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Please! Nerf the imp agents "backstab" attack.


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Stun lock is annoying b/c I dont think resolve is actuating properly, but, Ops are definitely not op. It sounds like more of a L2p issue.


It's because good ops let resolve drain a little before their next stun so they can keep you locked out rather than filling your resolve instantly and making you immune to cc for a while

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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!


Whahahahahhahaahahahha! Oh, you are too funny! Wait, you're serious, excuse me while I laugh even harder.

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Agents dont use 1 move, they have like 4 moves that they can use in cycle and one that ignores the GCD that adds a lot of armor pen and internal damage to a hit.


My only concern is that they dont really seem to blow through action points after stabbing someone with about 10 or more moves. its not easy to survive that long through their knife barrage but like the energizer bunnies they just keep going and going.


Operatives can kill tanks pretty quick I can only imagine what they do to squishies. I'm not going to call for a nerf before i actually play one but I understand why people are upset about their burst damage potential.

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Agents dont use 1 move, they have like 4 moves that they can use in cycle and one that ignores the GCD that adds a lot of armor pen and internal damage to a hit.


My only concern is that they dont really seem to blow through action points after stabbing someone with about 10 or more moves. its not easy to survive that long through their knife barrage but like the energizer bunnies they just keep going and going.


Operatives can kill tanks pretty quick I can only imagine what they do to squishies. I'm not going to call for a nerf before i actually play one but I understand why people are upset about their burst damage potential.


Clearly you have no experience with pvp in this game, Operatives/Scoundrels have some of the worst action management in the game, and they don't have significant armor penetration, they have the least amount of armor penetration capability amongst all classes with access to some form of it. Not to mention their armor pen only applies to 2 attacks, one if they are fighting out of stealth.

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I rerolled sorc after getting bored with my operative.


As an operative post nerf I felt quite impotent. Sure I could still one-on-one and win most battles but it was a lot of work, a lot more chasing around and overall dps was gimped.


As a sorc I just cc the operative and run away, its only marauders that I fear the most.

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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!


First of all, Backstab cannot be "spammed", it has a cooldown.


Secondly, this. This was a major nerf for Operatives and Scoundrels. What they don't tell you in the patch notes is precisely where those figures were before:


Acid Blade/Flechette Round: Reduced to 30% armor penetration from 50%.

Jarring Strike/KO: Stun reduced to 1.5 seconds from 3.0 seconds. That's a 50% nerf.

Hidden Strike/Shoot First: Damage reduced a blanket 20%


We're not talking about subtle tweeks here... 40% overall drop in Operative/Scoundrel burst damage from the openning blow. And you think Backstab is overpowered?


learn to play, seriously.

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The Imp > Operative in question likely used the several knife attacks available to him, one of which is a CC. There is no way you can blame this solely on the backstab attack because the cool down time for that is much too long to spam it. He just rocked his Vibrobalde and you didn't react in time to stop him. Standard PvP situation. Working as intended. No nerfs necessary.


Working as intended?


Folks get wise to such nonsense.


This class is over the top, can farm at will when played correctly (thank god 9 out of 10 have no clue), regardless of what the attacked player does.


If that is working as intended, I'll take my money elsewhere, because it is total rubbish.


And yes, you CAN have my stuff.

Edited by HoosierDuke
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Working as intended?


Folks get wise to such nonsense.


This class is over the top, can farm at will when played correctly (thank god 9 out of 10 have no clue), regardless of what the attacked player does.


If that is working as intended, I'll take my money elsewhere, because it is total rubbish.


And yes, you CAN have my stuff.


l2p issue


operatives are hardly a threat, not many of them left either post nerf

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First of all, Backstab cannot be "spammed", it has a cooldown.


Secondly, this. This was a major nerf for Operatives and Scoundrels. What they don't tell you in the patch notes is precisely where those figures were before:


Acid Blade/Flechette Round: Reduced to 30% armor penetration from 50%.

Jarring Strike/KO: Stun reduced to 1.5 seconds from 3.0 seconds. That's a 50% nerf.

Hidden Strike/Shoot First: Damage reduced a blanket 20%


We're not talking about subtle tweeks here... 40% overall drop in Operative/Scoundrel burst damage from the openning blow. And you think Backstab is overpowered?


learn to play, seriously.

Not to mention the surge nerf taking away 10% of our top end dps as well.

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From stealth, a good Concealment Operative activates Acid Blade before initiating combat using Hidden Strike. My Hidden Strike is bound to E.


From the first blow, a good Concealment Operative activates Stim Boost IMMEDIATELY to begin recovering lost energy over time. Without it an Operative cannot sustain combat for any substantial time.


For tanks, a good Concealment Operative saves their Adrenal Probe for that inevitable moment they run out of energy. Mind you, Adrenal Probe has a lovely cool down on it.


I won't lie, I'm one of those gifted Operatives who attacks anything with confidence. I'm good at what I do. But it doesn't mean I don't lose. It doesn't mean it didn't take a lot of work to get my keybinds just right to have my Distraction right where I need it to interrupt you pesky Sages/Inquisitors from healing.


I learned to play my class against specific classes through trial and error. I only have ONE toon: My operative. I have mastered her from top to bottom. You all should do the same.

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LOL SAYS THE KID WITH 638464 oh sh** buttons


And a sprint.



Try not having all those carebear dmg reduction abilities and tell me they're ok


Try learning to play period. You play the ultimate carebear class and a jugg and still get owned by a op. Do yourself a favor and just hit the cancel sub button. You don't belong in any mmo.

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Please Bioware it's time to nefr Imp agents "backstab" attack. It's been OP since the game released and it's still. Was playing pvp for about 5 mins ago and a imp agent was sneaking up on me in stealth. He stunned me and kill me 4 secs. I didn't even get out of the stun and he used only one ability. The "backstab" OPattack.


I'm fully champion geared, it's possible that he had fully BM or something but should you really go down so fast? No other class in the whole game can take down a player that quick in pvp.


So please! Nerf attack!! ASAP!


Class gets nerfed into the ground and is barely viable anymore.


People still complain it's OP.

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Just remember these are the players that can't handle a straight up in your face fight. They're the ones that need to start every fight with at least 3 things in their favor and even when that's not enough they get their "I quit" insta combat vanish wuss button. Stealth, CC, high dps, heal, insta vanish and more. This takes true skill to excel at. /sarcasm

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I don't know. But he killed by only using that attack and spaming it. But I've been up against "glitchers", hackers before so it's possible that was the problem.


But I know that the attack has been pissing me off before. But this time really got me angry. Couldn't do a ****....


And I guess you can't read...I was stunned for the whole time. Let me know what you would do if you would be in the same situation. And also the imparing remove ability was on CD. So give me a good answer


Considering the backstab attack has a 9 second cooldown, I doubt he spammed it. You are lieing, it's as simple as that. You are mad because you got rolled by one of the few decent Op/Scoundrals around and want them nerfed again.


#1 How do you know he was the ONLY person hitting you? (No combat log, no proof)


#2 He is not "spamming" backstab, even if he stuns you twice (opener + 4 second stun) he can't use backstab twice.


#3 If you are full champion and he killed you without you reacting, then you weren't paying attention.


#4 And this is where the money is $L2P$

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Every class has an ability to get out of CC. Try using it when you need it most.


The Imp > Operative in question likely used the several knife attacks available to him, one of which is a CC. There is no way you can blame this solely on the backstab attack because the cool down time for that is much too long to spam it. He just rocked his Vibrobalde and you didn't react in time to stop him. Standard PvP situation. Working as intended. No nerfs necessary.


And btw, the Smuggler > Scoundrel can do the same damn thing. :cool:






Go get a Scrapper and a Operative and have them duel.




The Backstab animation is quick and allows a Operative to always win a duel against the mirror class Scrapper.


And that is ONLY 1 ANIMATION!


Sabotage Charge is another example of favoritism as the Operative just flicks wrist and the mirror Scrapper is much slower and has to wait for the ANIMATIONS TO FINISH.


Oh then we have the stun Dirty Kick that can not be done on the run like Operative mirror version can.


Something needs to be leveled out as a MIRROR SHOULD BE A MIRROR.

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