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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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BioWare already succeeded majorly with providing incentive to make more characters BEFORE the new Legacy System features were announced. I currently have eight characters on Lord Adraas, with no intentions of making any characters elsewhere. Do they really want people to delete their beloved characters in order to make new ones so they can use these new features? This... isn't fair.
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I kinda pooped on this idea in a previous thread on the same subject, but that was before they revealed some of what legacy was gonna be used for. Just with the changes in 1.2 they should double the number of slots per server. They can keep the 40 per account limit, just double the server limits.


I can admit when I'm wrong, and this was one of those times. I wholeheartedly /sign this idea and hope they listen.


They won't, but I can hope.

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Aye, more slots would be great.

As someone said already, playing on a different server is already stupid in itself, but with the Legacy system, it becomes twice as stupid. So, no thanks. More chars on ONE server makes more sense.

As previous post states, no need to raise the overall chars limit, just the server one.

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Yes, more slots please.


I will even pay for it--Bioware, you are leaving money on the table. (Seriously, I stayed with vastly inferior Cryptic games solely because I could feed my altaholism.)


Yes, this play style is not for everyone. But I think the demand is significant. Yes, it can impact storage and database resources. That's why folks will be more open to paying for it.


It should definitely be an option.


And additional slots are IDEAL for Bioware games--SWTOR is very replayable with different choices for each class and various side missions. Additional slots are even more appropriate here with new races and a legacy system.


It seems like alts are actually part of the game system--capitalize (maybe literally) on it!

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Yes, more slots please.


I will even pay for it--Bioware, you are leaving money on the table. (Seriously, I stayed with vastly inferior Cryptic games solely because I could feed my altaholism.)


Yes, this play style is not for everyone. But I think the demand is significant. Yes, it can impact storage and database resources. That's why folks will be more open to paying for it.


It should definitely be an option.


And additional slots are IDEAL for Bioware games--SWTOR is very replayable with different choices for each class and various side missions. Additional slots are even more appropriate here with new races and a legacy system.


It seems like alts are actually part of the game system--capitalize (maybe literally) on it!

I wish people felt this passionately about paying for auto-looting.




(shameless link to own thread)


If BioWare does eventually offer additional character slots you can pay for, then they better offer paid-for auto-looting as well! >_<

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Please stop the "I give you extra money for this feature!" ... We pay a lot each month for maintenance, extended content, etc. If you think they will put the extra 8 slots in more likely and/or earlier, just because you wave with your money, they won't. It just makes you look stupid and easy to milk. Remember the crazy DLC-stuff from Capcom, etc.? We will go there by your behavior...
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Please stop the "I give you extra money for this feature!" ... We pay a lot each month for maintenance, extended content, etc. If you think they will put the extra 8 slots in more likely and/or earlier, just because you wave with your money, they won't. It just makes you look stupid and easy to milk. Remember the crazy DLC-stuff from Capcom, etc.? We will go there by your behavior...

You guys keep asking for an additional feature that requires more hardware/software & human BioWare employee maintenance/monitoring/implementation. Either they charge us $16/month...$17/month...$18/month for the game, or they charge those of us who want it so badly the money up front. The money's gotta come from somewhere. It's like food stamps, unemployment, medicare/medicaid, or any public welfare service; the money comes from those who do have jobs and work in the private sector and pay taxes. The money has to come from somewhere.

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I kinda pooped on this idea in a previous thread on the same subject, but that was before they revealed some of what legacy was gonna be used for. Just with the changes in 1.2 they should double the number of slots per server. They can keep the 40 per account limit, just double the server limits.


I can admit when I'm wrong, and this was one of those times. I wholeheartedly /sign this idea and hope they listen.


They won't, but I can hope.


Since the hard cap for characters on any server is 40, why not let players who don't feel like cross server character making use those 40 slots on one server if they choose to? It's not like they suddenly become able to multibox or anything like that. All those 32 extra slots go completely to waste for the people who don't feel like playing on more than one server.

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I vote for more character slots! :jawa_biggrin:



Sure I admit being an Altoholic but I just can't help myself LoL


* Even 10 slots would make me very happy

* 16 slots would be perfect

* I'm willing to pay for extra slots

* I really like the story lines and would enjoy doing them again in the future

* Sooner or later they will add more classes & races

* I'm willing to drop character limit from 40 to 32 for more slots

* No disadvantage to those that only want 1 or 2 characters

* Has zero effect on other players if I have 8 or 16 characters on same server

* Gives us a huge credit & time sink

* Having 2 factions dont mean anything because we cant play more then one at a time

* The legacy system pushes for players to have alts

* I would love to unlock each race without deleting my characters

* I would love to have all 16 advance classes without deleting my characters

* I dont want to be on a different server as I really like the one I'm on now.


And lastly...

If you really like a movie, do you not always watch it more then once?



Edited by Ziko
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I vote for more character slots! :jawa_biggrin:



Sure I admit being an Altoholic but I just can't help myself LoL


* Even 10 slots would make me very happy

* 16 slots would be perfect

* I'm willing to pay for extra slots

* I really like the story lines and would enjoy doing them again in the future

* Sooner or later they will add more classes & races

* I'm willing to drop character limit from 40 to 32 for more slots

* No disadvantage to those that only want 1 or 2 characters

* Has zero effect on other players if I have 8 or 16 characters on same server

* Gives us a huge credit & time sink

* Having 2 factions dont mean anything because we cant play more then one at a time

* The legacy system pushes for players to have alts

* I would love to unlock each race without deleting my characters

* I would love to have all 16 advance classes without deleting my characters

* I dont want to be on a different server as I really like the one I'm on now.


And lastly...

If you really like a movie, do you not always watch it more then once?




I agree entirely with this, with the exception of the number of slots. If someone is so inclined, why not let them use ALL of their character slots on one server, up to the account limit of 40? If they're going to be doing stuff like the Legacy System and adding more species and classes, even 16 may not be enough for some people.

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Probably because of this thread's title's poor spelling and grammar.


Yeah. I was very hesitant to post here because of that, too. However, this is the only thread I've found about the issue to list the other threads in it.


OP, could you please fix up the thread title a bit, if it'll let you?

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Yeah. I was very hesitant to post here because of that, too. However, this is the only thread I've found about the issue to list the other threads in it.


OP, could you please fix up the thread title a bit, if it'll let you?

We should just request a giant thread merge. How many are there?...like six? A plain, generic title like "Character Slots" could suffice.


I request a thread merge/consolidation.

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We should just request a giant thread merge. How many are there?...like six? A plain, generic title like "Character Slots" could suffice.


I request a thread merge/consolidation.


Hear hear! I agree wholeheartedly. May all the threads about this issue be merged with the one with the best OP and title. ...Unless BioWare doesn't want this issue to be seen.

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Don't jump on the guy too fast--he never said "no", just "I won't use this". And perhaps trolling a bit perhaps? :)


I know most folks won't care about additional slots one bit. But I think the minority who do are of significant number and will find it valuable--either in money directly paid for slots or indirectly as it will keep them as paying subscribers longer.


And someone mentioned being happy with "just 10" slots. If the main concern is database impact, maybe slowly adding in a few optional slots over time might be the best option and would keep performance on the server side from getting slammed all at once.


Now, if performance impact is not a concern--then, game on! The more slots the merrier.

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