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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thursday Morning Wrath


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Alternate-Universe Cipher here; just found this little gem of a thread yesterday and promptly read it all.


I share in the opinion of one earlier commentator: at first the style was a bit jarring, but quickly grew on me. The characters and their quirky antics were most enjoyable to read about; and quite an interesting perspective change from the my-reality Wrath that I spot for on occasion. She has absolutely no connection with Quinn; and instead on any opportunity that arises, tries to end his life. Perhaps the lack of having any man is what drives her highly violent tendencies?


Either way; I applaud your writing sir, your advice early in has sparked a tiny flame for story creation that I thought had long since died out. Best of luck to you on your interview an-- wait; Ohio? Dear lord that is dangerously close to my own location... I'd best keep my head down, there is Wrath afoot.


See that's funny, because I thought I wrote better in the start and then got lazy. character development counts for a lot, Anastasia Steele. I'll keep that in mind.


Also I was only in Ohio for like 2 hours, playing Moon Breakers in the terminal. connecting flight to Providence.

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(I am from Germany, so please excuse any weird mistakes, my english got a little rusty over the years... )


I just stumbled over this thread yesterday and tried to translate it simultaniously for my boyfriend (who speaks no english at all) - i could not, because i had to laugh so hard. He rather enjoyed watching the tears streaming down my face from time to time, though.


i do love my toons with their great storylines in SWToR (Empire only!!), but I really fell for all your characters, too.


Thank You! I really, really hope that you got that job. But anyway: go sell that damn book, you are an awesome writer!

Edited by Milchmaus
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Hey Doozer,

long time reader first time poster here. I've been reading this on and off for a fair while now unable to knock it all out or keep up to date with it for various reason, and it saddens me that it has come to end, but never the less I loved it all. Thanks for posting and giving me some TOR related Fan Fic I could really get into that was something a little different from the norm.


I loved it all, thanks for the effort and good luck with your future, you'll be sorely missed.

Very cool stuff. :jawa_cool:

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