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It just sucks...


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i'm a 18hour student and I also work 30 hours a week. Restaurants are always hiring.. gotta work where u can
Yeah. The fast food industry is a pretty good place to look because the work sucks so there's always a fairly high turnover rate. Yeah the work is terrible and the hours can be annoying but it'll give you a nice boost in funds.


My fiancee and I run a web development and hosting business along with a computer building and repair business so we're able to keep afloat as students without resorting to terrible jobs. I also work in the IT department of my university so that supplements our income.


There are usually some form of work study for students which can help you out. While you'll only get around 15-19 hours it's still a nice sum of money to help you out.

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Well I'm a full time student and yeah tried to get a job but so far no luck.


I'm in the same boat as you, OP. To all the people saying "get a job", it's not that easy as a full time student. I'm 100 bucks away from being able to upgrade my own PC, and that keeps turning into food money. I already have all the parts... just need the motherboard. I tell you, it's frustrating.

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It's called get a job, unless you are 14 years old it shouldn't be hard, make a resume, leave it at a bunch of places and someone should eventually call you back, then you can buy your new PC without being angry or frustrated.


Its also called bills, as an adult you have them and they some times don't leave you with money for other things. When you have house repayments, power bills, kids school fees, a car that requires petrol and services, internet bill, phone bills (both home and mobile), groceries and the 50 million (I realize this is exaggeration, but you get the point) bills that crop up, you don't always have $1000 - $1500, to put towards a new PC.


So unless you live at home/don't have any responsibility's and don't pay any of these bills (or earn more money than the average person, in which case good on you), its not always easy to just come up with money for the things you want because the things you NEED take precedence. So Please don't make condescending comments like the above. You don't know an individuals circumstances, so don't presume to.

Edited by Jaymanus
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All great recommendations. Only problem is I only have cash and I have to get a monitor and speakers as well since coming from an iMac that was included. We have a compusa here in town and that's what I used years ago to build my last pc. Just don't know if it's worth it.
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Well some things came up now I only have about 820 dollars which I can't build a decent pc for that. Only piece I would have is my mouse I bought. I'd need monitor and speakers and a wireless network card since I'm no where near the router. I just guess I'm gonna keep playing on this 6 year old pos.
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I have an AMD FX6100 and it runs just fine. I think AMD is a better buy for the money imho.


I have that same processor with a GTX 560 ti 2gb, 8gb DDR3, and I can't get above 40fps in warzones. This game is ****.

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Went to best buy to see about getting a new pc but I only have 950 to spend. The total came to 1060. Mind you I'm running this game on a 6 year old iMac because it's all I have. Love te game but it runs like crap. Still manage to have fun most of the time when I'm not slowed down to a frame a second. Guess I'm just writing this because I'm sad and frustrated.


First mistake is going to a box store to purchase a computer. I custom built my desktop through a computer store about 2 years ago - spent about an extra $200 but the performance is far superior and EVERYTHING is upgradeable. Unlike most pre-configured systems like those coming out of HP, DELL / Alienware ...etc.

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Went to best buy to see about getting a new pc but I only have 950 to spend. The total came to 1060. Mind you I'm running this game on a 6 year old iMac because it's all I have. Love te game but it runs like crap. Still manage to have fun most of the time when I'm not slowed down to a frame a second. Guess I'm just writing this because I'm sad and frustrated.




I bought a gateway system from best buy when this came out for like 400 and it runs the game just fine. I'm even using the on board video card. I play with everything on high except shaders are low and shadows are off. Res is 1024 by 720 or something similar. My normal FPS is around 30 on most planets and in WZ and fleet it's around 15-20, but honestly, I don't mind. It never freezes or stutters as that frame rate is in the very least, steady.



When people says stuff like "And sometimes, my FPS drops as low as 30FPS!!" like the game is unplayable at 30FPS, it kills me.

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TOR runs like **** on high-end systems too so don't feel bad. You'll feel worse in a month when you're already sick of this game, wondering why you just dropped a grand on a new computer for it.


No it doesn't high end systems run it fine (they get pushed to the max that is true) but the game runs smoothly.


My system:

i7 930 2.8ghz @ 3.7ghz (OC)

12gb 1333 mhz ram

geforce gtx 480 (with customer cooler) @ 820mhz core clock. (OC)


But honestly.... Arkham City, Battlefield I run all these on max and my system is barely being nudged, but when I log into TOR I can hear the fans going nuts cuz of how much my system is being pushed and the graphics look like something from the 90's.... I wanna love tor but seriously..!

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Ok, a couple things.


First, build your own comp. Much cheaper. For $800 you can have an excellent build. Check out the budget builds on Tom's Hardware. I just upgraded my own computer for about $300 and it runs TOR fine, though I've got many things turned down because I don't feel like taxing the system.


Second, you don't need credit to buy the parts to build a computer. Go get a prepaid Visa or Amex giftcard or the like, put your money on that, and buy your parts. You should probably have a bank account though, so maybe you need to focus on important things, not a game. Just saying. If TOR is playable, then great, focus on your education/employment/money handling. When you're 30, that will matter much more to you than the fun you had playing TOR now.

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All great recommendations. Only problem is I only have cash and I have to get a monitor and speakers as well since coming from an iMac that was included. We have a compusa here in town and that's what I used years ago to build my last pc. Just don't know if it's worth it.


There are now many ways to use 'cash' to buy online stuff.


When I need to buy online I just turn my cash into a prepaid credit card from a store or place like Moneymart. You pay a bit more then what you get but that's the same as paying interest anyways.


Also go through my bank account using paypal and now some vendors will do debit just like if you were using a card.


When I got my computer from NCIX.com I paid for it directly out of an account using 'bill payment' just like you would for a phone or hydro bill. A lot more companies are doing this sort of thing now.

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