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Why as a healer I refuse to PVP


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My op gets 3 medals. Level 39, what I feel is good gear (All blues/orange)


My sorc gets 5 medals, level 20, all greens but 1 orange (Blue mods). Not only with almost matching - if not higher - numbers at a lower level with less spec talents, and abilities, but I even found time to do damage! My operative must stay focused on healing all the time


I used to think healers didn't get good medal numbers, but then I took the sorc's OPness to the knee.

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A well played healer who is trying to get medals will get 3-5 most rounds.


A healer TRYING to get medals, gets these 8 medals fairly easily.


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Healer – Healing 75K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

A good healer TRYING to get medals probably gets a few of these as well


Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Savior – Healing 300K

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points



bring the total to 8-12 for a good healer TRYING to get medals. Which is right in line with what i said earlier about our commando healer averaging 8-10 medals but seen him as high 12. If you are only getting 3-5, its time to examine your playstyle/spec

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For clarity I would like to add I am only including organized 4 man PVP setting this average. Where we go out to farm the medals. My personal best as dps/heal hybrid is 14. Healer best is 10. Meaning I have done those at least 1 time. The assassin I roll with will do 14+ almost every game (With a few exception lowest I think he ever gets is 10 please note this is after BM and rakata gear is blended together to make the perfect set for pvp) and has two different screen shots showing 16 medals.


I would just like to get the same amount as pure heals as I can get as Hybrid.

Edited by myrddinmelana
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A healer TRYING to get medals, gets these 8 medals fairly easily.


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Healer – Healing 75K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

A good healer TRYING to get medals probably gets a few of these as well


Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Savior – Healing 300K

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points



bring the total to 8-12 for a good healer TRYING to get medals. Which is right in line with what i said earlier about our commando healer averaging 8-10 medals but seen him as high 12. If you are only getting 3-5, its time to examine your playstyle/spec


That may be accurate for 50 Sages/Sorcs or people in really well organized premades, but as a Commando in 10-49, Trauma Surgeon and Demolisher are completely out of reach, and Combatant and Savior are ridiculously hard to get (I've never seen anybody in matches I've played get 300k healing, and only see Sages/Sorcs get over 75k in both Damage and Healing (and they get significantly more damage than healing when they do, so they're not really focusing on healing)). That brings the numbers down to 6-8, rather than your 8-12.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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First off there are 18 medals i the game, learn to know the game before starting to flame please.


(list of medals if you want to see)


Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal

Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack

Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal

Anihilator – 5K damage from a single attack

Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player

Combatant – Dealing 75k damage

Destroyer – Dealing 300K damage

Healer – Healing 75K

Savior – Healing 300K

Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points

Warden – Earning 3k Defender Points

Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight

Shield – 5k Protection

Protector – 50K Protection (thanks meatballz/adlarn)

Guardian – 2k Protection since last death

Paladin – 10k Protection since last death

Commando – Killing 10 enemy players

Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players



Secondly to all the people saying that many medals is impossible, no it is not, in theory a assasin/the mirror can get ALL medals(18), i have never seen this happen irl, but i have seen a screenshot of a dude with 17 medals.


Thirdly I agree 100% with op, the medals system is unbalanced, i have made a thread with a few suggestion on how to improve the balance.


p. s. I will say though that such a high average that op is suggesting is exceedingly high, i don't believe him either tbh.


You're missing the 600k dmg medal *******

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As scoundrel heals I get these medals pretty easily when going for it:


2.5k heal

5k heal

2.5k hit

75k heals

75k damage

Killing blow

10 kills


Thats 7 I get every match. I also get 25 kills often, 1k/3k defender on alderaan, 300k on voidstar and sometimes others and once in a blue moon solo kill. I'd say I generally average 8 medals per match. That being said U have to work a lot harder for your medals as a healer which is the most annoying thing imo. As dps u get all ur medals save 1 or 2 in like the first 5 min. The medals are there for healers u just gotta work a lot harder for them -_-

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As scoundrel heals I get these medals pretty easily when going for it:


2.5k heal

5k heal

2.5k hit

75k heals

75k damage

Killing blow

10 kills


Thats 7 I get every match. I also get 25 kills often, 1k/3k defender on alderaan, 300k on voidstar and sometimes others and once in a blue moon solo kill. I'd say I generally average 8 medals per match. That being said U have to work a lot harder for your medals as a healer which is the most annoying thing imo. As dps u get all ur medals save 1 or 2 in like the first 5 min. The medals are there for healers u just gotta work a lot harder for them -_-


Curious how you do your damage, through dots?

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Bonus commendations and valor are based off of MEDALS.


As a healer on my best game I can get 10. Worst game 5. Average 7.


As a DPS spec I get average of 14... High of 16+ My low is 10.


I am spec heals for my guild ops and I don't want to respec just to gain more valor. I don't see why healers should be punished for PVP. However my friends that PVP always want me to go with them because they need heals... I just don't see a point trying to advance in an unequal system.



************ On a side note ************

I don't see why players complain about healer being unkillable. They are just bad players. I have 18+k hp and I get 4 shot all the time. Sent/Mar jumps in and stuns. I pop out already have taken 8k. I insta cast static I take another 3k in actual dmg as static got some of it. I cast my one insta cat heal get 1.3k on a crit (this is due to the %30 healing reduction or it would be more) mind you I have taken 11k already. I pop inervant get 1.2 on a crit then before tick 2 it is interrupted. Then I take another 8k. If I live I start to cast another heal but never get it off. I get killed by one dps player all the time in less than 3 seconds.


******** However on the other hand ******


Sometimes a bad dps player that does not interrupt or stun gets on me and I heal minutes straight until help arrives. I see how that can be frustrating but it is just about skill at that point.


*********** Conclusion **********

Healers need to be able to get as many medals as a dps players can. Respecing to dps or hybid to gain medals hurts the others I play with because they need good heals.


Come on are you really serious. Are you complaining about medals.


I guess your server is completely full of even stupider republic player base then my server.


But anyways on my server healers are the first ones to recieve the vote at the end.


I dont know i guess you need to switch servers.


Maybe you should try strafeing back in forth with your A and D keys and you could gain some pvp skill.


Last point why would you even want to heal a republic player? Its just going to be invain because your going to get squshed by a sith sorcerer in full battlemaster gear who thinks that hitting 1 lightning skill is pvp skill.


Better yet next time your illum, take a notice of the how many brilliant ideas your republic player base has? And ask yourself did we even win this push? If your answer is yes then your not a republic player.

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That may be accurate for 50 Sages/Sorcs or people in really well organized premades, but as a Commando in 10-49, Trauma Surgeon and Demolisher are completely out of reach, and Combatant and Savior are ridiculously hard to get (I've never seen anybody in matches I've played get 300k healing, and only see Sages/Sorcs get over 75k in both Damage and Healing (and they get significantly more damage than healing when they do, so they're not really focusing on healing)). That brings the numbers down to 6-8, rather than your 8-12.


you sure they cant get demolisher brah? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jtq96N1GBqw

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1) He's not a heal spec (as evidenced by the fact that he only has 2 healing abilities).

2) He's rocking an Armor Piercing Cell instead of a Combat Support Cell (which would be stupid as a healer).


I suppose I could intentionally go out of my way for the 2.5k damage medal, but that's extremely blatant medal farming (and he still only got 7 medals, not 8-12, with only 10k healing).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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As scoundrel heals I get these medals pretty easily when going for it:


2.5k heal

5k heal

2.5k hit

75k heals

75k damage

Killing blow

10 kills


Thats 7 I get every match. I also get 25 kills often, 1k/3k defender on alderaan, 300k on voidstar and sometimes others and once in a blue moon solo kill. I'd say I generally average 8 medals per match. That being said U have to work a lot harder for your medals as a healer which is the most annoying thing imo. As dps u get all ur medals save 1 or 2 in like the first 5 min. The medals are there for healers u just gotta work a lot harder for them -_-


This is about the same for me as a sorc healer. The only exception being, I'll typically break 300k on any of the maps unless it ends early, but I rarely get the 2.5k damage one. I'd say my "average" is 7-9 medals, highest being 12 (alderaan of course). The shorter the match, the less medals on average of course.


Granted, this does take quite a bit of effort but can consistently be done (full champion gear now, but was still the case before then)

Edited by JohnSixteen
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To all those that have or say they have screens of people with 15+ medals please post them. I'd love to check them out as I've never seen anyone get over 13. Preferrably after the biochem nerf the 50 bracket and the water nerf. I kind of think no one is getting to 16 any more if you take into consideration those patches/fixes.


Every screenshot I've seen is pre 1.1

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It's not really possible to get more than 12 or 13 without exploiting.


I think the most self-healing I've ever seen on an Assassin/Shadow is 100k and they were decked out. They can't get the 2.5k or 5k healing medals, either. Let alone trying to get up to 300k healing.


Most medals I've ever seen legit is probably 12, most I've ever gotten is 11 as a shadow tank.

Edited by savionen
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That may be accurate for 50 Sages/Sorcs or people in really well organized premades, but as a Commando in 10-49, Trauma Surgeon and Demolisher are completely out of reach, and Combatant and Savior are ridiculously hard to get (I've never seen anybody in matches I've played get 300k healing, and only see Sages/Sorcs get over 75k in both Damage and Healing (and they get significantly more damage than healing when they do, so they're not really focusing on healing)). That brings the numbers down to 6-8, rather than your 8-12.


no one cares about pre50....

level up


u cant even level ur valor past ur current level pre50 so this entire thread is meaningless if we are talking about anything other than 50s


edit: btw....commando with the 30-11 spec is arguably one of the best specs for medal farming. our commando is just starting to acquire bm gear and ive already seen him put up 260k dmg and 260k heals (only twice mind u). he is shooting for 300/300.

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It's not really possible to get more than 12 or 13 without exploiting.


I think the most self-healing I've ever seen on an Assassin/Shadow is 100k and they were decked out. They can't get the 2.5k or 5k healing medals, either. Let alone trying to get up to 300k healing.


Most medals I've ever seen legit is probably 12, most I've ever gotten is 11 as a shadow tank.


I think a Shadow/Assassin could get 15 (all 10 DPS medals, all 4 tanking medals, 75k healing), but that would be an extremely unusual case. Pure DPS shouldn't be able to get more than 10 (maybe 11 if they have 75k of self-healing from something), and healer hybrids should max out at 13-14 (depending on if 300k of damage and 300k of healing can both be achieved in a single match). Personally, I've never seen more than 11 by anyone, but I've never played in the 50s bracket.

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I think a Shadow/Assassin could get 15 (all 10 DPS medals, all 4 tanking medals, 75k healing), but that would be an extremely unusual case. Pure DPS shouldn't be able to get more than 10 (maybe 11 if they have 75k of self-healing from something), and healer hybrids should max out at 13-14 (depending on if 300k of damage and 300k of healing can both be achieved in a single match). Personally, I've never seen more than 11 by anyone, but I've never played in the 50s bracket.


im kinda curious how u rack up 75k heals as a shadow/assassin now that sfw has been essentially taken off the table......

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I don't think an assassin can get either of the medals for large single heals anymore now that medpacks and shockfrozen water don't give credit as heals. Additionally, it would be VERY unlikely that they could get the 75k healing medal and pretty much impossible to get the 300k healing medal.


Otherwise, a pure DPS class still wouldn't be able to get more than 10 medals, because 4 of the medals are for healing and 4 of the medals are for tanking.


Since when dont medpacs give medals Im pretty sure just got one 10 minutes ago for a 2.5 k heal in a WZ its a bio made one not the wz one...........

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Since when dont medpacs give medals Im pretty sure just got one 10 minutes ago for a 2.5 k heal in a WZ its a bio made one not the wz one...........


They patched that out in like 1.1.0 about a month ago.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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im kinda curious how u rack up 75k heals as a shadow/assassin now that sfw has been essentially taken off the table......

Force in Balance and Combat Technique for Shadows (I don't know the Assassin versions).






It's all self-healing and it comes in small doses so 75k would be really hard, but probably not impossible, to reach.



Since when dont medpacs give medals Im pretty sure just got one 10 minutes ago for a 2.5 k heal in a WZ its a bio made one not the wz one...........

I've heard they don't give medals, but will admit to never having tried it.

Edited by Dzhokhar
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They patched that out in like 1.1.1


^truth. Though one of our healers last night said he got the 2.5k medal from using a medpack. we just assumed he hit the wrong button or popped an instant right before and the medal was just lagging a bit.

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Force in Balance and Combat Technique for Shadows (I don't know the Assassin versions).






It's all self-healing and it comes in small doses so 75k would be really hard, but probably not impossible, to reach.




I've heard they don't give medals, but will admit to never having tried it.


i didnt realize the total healing done was that substantial. Do you run a spec that uses either of these? if so whats a ballpark figure on your avg total healing done per wz?

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