companion are you using, and how well do you maintain its gear? Gear makes a huge difference in this game.


I also don't use HT much to keep my pet up while solo'ing. I don't need the free NS proc usually, and I'd rather just land one big, Rejuv-hasted Deliverance so I can get back to dps'ing.


I used Qyzen almost exclusively. I kept him geared up (not twinked, just level-appropriately geared). Bubble and drop Rejuv on him for the HoT + armor buff before the pull, and he rarely needs more than one heal, unless it is against a strong. That frees me to mostly dps, so I am not just spectating while he does all the work.


I never warmed up to Iresso. Since he's a ranged tank, the mobs always seem to end up scattered around, interfering with my ability to mow them down with Forcequake.


Many people use Nadia once they get her, as she can have pretty good dps. I found that Nadia gave me the spectator feeling, so I put her away. She kills faster than Lizardo, but she's squishy, so I spent most of my time trying to keep her alive. Also, the time saved during the pulls was added back in regen time between pulls.

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Are you using ALL your heals? I ask cause once we receive Healing Trance, are able to proc a 1.4 second delieverance, and the AoE heal people tend to forget about benevolence.


Also take into account that at later levels DoTs become more frequent in PvE (they are always there in PvP) and as such it is really a must to get the full DoT removal skill. Make sure you are utilizing your full arsenal of healing abilities including the support abilities like stun, force armor, and interrupts.

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I found that when I started to struggle was when Qyzen's gear fell behind more than 3 levels or so. As a seer spec all the way you aren't up front and you are supporting your comp but I don't see this as any different than if you were leveling with friends. Sage healing is really powerful; certainly moreso than my scoundrel so far.
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Hey now, my eq1 magician's earth pet allowed me to play the game w/o worrying about it getting 4 shot every fight.


i necro for 1999 EQ. and i slurped any mana rods -pixiy sticks -yumm. But I dissagree: With getting bored with the sagel i have had all my Star Was "moments"



Remember, he's just a shield for you that provides s nice physical dot.


oh yesh, I control him a well bit in the 2+ Heroics


Anyway, hope your enjoyment factor improves


(heck, i rerolled 22 because I hated his face - I was too excited to plsy it character creation)


Good Luck!!!

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I'm having a hard time to imagine why you have problems. You don't give any kind of information to analyse the situation, e.g.:

  • Which mobs do you have the most problems with?
  • Which companion do you use?
  • Is the companion's gear level and stat appropriate?
  • Do you have any companion skills switched off?
  • What gear do you use, is it level and class appropriate?
  • Which skill "rotation" do you use?
  • How did you spend your skill points?
  • Did you forget to upgrade any abilities?



Since the level we got Forcequake (30 something?) I was just jumping into the mobs and spamming Forcequake with a tanky companion like Qyzen or Iresso to grab as much aggro as they could so the channel got less slowed/interrupted. In mixed strength mob groups, once only the silver/elite mobs were left standing, I then finished them off with single target damage. Shielding companion and myself and stunning/lifting/interrupting mobs whenever I felt like it.

The only time spent healing the companion was after combat, if I could not use the vehicle or did not feel like resummoning the companion, or if I pulled adds, or when soloing champions.

Edited by Nepumuk
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Healing for sages is anything but underwhelming. When i got Zenith at 36 or 37, I packed up Qyzen, geared Zenith out with the best gear I could make or afford, and went to town. As the previous poster said, Forcequake made things easy. I set him on single target damage and turned off his aoes, I force armor both of us, force lifted the strongest mob, strategically place forcequake to avoid hitting that one, and zenith sniped off the rest. Once the weaker mobs were all dead, I'd top off our life and then kill the lifted mob. It was far more fun fighting like that than it was to stand back and heal qyzen, even though it would have been just as easy to forcequake and send him wading in with techblade. Tip! Mobs do less damage when they can't stand cause the ground is shaking under them!
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yeah have to agree with the majority of responses that sage healing is very powerful. if you're having trouble with the content it sounds like you have fallen behind with your gearing. there are difficulty spikes at certain points in the 40s which require you to keep on top of gearing for both you and your companions.
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I'm sure this has been posted somewhere, but healing seems so underwhelming. I'm a 46 sage leveling as heal spec and it's frustrating that at low health, an equal level strong mob can out damage a healing trance with rejuvenate ticking to drop me.


In another instance, most of the time, in order to keep a companion alive I have to spam heals. It's almost like my NPC companion is experiencing the game while I help them out.


I'm not QQing too hard, I did level 1-46 as healing spec, and enjoy it for the most part. I'm mainly surprised that there isn't healing topic on the front page. Maybe that means I'm off base, but I'd like to read some opinions from those more knowledgeable.


Qyzen should eat what strong mobs dish out for breakfast. Sounds like a companion gear-issue to me - not a healing one.


I'd concentrate on getting his shield rating and absorb raiting a lot higher, and that will solve your problems.

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