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Purple Crystals for Republic. Still no response from Devs!


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Ignoring how silly this is gameplaywise (hf doing PvP that way):


Well then it is easy, everyone sticks to the color of his initial lightsaber, because changing the crystal constantly isnt supported by lore also.

Now you can go on and complain that the storylines of jedi dont grant you the ability to choose your color from the start.



They are changing mods so you can put your PvP stuff in your favorite orange lightsaber soon. :)



Yes I agree that the MMO model that SWTOR follows isn't going to allow you to have exactly the same lightsaber, but you can keep the visual elements, the hilt and colour.


Or as I said choose one you like (within the current limits).



But again where in that does it mean that no one can care about the colour of their lightsaber as suggested?

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Ignoring how silly this is gameplaywise (hf doing PvP that way):

I wouldn't be so sure if 20 points of difference in one stat would really make any notable difference in PvP. Besides: you can upgrade saber all day long while keeping the visuals.

Perhaps if you are total min-maxer than you switch colors every moment you happen to put your hands on better-stats crystal, but let's not go too far with this.

Now you can go on and complain that the storylines of jedi dont grant you the ability to choose your color from the start.

It actually does.

You can obtain color crystal long before getting a lightsaber than craft hilt and put the color crystal inside. So you can run with a chosen color crystal right from the beginning (ofq. it's in limited scope - magenta or cyan crystals are locked from you but still: it's possible).

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Yup if you genuinely absolutely don't care what colour your Jedi/Sith lightsaber is, then I don't see how you can really be invested in the character, SW theme or game, given how integeral it is.


It'd be like playing LOTRO and not caring if people could play Balrogs.


Your business model would fail miserably. I suppose the 10,000 thousand other things in game are worthless....It's all about the color...


Astounding....that you can decide for someone how much they are "into" a game.

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Your business model would fail miserably. I suppose the 10,000 thousand other things in game are worthless....It's all about the color...


I think the business model of lightsaber colour is something Bioware put an awful lot of thought into (whether you agree or disagree with it).


Astounding....that you can decide for someone how much they are "into" a game.


I can't decide for them, but I can have my opinon of it.


Much like some one can say (as they have) that lightsaber colour is completely and utterly irrelevent, but that doesn't make it so. :)

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I think the business model of lightsaber colour is something Bioware put an awful lot of thought into (whether you agree or disagree with it).




I can't decide for them, but I can have my opinon of it.


Much like some one can say (as they have) that lightsaber colour is completely and utterly irrelevent, but that doesn't make it so. :)


You didn't read or understand it. A business model based upon telling people they don't belong in a game because they find the absence of a color would fail miserably. Try again.

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You didn't read or understand it. A business model based upon telling people they don't belong in a game because they find the absence of a color would fail miserably. Try again.


That's not a "business model" though, why would you think it was? :confused:


It's what is called a "strawman arguement", and has nothing to do with what is being discussed here. :)

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That's not a "business model" though, why would you think it was? :confused:


It's what is called a "strawman arguement", and has nothing to do with what is being discussed here. :)


Lol, I get it, you are incapable of thought. I don't think this game is for you. :rolleyes:

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Id prefer devs spend time on why the lvl 50 pvp queue on Crevasse City is BROKEN (ZERO lvl 50 pvp matches since patch 1.1, 1 month+ and still counting), why the floor keeps disappearing on SOA, why the platforms dont spawn on SOA, why SOA randomly loses aggro, why Interrogator copies the same person 8 times, ALL the other endgame bugs that exist that i cant remember, adding damage meters and improving UI, and working on new content INSTEAD of wasting time on frikin light saber colors....are you kidding me really??
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They are changing mods so you can put your PvP stuff in your favorite orange lightsaber soon. :)


Great so you propose that every time you do PvP you change your mods and after that change it back? Well, at least that would be a real money sink.



I wouldn't be so sure if 20 points of difference in one stat would really make any notable difference in PvP. Besides: you can upgrade saber all day long while keeping the visuals.


Expertise makes alot of difference, and we are talking more than 50 points of that that here (even more considering a sentinel and his offhand saber)



It actually does.

You can obtain color crystal long before getting a lightsaber than craft hilt and put the color crystal inside. So you can run with a chosen color crystal right from the beginning (ofq. it's in limited scope - magenta or cyan crystals are locked from you but still: it's possible).


IIRC there is always the same cutscene when you craft your first saber as a jedi (blue for warrior, green for consular).



The game in its current state simply does not support the lore of jedi lightsabers, period.

Any try to roleplay this accordingly will place you at a significant disadvantage to players who give a **** about lore.


I personally would have wished BioWare had considered that and didnt degrade lightsabers to exchangable goods, but they have not. Too bad, but i still like the game enough to see past that issue. And its the same really with the purple crystal.

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Cosmetics shouldnt be endgame-pvp-raid&etc. stuff. I'm fine with travelling all over the world to get some rare crystals through 4-man grouping. But giving color crystals stats was wrong move. Instead they should add a power crystal slot to every weapon and an additional color crystal slot which requires no fee to replace, gives no stats. Just what it says: Color. And restrictions should be based on the light/dark choices not factions.



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Great so you propose that every time you do PvP you change your mods and after that change it back? Well, at least that would be a real money sink.


That will be your choice, yes.


That or just running with a lightsaber that is slightly biases to PvP (or PvE).


(assuming you don't have two sabers that look exactly the same and want to use them)




But I don't really see what that has to do with availbility of colour crystal options.

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im .....confused...



doesnt the crystal drop from a world mob after following the chain to get it? ( get frozen water buff and all that) wich begs the question...why cant republic get it the same way?


are they empire restricted? cuz i honestly didnt think it was restricted / unobtainable for republic

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Thanks peeps. Way to really derail the thread.


Those who don't care about colour of LS, fine, don't care and leave those of us that do to question why we cannot have a colour we desire.


Those who are trying to tell others how and why they should care or shouldn't care, are also not thinking straight, as an MMo is about all different flavours of players and how you should play an MMo is different to others.


The one thing that I am annoyed about is that in Beta, you could get purple crystals easily and item from vendors had crystals that could be removed. This was stopped at release.


Also, didn't I read the the guardian class was based of Mace Windu? Once again they must have had an idea that republic Jedi class be it sentinel or guardian, would want a purple crystal so they can imitate their favorite Jedi?


I see the Luke/Yoda fans can have blue and green. The dark Jedi can have red so why not purple for the Mace windu fans, or even just those who like the colour purple (not the film BtW;)).


So much for the blurb, "be the hero Jedi you want to be".


Come on peeps, stop trying to tell people how you think the game should be played and play it how you want. Asking for things in game is a different thing and me asking for access to a purple LS or the reasoning behind why I cannot have one, is not impacting on anyone else's game play.


I trust I am not alone in this.

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Id prefer devs spend time on why the lvl 50 pvp queue on Crevasse City is BROKEN (ZERO lvl 50 pvp matches since patch 1.1, 1 month+ and still counting), why the floor keeps disappearing on SOA, why the platforms dont spawn on SOA, why SOA randomly loses aggro, why Interrogator copies the same person 8 times, ALL the other endgame bugs that exist that i cant remember, adding damage meters and improving UI, and working on new content INSTEAD of wasting time on frikin light saber colors....are you kidding me really??


Once again that's what you want and not what I want.


It doesn't stop me from asking and it doesn't stop you from asking.


Why this attitude of what you want is more important than what I want?


I am not at level 50 so what your saying is not something that effects me. Does that mean what you are asking for is wrong? Nope it doesn't. It just means it does not effect me so I don't care about it.


One thing about all us MMoers is that we are a very selfish bunch of people who only want things that effect us at that time. I don't think it's a wrong opinion, as we all pay the same money, but I don't go out of my way to say fix mine before theirs please. I am not that selfish...

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Purple should in game at all levels, the coding was already there, don't understand why BW removed them.


You'd think something as simple as this would be returned to the game.


Lol I've killed plenty of npcs with purple, shame I can't just loot there sabers... Just sayin'.


Edited by L_Starbreeze
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Whether the colour unobtainable for the Jedi be green or purple, it is still a crystal colour that is in the game, & should be obtainable to those whom seek it!


Bioware.. I'm sick of the imp favouritism, (IMO) SWG had the same problem, the Empire had most of the goodies & the Rebellion was left out in the cold just a bit. I know SWTOR is not SWG, but SWG was shut down because of SWTOR. So I think Bioware needs to do more to fill some of the gaps that SOE left open.


They have such a time period they can do so much with, I personally don't see why they are not really doing much more to keep people playing. I mean the game has been out for barely three months, yet most of the server populations are the same density as SWG's where when that was beginning to die. It's the little things that people want, "Boo hoo it's just a colour, get over it!" yeah well what if your favourite colour was yellow & they left that out of the game?

Either way it should be obtainable to the greater public of the game. IMO purple is a colour for both sides of the force, I see it having no real bias between light or evil.

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im .....confused...



doesnt the crystal drop from a world mob after following the chain to get it? ( get frozen water buff and all that) wich begs the question...why cant republic get it the same way?


are they empire restricted? cuz i honestly didnt think it was restricted / unobtainable for republic


thats light red not purple


Honestly, I'd like to have a cyan lightsaber on empire too. Why restrict the colors? Repblic can get red sabers, why not just take off the restrictions? I remember how common purple crystals were when I was testing.. I miss that.

Edited by bigheadbrandon
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Well, this is certainly a new and interesting topioc of discussion. "I don't like my faction's unique items as much as I like the other faction's unique items, so obviously the developers favor the other faction and the game is broken...because lord knows I couldn't have just played the other faction instead" That about sum it up? Yep. Makes perfect sense. Never heard it before either. Edited by Blotter
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Well, this is certainly a new and interesting topioc of discussion. "I don't like my faction's unique items as much as I like the other faction's unique items, so obviously the developers favor the other faction and the game is broken...because lord knows I couldn't have just played the other faction instead" That about sum it up? Yep. Makes perfect sense. Never heard it before either.


Because having unique items that are unique just for the sake of being unique is stupid. Purple wasn't ever just a sith only color. Furthermore why limit a player's ability to customize their experience? Are the unique stories not enough to give people a reason to go one faction over the other?

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