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The Suggestion Box


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- Reduce the ammount of cooldowns triggered by our TRIVIAL attacks. (Annihilation has way too much micro management if you want to perfect dps).


- Slow and healing debuffs should proc of our normal attacks. Ie: Rupture adds a slow to the target. Ravage decrease healing taken by xx%.


- Add some sort of visual and auditive warnings to our procs.


- Consolidate defensive cooldowns. Instead of many "low" cooldowns defensive habilities (1 min, 45 sec, 1 min, 3 min cd), we should have less defensive cooldowns but more meaningfull ones.


- Too much trivial attack skills triggering cooldowns & Bloating User Interface. (we have way too much skills just to be effective in DPS area, consider consolidate skills, make rotations more flexible. Right now it feels I am playing guaca-mole with that many cooldowns. We are forced to keep our eyes on UI and we miss a lot of the action. (Warriors arent meant to be micromanagement class, give this to mages) This game is beautiful! If you dont trust me on that, get a mara/sent to 50, seriously I know a few people who gave up cus of this.

Edited by Superastro
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- Reduce the ammount of cooldowns triggered by our TRIVIAL attacks. (Annihilation has way too much micro management if you want to perfect dps).


- Slow and healing debuffs should proc of our normal attacks. Ie: Rupture adds a slow to the target. Ravage decrease healing taken by xx%.


- Add some sort of visual and auditive warnings to our procs.


- Consolidate defensive cooldowns. Instead of many "low" cooldowns defensive habilities (1 min, 45 sec, 1 min, 3 min cd), we should have less defensive cooldowns but more meaningfull ones.


- Too much trivial attack skills triggering cooldowns & Bloating User Interface. (we have way too much skills just to be effective in DPS area, consider consolidate skills, make rotations more flexible. Right now it feels I am playing guaca-mole with that many cooldowns. We are forced to keep our eyes on UI and we miss a lot of the action. (Warriors arent meant to be micromanagement class, give this to mages) This game is beautiful! If you dont trust me on that, get a mara/sent to 50, seriously I know a few people who gave up cus of this.


- The prioritized rotation of annihilation is what makes it fun, does not need to be changed.


- We already have a healing debuff... you crazy? we're also the only class who has one.


- Sure but that should be for all classes. Should become readily available after mods/macros go in.


- They are meaningful and if they're tedious to you don't use them... That's not even a valid complaint, that's just saying you don't like something because you don't.


- Complete un-validated. If you're having a hard time keeping track of cooldowns and procs then go play a sorceror, or a different game... These problems you have are not actual problems, they're just banter because you're mad about something.


Yes, i almost gave up on my marauder leveling up but it wasn't because of the rotation it was the lack of a good companion until broonmark came along...


Try another class man, marauders just aren't for you it seems.

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- The prioritized rotation of annihilation is what makes it fun, does not need to be changed.


- We already have a healing debuff... you crazy? we're also the only class who has one.


- Sure but that should be for all classes. Should become readily available after mods/macros go in.


- They are meaningful and if they're tedious to you don't use them... That's not even a valid complaint, that's just saying you don't like something because you don't.


- Complete un-validated. If you're having a hard time keeping track of cooldowns and procs then go play a sorceror, or a different game... These problems you have are not actual problems, they're just banter because you're mad about something.


Yes, i almost gave up on my marauder leveling up but it wasn't because of the rotation it was the lack of a good companion until broonmark came along...


Try another class man, marauders just aren't for you it seems.


Its not a L2P matter, I just want a better quality of life. So are you I guess.


I don't find it hard to play at all, I just find annoying (and tons of other players in this game) the huge ammount of triggered CDS specialy in the Annihilation tree, not the ammount of buttons I have to press, and I am sure (LIKE EVERYOTHER MMO IN THE MARKET) BW will change all the classes not only Marauders, be prepared.


Unlike you (guessing again that you might PVE a lot) I only PVP as my source of fun, this is true for all the games I play, I think I maybe be a very competitive person and maybe because of this particular aspect of my personality I could reach Gladiator tittle in WOW and 2200+ in almost all my alts. (It wasnt easy as farm Valor in Hutball)


Making the perfect "priority-rotation" in a pvp enviroment can sometimes be a b**** since you have to be aware of way too many variables. Like target, focus casting, offtarget crowd controling, defensive abilities usage, comunication with your team mates, pealing for ur healer, etc.


All in all the class is amazing, and by the time passes BW will get it even better by tweeking this and that.


Btw Ignore the Gramatical messes, as you may have noticed I strugle a bit to write using a different language then my native.


Have a nice time playing.

Edited by Superastro
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...I am sure (LIKE EVERYOTHER MMO IN THE MARKET) BW will change all the classes not only Marauders, be prepared.

I honestly hope they don't make such drastic changes as Bliz did with warriors in WoW. The marauder class is great, Annihilation is great, Carnage is good. I just want to change that last "good" into "great" for the sake of those who are more interested in doing damage than applying and maintaining DoTs.


That said, I got quite a few kills yesterday with my nice little hybrid build. The benefit of DoT's over all else in PvP is obvious. It needs to not be so night and day if anyone is going to use any other tree. Also, it makes no sense to have to respec when you feel like raiding as opposed to PvP. It's really not that hard a thing to make a tree as useful in PvP as PvE.

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I noticed today that as we lvl up, we get these huge shoulder pads on our armor, but as soon as we get any tionese, coumi or rakata gear, we suddenly look exactly like a Jugg in Heavy armor? I understand the Sith warrior is a single class, but its the only one that has both heavy and MEDIUM armor. Why do we look just like them in our lvl 50 end game armor, yet, level 49 armor we have the huge distinct shoulder pads and a really cool helmet among other things. Was this a goof on the developers side or what???


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..it makes no sense to have to respec when you feel like raiding as opposed to PvP. It's really not that hard a thing to make a tree as useful in PvP as PvE.


I believe BW mentioned something about duel-spec being something they were always intending on doing, or so I've been told.

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I believe BW mentioned something about duel-spec being something they were always intending on doing, or so I've been told.

Interesting. That would be pretty cool.


I finally got to do a ton of PvP yesterday and today, and I see what all the PvPers are griping about. The Slash & Scream build I loved so much for PvE, well I had to drop it in favor of full Annihilation. In all the mayhem those bleeds really are a killer. It makes it even more obvious that Carnage needs a boost.


Now I actually think limited immunity to kb, stun, and snares would probably be better than more damage. We really, really need something like Unstoppable. Take off the damage reduction and give it a speed increase instead or make it proc on critical hits instead of Force Charge, I dunno. What I do know is that Carnage needs one or the other: increased damage output or limited immunity.

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naw, carnage needs a bit more dps and marauders in general need a tiny bit of cc immunity. 1-2 sec after charging we should be immune to knockback effects and slows/roots. Stuns could still work to make it not overly un-fair.


Personally you should be able to position yourself so that knockbacks are not going to kill but of course its not always possible in omg-get-the-ball-quick moments of huttball, but 12 sec force charge makes it a little nicer.


Wish we had force push too tho... silly that we don't. 1 of 2 advanced classes with no relocating effect. Just us and operatives... lol the only two i play right now.

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naw, carnage needs a bit more dps and marauders in general need a tiny bit of cc immunity.

Well I'd gladly take both if they offered, I just don't want to seem greedy.


It's a shame, but playing a 'rauder in PvP all day makes me want to level up my Jugg. I've been itching to try out this 5/29/7 hybrid. ;)

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I would like a CC that doesn't CC yourself as well (i.e Force Choke). I would also enjoy some sort of pushback because even though Marauders need to close distance, a pushback is amazing for escaping and utility (i.e Hutball traps, pushing NPC away to escape.)


I really love my Marauder, the damage is great, but if I chose an advance class that only has a Damage option I think that we should have more utility to bring to the team. CC's and Pushbacks are a great way to make that happen.

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I would also enjoy some sort of pushback because even though Marauders need to close distance, a pushback is amazing for escaping and utility (i.e Hutball traps, pushing NPC away to escape.).


I never have any trouble escaping a fight. You have force camouflage, Predation, and undying rage. Generally force camo is enough to get me away of a bad situation. Occasionally I also pop predation for that extra boost away. I find I can get away from people a lot easier than they can get away from me.


I also don't think marauders need any more utility. I see marauders as the big sticks that a good team uses to beat down the reps. A club is for beating in reps skulls and marauders are damn good clubs.

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After doing PvP with Annihilation for the past few days I switched back to Carnage this evening. This time I totally changed my tactics and ended up doing a lot better than I ever did with Annihilation. I think now I understand the role Carnage was meant for, and it now makes perfect sense that Close Quarters is in Annihilation. It also made me realize that the tweak that would make the most sense for Carnage would be either limited immunity to stuns and knockbacks (but not snares or roots), or a pull of some sort. We should either be able to keep on a target or pull it in and apply the hurt. So here's my new suggestion:





Next Rank:

Unleash no longer requires you to be incapacitated or impaired. In addition, it has a 50/100% chance to grant Overwhelm, making you immune to all controlling effects for 6/12 seconds.

Edited by mrHaterade
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I hope a bioware employee sees this and likes the idea


- I really like the marauder but i fell in love with the aggressive single saber juggernaut after a torturous 35 levels as a marauder "which is not easy" and wish that i could change my advanced class maybe it could be done the same way you reset your skill tree at that vendor. I'm not saying you should be able to do it when ever you want maybe once per character if you really don't like your advanced class or they could even charge credits cause i'm willing to pay at this point to not have to repeat all those levels. I hope someone at bioware likes this idea so me and other players with this issue don't have to play through half the game all over again.

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Next Rank:

Unleash no longer requires you to be incapacitated or impaired. In addition, it has a 50/100% chance to grant Overwhelm, making you immune to all controlling effects for 6/12 seconds.


6/12 seconds of immunity is WAY too long imo. How about Unleash fills up your resolve bar?

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6/12 seconds of immunity is WAY too long imo. How about Unleash fills up your resolve bar?

But then it'd be a PvP only talent. 3/6 seconds? 4/8 maybe? It's a hard one because 3 or 4 seconds is too short. That's barely enough time to get off two moves.


What do you think of the idea in general though? Making it a passive on Unleash with its 2min cool down, rather than Force Charge every 15 seconds. Also, having it on Unleash means you have to manage it properly. Do you pop it before you get into the fray or wait until you're immobilized? It allows for more gameplay options. I think it could potentially "fix" Carnage on its own. Plus it's high enough up the tree to be out of reach for hybrids.

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I like the idea. I just feel like it might be too powerful for me. Granted I play annihilation and you may be thinking Carnage only talent. If I get in a sorcs face and he doesn't have his knockback I will simply win. They can't escape and they can't do anything to get rid of me. Same is true for a few other classes. I like the idea of a short CC immunity like 3-4 seconds. Pop that the moment you jump in. If they are bad they use their KB right away and you are fine. If they are good they wait for the CC immunity to fall off of you. Allows for other classes to play better (or not). Also if you make the CC immunity too long it allows you to run through all the fire pits unmolested in huttball. A little too powerful. I like the idea of being able to get past one with ease, but not both. Sorry this is kind of rambling, just putting my thoughts down as I have them.
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Also if you make the CC immunity too long it allows you to run through all the fire pits unmolested in huttball.

How so? It would only grant immunity to stuns and knock backs, not roots, snares, or damage. Also, maybe make it not work on knock downs, but leave it at 3/6. Gives you a reason to drop 2 points into it and gives other classes back their big stunner.


As for the PvE aspect, all the more reason to use Carnage? :D

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You might want to point out that those are all separate suggestions and that we as a Community of Marauders has no desire or wish to see EVERYONE of those fixes put into place. Were just collecting ideas that can be picked and chosen from by the Devs to include whenever. Also, a little symbol next to fixes that would have higher priority than others would be a good idea.
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You might want to point out that those are all separate suggestions and that we as a Community of Marauders has no desire or wish to see EVERYONE of those fixes put into place. Were just collecting ideas that can be picked and chosen from by the Devs to include whenever. Also, a little symbol next to fixes that would have higher priority than others would be a good idea.

I thought I made that clear, but I'll make it painfully obvious that it's a community list in hopes of getting some devtention. I won't even bother with priority markers as we're not in a position to dictate such things. ;)


/inc editing...


Edited by mrHaterade
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Marauders dont need fixing or changing, we are a very solid class (a bit too op imo).

I spec anni and it works amazing for me, but i know of both rage and carnage, who also produce very solid damage in pve and pvp.


The only thing i would like to see is castable ravage whilst moving, everything else wether its a knockback/grip/cc etc we just dont need, and giving marauders one of them would make them even more op than what we are now, and we will be the "must nerf" class.


Learn to use your resources, granted string of knockbacks are annoying as hell, but so must me hitting someone with bleeds when im knockbacked 30m away.


As for carnage, the spec is fine if played right, its just the RNG which sucks imo, but castable ravage whilst moving is more than enough for the spec to shine

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