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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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Again it seems that BW doesn't listen to it's clients.


They add the legacy system and no ones thinks that having 8 slots is not enough?

And to say it would take more memory on a server that is not true, would only take more diskspace in the database, which shouldn't be that much.


They do come up with nice ideas but it seem that they are half done, it like, lets give them something to nibble on for now lol..


with the upcoming new races, how are we going to play them if we used up our 8 slots, delete our lvl 50's to try the new races or go to another server and start a new legacy system?


way to go BW.......

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In their defense, they are going through server transfers and balancing, which they may need to pin down before they add in more slots to those servers.


But I'd like to see some sort of announcement like, "Once the server rebalance is complete, we will be adding slot options."

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In their defense, they are going through server transfers and balancing, which they may need to pin down before they add in more slots to those servers.


But I'd like to see some sort of announcement like, "Once the server rebalance is complete, we will be adding slot options."


i can't transfer until they aded more slots

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During this maintenance, we are implementing new functionality that will be used later this summer to support automatic character transfers from remaining origin servers to designated destination servers.


Quoted from the patch notes for today.


Hopefully they'll implement something before it gets to the point referred to there. Sure sounds like they're planning to cram your characters onto your one destination server and leave the rest in account limbo. I've got roughly 24 characters on three East Coast RP-PVE servers. Sure, there are a few I wouldn't mind deleting but no way can I pare them down to just eight on Ebon Hawk. An alternative needs to be developed.

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/signed (probably again, I think I've replied to this thread before)


Considering there are currently 9 races, and only 8 character slots.. and considering some people have played on two servers that both got merged into the same one, we need more character slots. Lucky for me, neither of those situations apply. But I would love to have more room for just fun alts, or try out a different race but don't want to delete my 2 50s, 2 toons in the low 40s, 2 toons in the 30s, and 2 lowbie toons (< level 15). I don't want to have to keep deleting my 2 low level toons if I want to try a different race or different class, or advanced class. And I certainly don't want to delete my 6 characters over level 30, because they all have 400 crew skills.


So please add more char slots! And I would love to see "hey we're going to add this at X patch, or after server merges." Or whenever they decide to add this in.

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Definitely need more character slots. I have all 8 slots in my legacy filled, but I want to be able to play the other specialization classes, with differing species. And with the forced server mergers, they have to give more slots to allow characters to be moved to servers where players already have 8. I want to be able to play a cathar when they release that option too. The whole system is designed to make you want to play many characters/classes/species, but only 8 slots? It's really hard just waiting on this.
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Hey, look on the bright side. You'll probably be able to buy more character slots in the cash shop, with real money. That's how it works in other, so called, free to play games. /sigh




I am sure that Bioware will be happy to let us have more slots if we give them more money. :t_cool:

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Alot of people are pushing for 16 character slots on 1 server. I am with them. I really like this idea but if this doesnt happen/or they dont consider this them Im going to ask them if they would consider taking Cartel Tokens to buy character slots.


I know it probably costs extra money for them to make more room for our extra characters but Paying Cartel Tokens would hopefully somewhat make up the cost. Yes I realize this means that every time you release a new class on either side that we would have to acheive 2 new character slots but there must be some way you can make that work.


Honestly I dont care how we have to get the extra slots but in order to play every Subclass on one server.



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I expecting that increase since April,and i dont know whats taking Bioware so long,many people from my guild got the same problem and this thread proving we are not alone,it seems like simple change to me.

So if you are interested of peoples opinion,this got my vote.;)

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I am sure that Bioware will be happy to let us have more slots if we give them more money. :t_cool:


As posted earlier, I think people would accept paying for the additional perk of more slots. It would make us happy, keep more of us in the game and playing so other players won't feel like the servers are de-populated, and bring in more money to bioware so they can keep developing/maintaining the game.


I'm not seeing the downside here. And if there is one, mitigation is pretty simple. Too expensive? Price it accordingly. Too few players at 50 because they're alt'ing? Make free/cheaper slots a legacy reward or reward for hitting 50.


And if this feature is being delayed, for pity sake give us some kind of timeframe or whatever limited decisions they've made. Will we ever get it? Will it be part of the F2P rollout? Will it come on the heels of server consolidation?


Please, give us something so I can justify a continued subscription.

Edited by drFodder
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Just to reiterate what we've been saying here in open-letter-to-Bioware style...


WHEREAS additional slots will increase retention of SWTOR's premium account, paying, and playing user base;


WHEREAS additional slots will enhance ALL user experience by keeping more players in the game and PLAYING, resulting in a more visible character population across all levels;


WHEREAS additional slots will permit greater utilization and enjoyment of the recognized Bioware strengths in content: lightside-darkside choices, class content, and faction content;


WHEREAS additional slots will greatly enhance the (perhaps unique) Bioware innovation of its legacy system;


BE IT RESOLVED that additional character slots are INHERENTLY and UNIQUELY beneficial to SWTOR, and should be phased in WITHOUT DELAY.


Suggested implementations are not mutually exclusive, and all have a place in SWTOR's ecosystem:


1. Additional slots for reaching level 50,

2. Additional slots for completing class Act III arcs,

3. Additional slots as legacy rewards,

4. Additional slots for premium/[paid accounts,

5. Additional slots for additional fees.


And of course, the more slots the better.


Slots will result in increased revenue directly through any fees, indirectly through retention of paying accounts, and as a tertiary effect of enhancing other users' experience through character population. This should more than offset any costs associated with transient server migration and continued maintenance of database entries.


In short: "Mo' slots, mo' playas, mo' money."

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They'll probably add the ability to buy extra slots with Cartel Coins sometime, whether it's there on release or not I wouldn't know.


EDIT: Oh and I completely agree that more slots are needed, I love my server and love making alts, the reason I have 2 accounts with full slots which I switch every 2 months to play >_>

Edited by WaldoA
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