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Quinn! How could you!?!?


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We had a serious bro'mance going.


I was your Paulie D. You were my Vinnie. I would have hit a grenade for you, bro.



And then I took you with me to that ship before going to Correllia.



I don't even want to GTL with you any more. How could you do me like that, bro?

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This really should be in the class storyline thread with spoiler tags, however, I wish honestly they had given me a chance to permently pay him back, no one pulls that **** on me, I'd rather be short a man than have to accept him back. I specced anni from carnage simply for the self heals, cause i will use medpacks before ever letting him do anything other than run lvl 1 crew skills, suck it QUINN
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I was extremely disappointed that there was no "kill the traitor" dialogue choice.


Bioware made the choice a while ago during beta that they weren't gonna let people cut off a limb essentially by banishing/killing/abandoning a companion.


I'd def dump Lord Scourge (the previous Wrath!) my Knight's companion out the airlock if I could. He made some comment that if I had a child he would make sure it was trained "properly" in the ways of the Force. Wanted to kill him where he stood.

Edited by ShiroRX
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