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Food for thought: Image this scenario in PVP


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Depends on skill levels. At high skill levels Marauders will win due to Intimidating Roar.


Of 8 players, you need 2 to focus and burn a Sorc very quickly. Of the 6 remaining, 2 can be used as a set of decoys to force the first target to blow cooldowns. Of the 4 remaining, all can charge random targets and AOE mez.


The mez time, even if broken quickly, is sufficient for the 2-4 Marauders to destroy the first target. This will cause a domino failure where the Sorc team runs out of juice.


Beyond that, chaining infinite Predation will nullify any attempt at Sorc kiting. This leaves the Sorc cross-healing. Without guard, and with Marauder focus fire, the cross-healing is negligible.


This is all if we're talking fighting capacity.



In terms of ball-scoring, you've got to be kidding me.


Permanent 80% Predation, force charge out the ***, and 8 people that can walk through fire, and AOE mezzes. And roots through resolve.


Team Marauder will get the ball first, and good teamwork will ensure consecutive scoring to 6-0.


Sorcs have no capacity for the kind of burst needed to burst a ball carrier (nevermind a Marauder ball carrier) before they can pass.

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as just an aside I've wondered what a team of rage spec marauders synchronizing their smashes could do. Like 4-5 suped up smashes at the same time

It would cause a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of Sorcs suddenly cried out in anguish: NERF MARA'S NAO!!!




And were suddenly silenced.

Edited by MasterVile
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Oh my god the knockbacks. It would feel like being in a damn tread mill xD. As interesting as that match sounds I bet it would be a pain to watch. Because you said Inquis, not just Sorcs. Tank heals and DPS on the other side. The Maras would be working their balls off for sure.
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That is true, by just saying inquisitor it could be assassin or sorc. A group of 8 assassins would pose quite a bit more challenge than a group of 8 sorcs. Hit disrupt on a sorc and watch them freak out, use their knockback and try and run, which doesn't work against any marauder with half a brain that saves force charge for just that reason.
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That is true, by just saying inquisitor it could be assassin or sorc. A group of 8 assassins would pose quite a bit more challenge than a group of 8 sorcs. Hit disrupt on a sorc and watch them freak out, use their knockback and try and run, which doesn't work against any marauder with half a brain that saves force charge for just that reason.


True. It's just a shame that Charge doesn't break roots. I always position myself prepared for the KB so I don't get hit too far away. But I just as often find myself rooted and weighing if I want to burn my Force Camo at that moment to break it. e.e decisions decisions

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sorcerers win, knockback after knockback, force speed, force pull, shields and more knockbacks and mara's wouldnt have a say in it, the score would be made before the mara team knows whats going on.


Thats the scenario vs sorcerers that know what they are doing.


in a 'noob' scenario sorcerers would probly be pulverized.

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