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We want Battlefront II Space Combat style PvP in SWTOR


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First of all, this thread made me come up with this idea! he asked for Space Combat in SWTOR.



and if Bioware can put in the same Space Combat like in the game "Battlefront II" from back in the days!! then this game would have done the impossible.

the Space combat from Battlefront II was so cool i'v played it for years, it sads me to not have seen someone make a "updated version" of that game! you know better engine, updated textures you know the works.

So in that thought again, this would be the best update Bioware could ever make for SWTOR! Epic Space Combat that's what we need.

Yes i do understand that this is as good as making a new game for an existing game, but face it who here will not want that of an epic space battle added to thus far fantastic game.


For the people that don't remember the game Battlefront II,


- Spawn in your cruisers hanger bay and be Able to pick a Fighter, Support and or Bomber Craft to fly with.

- Epic Space Battle to take control over an Battlecruiser by destroying the shield gen, turrets and some other stuff (etch side had to defend there cruiser and attack the other cruiser)

- possibility to destroy the targets from with in the cruiser, all you had to do is land in there hanger get out of your craft and run to elevators and so fight on a ground based corridor to corridor style combat to get to the targets from with in.


Oh mighty Bioware would you please add Space Combat like that :D to this game, Please ^^

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One problem with that...you will have 300 tie-fighters vs 10 x-wings. Until they solve the balance issue, all open world pvp no matter how cool will fail. Warhammer was a big 150 million dollar project that proved that. As soon as one side dominated, all world pvp stopped. All pvp in this game will need to need instance and allow same side fighting like hutt-ball. There are just too many imperials vs rebels. Probably needs to be cross server also if you are going to have a 40vs40 WZ. Some servers will never see a pop when you consider the size of the server and that 90% of the population doesn't care for pvp.
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One problem with that...you will have 300 tie-fighters vs 10 x-wings. Until they solve the balance issue, all open world pvp no matter how cool will fail. Warhammer was a big 150 million dollar project that proved that. As soon as one side dominated, all world pvp stopped. All pvp in this game will need to need instance and allow same side fighting like hutt-ball. There are just too many imperials vs rebels. Probably needs to be cross server also if you are going to have a 40vs40 WZ. Some servers will never see a pop when you consider the size of the server and that 90% of the population doesn't care for pvp.




i did, i felt it was pretty meh. besides the ships we ride in are not fighters, you cant be expected to move like they do.


i was not talking about an open world pvp match but an warzone map/match :D and you won't need your own ship either! its like using a speeder but you control it, Oh and i did not really mean speeder but one of the suggested fighter type ships.

i can see that you want it to be open world pvp but really that would be a bad idea! but i meant it like an Warzone. fixed number of people so there is no balance issues.

Edited by Noxsabe
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i was not talking about an open world pvp match but an warzone map/match :D and you won't need your own ship either! its like using a speeder but you control it, Oh and i did not really mean speeder but one of the suggested fighter type ships.

i can see that you want it to be open world pvp but really that would be a bad idea! but i meant it like an Warzone. fixed number of people so there is no balance issues.


so you want the battlefront 2 engine grafted onto the current engine? no thanks. if i want to play battlefront 2, ill go play battlefront 2. stealing another entire game and melding it onto this one i not the answer. for instance i would love for lucasarts to get together with a developer and make a new flight sim based on the star wars ip, however i dont want it in this one. the engine isnt designed for it. id rather have a great additional game than a mediocre to terrible addition to this one.

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so you want the battlefront 2 engine grafted onto the current engine? no thanks. if i want to play battlefront 2, ill go play battlefront 2. stealing another entire game and melding it onto this one i not the answer. for instance i would love for lucasarts to get together with a developer and make a new flight sim based on the star wars ip, however i dont want it in this one. the engine isnt designed for it. id rather have a great additional game than a mediocre to terrible addition to this one.


dude it must be lonely being you? i don't want that engine into this one! Battlefront II is as old as my grandfather, it would be cool to copy the games mechanics into this one and make a similar yet different version into this game. djeeez do you really have to draw it all here to make people understand your vision on this forum, so that people don't trash talk.

it seems every suggestion people make here its like, "clone from that game" or "if you want to play that game go play it" and i can keep on going... witch i won't.

really talking about a game mode is not wanting that game inside this game!

Golden rule, if you don't complete understand a thread, ask more info don't go like "so you want the battlefront 2 engine grafted onto the current engine? no thanks."

Battlefront II is more then just space combat, but if you actually played the game back in the day you know that! the space portion mode of that game would be a GREAT addition to this game.


i don't have to explain game modes do i.

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Agreement: To the original poster, I completely agree. That would be awesome because that was the best space combat. I would like to see some PvP space combat.


Informative: There is an improved version of the BF2 space combat. It's a mod for the game called Battlefront Extreme 2.0. It modifies the whole game, but does what you mentioned and more.

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Completely agree. The space combat in that game was very intensive. I think with Biowares current build of space combat, simply turning it from a linear path, to more of an open sandbox in warzones wouldn't be much of a problem.


Ive posted this in another thread - but allowing your Guild capitol ship to be the main cruiser you launch from (in premades) would be extremely fun.

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Why didn't you just bump his post?


But still I would certainly enjoy the game a lot more if this was an element.


Why I cant properly control my ship is annoying, when I first played space I was like meh.


Now at 50 it serve's no purpose what so ever. although it would have to be Instanced and not world pvp. the imbalances will just not work.

Edited by KiaThas
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Im not much of a space player but as far as what would be ideal (given this is only my opinion) Star wars galaxies had quite possibly the best Star Wars space gameplay






rear armor



and even some xp-and training-learned abilities


To be honest SWG's space content was awesome, if they were to implement it here with teh graphics on this game... i bet it would be the space experience that should be expected from this game.

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Im not much of a space player but as far as what would be ideal (given this is only my opinion) Star wars galaxies had quite possibly the best Star Wars space gameplay






rear armor



and even some xp-and training-learned abilities


To be honest SWG's space content was awesome, if they were to implement it here with teh graphics on this game... i bet it would be the space experience that should be expected from this game.


mm never played SWG and so i don't know what the space combat was like then! but i'm open to that thoughts, so have any recommends in youtube vid links, where we can see this space combat in action :D

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  • 6 months later...
I don't think there is enny one ho played SW BF2 without wanting that type of space/pvp battles, I hopre biowhere reads this :)

You might think SW BF2 is the needed space sim . Which is right on paper, but your are missing an important point: SW is an MMO.



A BF2 type of space sim has indeed a very short learning curve and contrary to what most would think, it's an issue for long term subscribers. Not exactly because of the learning curve but because you can't add that much depth nor complexity in this game play.


As such a SW B2 game play will get old too fast to keep players interested in it.


Now a X-Wing type or should I say a X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter game play, while not as easy to step in doesn't have a that much high entry step and it can become quite deep contrary to SW BF2.


For example you'd start with flying mission in which you only have to move around your space ship, then you add laser shooting, then missiles, then ships with shields and so on.


Thing is in the long term players would keep subscribed just for the X-Wing space sim (as many did in SWG) while a in SW BF2 not that much.

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mm never played SWG and so i don't know what the space combat was like then! but i'm open to that thoughts, so have any recommends in youtube vid links, where we can see this space combat in action :D



(pvp vid)

(this is interior tour of a personalized ship)

(this is hilarious, from first day of atmospheric flight) Edited by kirorx
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  • 2 weeks later...

BUMP this thread for the DEVs ^^



By allowing true space flight controls, they would have to overhaul their space combat engine drastically... a lot of work indeed. But it would expand on a portion of this game that has been, for the most part, neglected. If I had known that flight controls in space combat would be almost exactly like Nintendo 64 Starfox... I'm not sure I would have bought this game in the first place.


I think some short term fixes to space combat could be integrating them with Class stories, or maybe even PvE/FP. This is where the BF2 space combat model could excel, specifically where the whole mission premise is to disable ships from inside and out. IMO

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