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Vanguard/Powertech shared tree BURST is OP


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there is no doubt, atm pyro powertech > all

been testing this for almost 4 hours now


same gear, better gear, lower gear...


not to mention even totally naked pyrotech hits 8k burst on 700 expertise full battlemaster player..


powertech pyro tree needs lil bit balance

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gosh darnit ! <--- pretty sure I didn't type that. More deity aligned and more eternal damnation inferred.


I start the game with a scoundrel, was a scrapper, nailed to cross. I will admit a brief feeling of vanity when I completely ice a bad player and feel like I become the guy that everyone thinks of when they are writing their nerf operative/scoundrel threads.


So in a calculating fashion I get on my commando, pvp a bit, I got tired of the grav round obvious spam is obvious. Its like a beacon, see that line, follow it, kill the fool at the end of it. So I switch to assault, more mobility, more survivability, I love it, I hate sitting there and casting, never did it with my scrapper. Immediately saw success. Also immediately got the feeling I got on my scoundrel when I tooled on a bad/undergeared player.


Needless to say, I am seeing a trend when as soon as I do something, I find a nerf thread for it specifically later that day. Scoundrel, Adrenals, Pure Frozen Shock Water, Assault tree... Bad Karma man...

Edited by Natharon
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there is no doubt, atm pyro powertech > all

been testing this for almost 4 hours now


same gear, better gear, lower gear...


not to mention even totally naked pyrotech hits 8k burst on 700 expertise full battlemaster player..


powertech pyro tree needs lil bit balance


Naked bounty hunters...bah, the galaxy is in shambles...

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not to mention even totally naked pyrotech hits 8k burst on 700 expertise full battlemaster player..


I play a vanguard (assault spec) ya we might have high burst vs equally geared, and very high burst vs low geared targets, but what you say there is a lie, vs battle-master geared people and my 560 or so expertise i rarely get over 2.7k crits, so whatever you are smoking please pass it along.


What you clearly do not understand as a Vanguard/Powertech full dps spec we sacrifice virtually all our survivability, our survivability comes from killing targets before they kill us, while other classes have "Get out of jail free cards" be it vanish/force speed etc etc, we have 1, 25% damage reduction for 12 seconds, once that goes we are free frags for any team with half a brain.

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there is no doubt, atm pyro powertech > all

been testing this for almost 4 hours now


same gear, better gear, lower gear...


not to mention even totally naked pyrotech hits 8k burst on 700 expertise full battlemaster player..


powertech pyro tree needs lil bit balance


somone died in pvp ?

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there is no doubt, atm pyro powertech > all

been testing this for almost 4 hours now


same gear, better gear, lower gear...


not to mention even totally naked pyrotech hits 8k burst on 700 expertise full battlemaster player..


powertech pyro tree needs lil bit balance




If I get lucky I can get my assault platique to hit for 3200 on a 0 expertise player.

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Here we go... Someone go out played by a powertech and is crying nerfs wah wah


that's one of the problems with the class.


it's too easy to outplay people, literally anybody is able to because the class is so simple to use effectively.


the only reason pt/vg hybrids don't catch the same flak sc/op did and hybrid sorcs/sages still do is because they are a)not as obvious and b)slightly underplayed

Edited by mufutiz
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that's one of the problems with the class.


it's too easy to outplay people, literally anybody is able to because the class is so simple to use effectively.


the only reason pt/vg hybrids don't catch the same flak sc/op did and hybrid sorcs/sages still do is because they are a)not as obvious and b)slightly underplayed


yeah right, because most vanguards/PT kill ppl in one stunlock... oh wait.

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My Assault Plastique hits for 3500, and my HIB hits for 3200.




This thread is a joke, either that or he is referencing a player named Lone Leah who is not a good benchmark, because of "obvious" reasons.

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Am i right here? Hes saying the Shared dps tree with commandos/mercs needs to be nerfed for vanguards/pts only?




yes, and he claims vanguards/pt are op in the shared tree because .... well because he says so.

Edited by Psionic_X
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OP is sorc.


I actually have trouble with Sorcs because their shield blocks the sustained damage of my dots.


The Nerf crying has gotten out of hand. So far the only class that doesnt have OP dps is Assassin/Shadow.


I actually see people who STILL say operative is op.

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