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Patch 1.2 will save the pvp or not ???


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All MMO's go through growing pains. GW2 will go through their own, and I hope people will give them time to grow (probably not, gamers are fickle).


The difference with GW2 is that they aren't going to expect me to pay $15/mo while I wait for them to improve their product. And, I can set the game aside and return later to check out any improvements without having to pay for the privilege. That fact alone will likely cause me to be a little more patient with Arenanet when it comes to GW2.

Edited by Josich
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That is awesome for gamers like you, who live for PvP, and don't intend to, nor need to, engage in PvE to enjoy your mmo - but there are just as many who see it the same way, only in reverse (PvE>PvP).


i enjoy both pvp and pve.. but the prob with pve in this game is that its so hard to find a group unlike WZ that u just need to Q.. and being in a server that barely reaches 100 on peak hours it takes alot of time waiting for a group to form. specially in youre planning on joining an ops


That sounds more like a server specific problem.


I had the good fortune to roll on a server that sees about 200-250+ on the fleet at peak hours (higher on weekends, and most likely for 1.2). Finding a group has never been that difficult for me, so I can't speak on the misfortunes of those dealing with lower pop server numbers.


Hopefully, Bioware will allow server transferring soon. If so, think about switching to a more populous server (Iron Citadel is my home, and pretty active).

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The difference with GW2 is that they aren't going to expect me to pay $15/mo while I wait for them to improve their product. And, I can set the game aside and return later to check out any improvements without having to pay for the privilege. That fact alone will likely cause me to be a little more patient with Arenanet when it comes to GW2.


That is wonderful for you. I hope others will see things as you do (only box cost, so less reason to be angry) - but I am still not convinced that will cause all gamers to be more patient.


I wouldn't expect a dog to suddenly be a cat. Gamers are what gamers are, and of those who will jump into GW2 headfirst, a good number of them are going to be Mumorpuger vets from way back who want it to be the new messiah. Those are the people that are going to burn right through the content in a mad frenzy, then scream as their heart sinks when the dream ends and the grind begins.


As for expecting you to pay $15/mo to wait for new content, that is your choice. Bioware can't force you to pull out your money and fork over the cash.


My advice to those who are upset because SWTOR has run out of content in which they want to partake: take a step back and do something else. SWTOR isn't going to grow up in one day. It is going to take time. If the wait is too much, just move to something else and pop back in after six months, or just wait until you see something on youtube to poke your head back in. People did that with vanilla WoW when the content dried up, post release.


Not everyone is built to wait. Patience is a virtue not everyone possesses.

Edited by Jaramukhti
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Well, you can hope - but don't underestimate the speed at which gamers can chew through content.lol


There were people who went from 1-85 Cata in less than a week.


I think GW2 looks great, but I am just a realist.


I know that GW2 will eventually be in the same position that SWTOR is right now and, like SWTOR, I expect to see a fair amount of people screaming bloody murder at the ANet devs instead of allowing the devs time to catch up. That's not just human nature, that's gamer nature.


The launch content of a game is never enough to satiate the masses for long. That is why developers have to be ready to put out new content very quickly. Also, bugs happen, and what's more, you can't always predict which ones will make it through until launch arrives.


Nobody has the perfect blueprint.


GW2 may launch with RvR, and find out some servers have horrible imbalances that will cause the fanbase to QQ, just like what happened with SWTOR. Dynamic events might bug out. Events might be designed to scale to the number of people present, but instead it doesn't and it is too hard, or too easy.


All MMO's go through growing pains. GW2 will go through their own, and I hope people will give them time to grow (probably not, gamers are fickle).


Your right...

the players are the worst nightmare of any mmos...

Im a SWTOR hater myself :)

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Your right...

the players are the worst nightmare of any mmos...

Im a SWTOR hater myself :)


I kind of got that through reading this thread.:D


Personally, I still like SWTOR. I am not about to call it perfect (far from it, in fact), but I like it, and am a patient person.


I decided I am going to give the Bioware devs time to grow. That is a result of seeing this same phenomena (griping over content) many times in the past. I am used to it by now. That said, it doesn't surprise me that some people just didn't find it to be their thing, or that some are incapable of waiting. We all have to decide, individually, how we react to things like this.


Like I said, I think GW2 is going to be good, if not great. I just realize that it will also have to go through its own unique growing pains, and I hope people will realize that the first time something doesn't go right in GW2. Demonizing ANet for every little missed feature is as foolish as demonizing Bioware for all of SWTOR's missed features. Those features will come in time - in both SWTOR and GW2.

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Watching Bioware try to handle PvP reminds me of an old tell:


A man noticed a crack in the wall one day and called a repairman to come fix it. The repairman patched the crack and painted the wall perfectly. A few weeks later the man noticed the crack was back and called another repairman. The 2nd repairman did exactly what the 1st had done.


A few weeks later the crack was there again, but this time the man called an old retired repairman. The retired repairman shook his head and said "Son, fix the foundation first then fix the rest".


Maybe Bioware will find their old repairman before its way too late...

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I kind of got that through reading this thread.:D


Personally, I still like SWTOR. I am not about to call it perfect (far from it, in fact), but I like it, and am a patient person.


I decided I am going to give the Bioware devs time to grow. That is a result of seeing this same phenomena (griping over content) many times in the past. I am used to it by now. That said, it doesn't surprise me that some people just didn't find it to be their thing, or that some are incapable of waiting. We all have to decide, individually, how we react to things like this.


Like I said, I think GW2 is going to be good, if not great. I just realize that it will also have to go through its own unique growing pains, and I hope people will realize that the first time something doesn't go right in GW2. Demonizing ANet for every little missed feature is as foolish as demonizing Bioware for all of SWTOR's missed features. Those features will come in time - in both SWTOR and GW2.


Amen :)

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Watching Bioware try to handle PvP reminds me of an old tell:


A man noticed a crack in the wall one day and called a repairman to come fix it. The repairman patched the crack and painted the wall perfectly. A few weeks later the man noticed the crack was back and called another repairman. The 2nd repairman did exactly what the 1st had done.


A few weeks later the crack was there again, but this time the man called an old retired repairman. The retired repairman shook his head and said "Son, fix the foundation first then fix the rest".


Maybe Bioware will find their old repairman before its way too late...


I love your story, Lets hope they find this old man...

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Watching Bioware try to handle PvP reminds me of an old tell:


A man noticed a crack in the wall one day and called a repairman to come fix it. The repairman patched the crack and painted the wall perfectly. A few weeks later the man noticed the crack was back and called another repairman. The 2nd repairman did exactly what the 1st had done.


A few weeks later the crack was there again, but this time the man called an old retired repairman. The retired repairman shook his head and said "Son, fix the foundation first then fix the rest".


Maybe Bioware will find their old repairman before its way too late...


Amen brother

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Watching Bioware try to handle PvP reminds me of an old tell:


A man noticed a crack in the wall one day and called a repairman to come fix it. The repairman patched the crack and painted the wall perfectly. A few weeks later the man noticed the crack was back and called another repairman. The 2nd repairman did exactly what the 1st had done.


A few weeks later the crack was there again, but this time the man called an old retired repairman. The retired repairman shook his head and said "Son, fix the foundation first then fix the rest".


Maybe Bioware will find their old repairman before its way too late...


That's a cool story bro, I mean that too :p



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I think it is very likely too late.


PvP is made by the community. There have to be other Ps to have PvP.


With the mass exodus from this game that has already happened, it might not matter at this point. If there is no player base, it doesn't matter how awesome 1.2 may or may not be.


Hmm what mass exodus do you speak of? We still have que's to log in on SwiftSure

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Hmm what mass exodus do you speak of? We still have que's to log in on SwiftSure


Maybe on swiftsure yeah, not all the servers have the same pop :( mine goes from FULL to light...


I wish we could tranfert, I dont feel to reroll again aww... I have so far a 50 Oper Champ, 45 Sorc, 31 snipe, 24 Mara and maybe another toon I can't remember.

WE NEED FREE transfert.

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That is awesome for gamers like you, who live for PvP, and don't intend to, nor need to, engage in PvE to enjoy your mmo - but there are just as many who see it the same way, only in reverse (PvE>PvP).


One of the reasons GW2 has the hype it does, as you pointed out, is because of its focus on equal PvP and PvE content. I am just saying, don't be surprised if you, a PvP enthusiast, end up trying to convince PvE players who have blown through all the content very quickly to stay. PvE gamers make up that server population, too.


Right now, I think GW2 is going to be very solid on the PvP side. I am just not convinced they will be able to appease the PvE crowd long enough between content additions to keep some from openly griping about it on forums like some are doing for SWTOR. It wouldn't surprise me at all if, months from release, we see similar threads to this pop up on the GW2 boards.


That's how the cookie crumbles in MMO titles.


Launch content always has a pretty short expiration date.


But what do I care if the PvEers leave?


They're not PvPers.


I'm not obsessed with having the most populated MMO, I just want a good PvP game.

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Are they changing the game engine so that you can get more then 5fps in Ilum Zerg fests.


Are they redoing the resolve system?


Are they taking a hard look at how stupid guard/taunts are on healers when they are already as hard to kill as a WoW healer without it?


With everyone not a sage/sorc telling them the hybrid spec is OP (and the forum mods just moving posts to the class forum, in obvious bias that they didn't exhibit when there were 50000000 nerf op/scoundrels threads) will they do something about it?


If none of the above? Then everyone will just be going back to WoW anyways when pandas hit.


I have no desire to play a simplified WoW vanilla shadow priest so that I can double peoples dmg in warzones, while rarely if ever dying compared to playing a sentinel and being stunned/rooted/kited for 8 out of every 10 seconds, still leading dmg, and then told my class is balanced because I outdamage horrible players, when I can double that damage on a sage while rolling my face across the keyboard.


Great leveling experience...Worst design team for pvp ever (just another game they failed at designing pvp in), and the hardware optimization guys should also be sacked. Dudes prob worked at Best Buy before they were hired...




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On my server, Darth Bandon, I have two toons that I play. My main is a level 50 smuggler, and my alt is a level 14 sentinel. When I made the sentinel, I planned to get him from level 1 to the Republic fleet through questing, and the second he finished the Esseles, I would level him through PVP alone.


I realized something about PVP in leveling my alt in warzones... a trend far more troubling than anything Bioware has, or has not, done: the players are real jerks. Perhaps this is isolated to Republic players on my server. Maybe I've just had bad luck queuing with the worst elements. But seriously, the pre-50 PVP suffers more from the players than it does from anything Bioware has done. They whine about the game, they nerd-rage when someone makes a simple mistake, and they blow up if you aren't at least in your twenties (to which I usually respond by pointing out that my level 14 sentinel is regularly earning more medals than some in their 40's... but I digress!).


This is in sharp contrast with level 50 PVP. You'll still get the occasional nerd rager, but everyone is generally having fun, being sociable and trying to help their fellow players. The angry, bitter players are certainly outnumbered by patient players looking for fun... the same can't be said of the 10-49 pvp, at least from what I've seen.


I do think Bioware has some work to do on PVP. It's a new game still... I'm not expecting it all to be perfect right out of the gate, not in an MMO anyway. But if you really want to save PVP in SWTOR, you better put some focus on the players, and not just game. I realize there's a hip hop joke buried in that sentence... you'll all get over it :D

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Are they changing the game engine so that you can get more then 5fps in Ilum Zerg fests.


Are they redoing the resolve system?


Are they taking a hard look at how stupid guard/taunts are on healers when they are already as hard to kill as a WoW healer without it?


With everyone not a sage/sorc telling them the hybrid spec is OP (and the forum mods just moving posts to the class forum, in obvious bias that they didn't exhibit when there were 50000000 nerf op/scoundrels threads) will they do something about it?


If none of the above? Then everyone will just be going back to WoW anyways when pandas hit.


I have no desire to play a simplified WoW vanilla shadow priest so that I can double peoples dmg in warzones, while rarely if ever dying compared to playing a sentinel and being stunned/rooted/kited for 8 out of every 10 seconds, still leading dmg, and then told my class is balanced because I outdamage horrible players, when I can double that damage on a sage while rolling my face across the keyboard.


Great leveling experience...Worst design team for pvp ever (just another game they failed at designing pvp in), and the hardware optimization guys should also be sacked. Dudes prob worked at Best Buy before they were hired...


We get it, you are not very good, this is not the thread.

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No, what's funny is I remember how the forums on WoW/Rift/etc. were full of "just killing time till SWTOR comes out, can't wait to ditch this POS game for a REAL MMO, WoW/Rift is dying, deader than dead, SWTOR is the future!"


Now it's "can't wait till GW2/Tera.TORTANIC-TORTANIC-TORTANIC!"



Agreed. Every MMO known to man has been a ****-fest at the beginning and has eventually leveled out or died hard and fast. DAOC, EQ, FFXI, WoW - they all had issues that made them suck at the start and they were eventually fixed/overlooked. The more people that quit a game, the less will be fixed. And if the game isnt dead a few months after it's released it's not going to die anytime soon. I think alot of people had their first nostalgic MMO cherry-popping moments on WoW and nothing will ever live up to their first experience. If an MMO sucks THAT bad they make it free to play and salvage what they can.

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