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WoW vs ToR Why?


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The only thing I really have to say is why is everyone comparing SWTOR to WoW? WoW is like 8 years old or something. Don't really think its good comparison, just saying. WoW was extremely fun, I played it all the way though Wrath, but it just got way to easy when I only played for like 3 hours every couple of days and had T9 gear and it was just really repetitive even after all the expansions. Everyone is comparing a game with 8 years of live experience with a game with 3 months...but what eves, I enjoy playing.
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Because you compare how WOW is NOW to how Star wars is NOW, and not how it WAS. Frankly WOW is a more padded, polished and enjoyable game and is pretty much the core of the genre right not, not to mention actually costing less than star wars.


Also no, i'm not a WOW fan boy, I barely played it but the time I did i got much more enjoyment out of it than any time playing star wars.

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Because you compare how WOW is NOW to how Star wars is NOW, and not how it WAS. Frankly WOW is a more padded, polished and enjoyable game and is pretty much the core of the genre right not, not to mention actually costing less than star wars.


Also no, i'm not a WOW fan boy, I barely played it but the time I did i got much more enjoyment out of it than any time playing star wars.


Then why are you here and not in WoW? Seems like a waste to spend time on the forums of a game you don't like.

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Okie dokie.


WoW now = boring, been there done that


SWTOR now = fun, new haven't played it to death yet.


This is so true. Personally I think WoW has a lot more to offer as a package but I'm playing SWTOR and WoW concurrently with more emphasis on SWTOR at the moment because it's new and fresh. SWTOR has a lot of potential, it has some issues but it's worth the money to subscribe if you like it.


People shouldn't be comparing WoW vanilla to SWTOR they should be comparing Vanilla to Cataclysm. In it's inception, it took me and my guild over 2 months to level, another month to gear up for raids and key up for Oxynia and another year of raiding just to clear the first full tier and bit of the tier two. Catacylsm with all it's advanced features can't hold people that long even though it's a superior product. People in droves don't want the hamster wheel, i'm scared that the burn out of that type of a game has crept into SWTOR.

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The only thing I really have to say is why is everyone comparing SWTOR to WoW? WoW is like 8 years old or something. Don't really think its good comparison, just saying. WoW was extremely fun, I played it all the way though Wrath, but it just got way to easy when I only played for like 3 hours every couple of days and had T9 gear and it was just really repetitive even after all the expansions. Everyone is comparing a game with 8 years of live experience with a game with 3 months...but what eves, I enjoy playing.


sw:tor is just as old as WoW :( what a shame.

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Okie dokie.


WoW now = boring, been there done that


SWTOR now = fun, new haven't played it to death yet.

Players want something new and different then Wow but when they are given that they complain that it doesn't X from Wow or that these additions are mmorpg standard etc. But when they are given everything Wow has its called a Wow clone and written off. Get it?


One of the biggest issues of the genre is that players like to power level their way to all the cool stuff and skip everything in the middle but don't really understand you can't do this with new games right off the get go.


Another aspect is tha Wow is at least 10X biggest population wise but players still expect Swtor to be just as populated not realizing that a fleet of 30 is about the same as walking in to Org or Stormwind with a pop 250.


I think the Devs made the mistake of listening to the players during the first week of launch when they added servers because of all the full servers.


They now need to determine which servers are very low pop but active an d allow free transfers of these servers and players need to understand that they may lose their names in the process.



We need to show patience for this game to succeed and become the success it can be. Good things are coming ... can we wait long enough for it arrive?

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played wow way back, to me was the most boring mmo I ever played, it was polished and played well, but had no depth to me plus butt ugly graphics, 3 months is all i could take never went back never will even when it goes free to play, I am happy that so many others like it good for them, not all games are for everyone and wow was not for me.. so there is no wow vs tor in my book.. /shrug
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