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Our Awsomeness is so Awsome.


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I would just like to say. I love our class.


We can fly and have 2 swords.


Not to mention the machines that we are when it comes to damage input. Using all your cooldowns correctly? Prepare to watch everything drop in health while yours keeps going up. Force choke into a ravage YES I WILL SLICE YOUR FACE. I sometimes wish for heavy armor, but then i grab the ball and pop prem and I'm glad nothing is weighing me down. Did I mention we can heal our WHOLE TEAM? Slice, dice, bleed, slice, SCREAM and continue. Force jump to the top rope to annihilate (THE BEST SPEC) the ball carrier? Yes please. They cannot stop us unless its 1v3.


So get physical fellow Marauders, jump and slice faces off with unflacid fervor. It's what we do best. Its...Marauder Life.


Now.. if we can convince Bioware to give us a dual bladed whirlwind and 4 more stealth seconds........

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What he mean was when you hit 50 there are other classes that will make your "awsomeness" less awsome. You become powerful which is true but every other class will have a lot of end game powers that will just make you cry and fustrating. You will be grinding gear to compete with them for awhile. Trust me, if your not 50 now you will understand when you get it.


Definently possible to dominate at 50 but if you don't have a team to heal and guard you, your gonna get ganked 6 v 1. Trust me. Holding two lightsabers is like a flag for "please kill me" and they know it.

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Definently possible to dominate at 50 but if you don't have a team to heal and guard you, your gonna get ganked 6 v 1. Trust me. Holding two lightsabers is like a flag for "please kill me" and they know it.




I'll bring my Immo/Venge Juggy and we'll roll over some folks... :)

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Definently possible to dominate at 50 but if you don't have a team to heal and guard you, your gonna get ganked 6 v 1. Trust me. Holding two lightsabers is like a flag for "please kill me" and they know it.


meh, its not the 2 sabers per se


its more the fact that they are red with black cores


when i had my champ sabers still nobody cared about me, to their eternal regret no doubt, but now with my BM sabers i get focused almost instantly



cant wait for fully moddable purples to get here, i want my taris vibroswords back!!

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