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Sentinel/Marauder need better balance.


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The class become GOD class at lvl50 now compare to every other class.


Extremly high Burst damage.

Extremly effective CC in group fight.

Extremly high survival abilities. ( And you dont even need any skills to play it)


Something needs to be taken away bioware.


You have 2 GOD like survival abilities, Vanish and damage Immue for my opinion one of these has to go, this is rediculous now they last longer than Guardian in group fight.

The class itself has almost NO weakness at all.

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The class become GOD class at lvl50 now compare to every other class.


Extremly high Burst damage.

Extremly effective CC in group fight.

Extremly high survival abilities. ( And you dont even need any skills to play it)


Something needs to be taken away bioware.


You have 2 GOD like survival abilities, Vanish and damage Immue for my opinion one of these has to go, this is rediculous now they last longer than Guardian in group fight.

The class itself has almost NO weakness at all.


Personally I think it's probably more that DPS guardians/Juggs are too squishy.

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The class become GOD class at lvl50 now compare to every other class.


Extremly high Burst damage.

Extremly effective CC in group fight.

Extremly high survival abilities. ( And you dont even need any skills to play it)


Something needs to be taken away bioware.


You have 2 GOD like survival abilities, Vanish and damage Immue for my opinion one of these has to go, this is rediculous now they last longer than Guardian in group fight.

The class itself has almost NO weakness at all.


Have you played either of these classes?

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The class become GOD class at lvl50 now compare to every other class.


Extremly high Burst damage.

Extremly effective CC in group fight.

Extremly high survival abilities. ( And you dont even need any skills to play it)


Something needs to be taken away bioware.


You have 2 GOD like survival abilities, Vanish and damage Immue for my opinion one of these has to go, this is rediculous now they last longer than Guardian in group fight.

The class itself has almost NO weakness at all.


You do understand that TOR is a game right? And that while your char can use stims and other drugs to help their performance if you do this in real life you will eventually come to a bad end ... including posts like this right?


Since I can tell from your post you have never played one to 50 ... why don't you roll one up and do it? Its nothing but time after all and time is what everyone in this game plenty of over the long haul.


Once you do that come back, read your post and see what every Mara/Sent now sees.





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I'm guessing he hasn't and just got rolled by a marauder/sentinel who had all his cooldowns up.


The CD in this game don't matter much they come back quick, unlike wow which some god abilities take 30mins cd this game cd only 2mins max.

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You do understand that TOR is a game right? And that while your char can use stims and other drugs to help their performance if you do this in real life you will eventually come to a bad end ... including posts like this right?


Since I can tell from your post you have never played one to 50 ... why don't you roll one up and do it? Its nothing but time after all and time is what everyone in this game plenty of over the long haul.


Once you do that come back, read your post and see what every Mara/Sent now sees.






I am valor rank 70 sage on THE MAW server, char name NOXIA the first war hero on rep, please stop assuming I am noob.

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How long is paladin bubble CD? as i recall it was 30mins.


I played daoc as well it was long ago, some powerful abilities like instant full heal, immue to all cc those take 30mins - 15mins cd.

For those very powerful abilities they should take much longer CD than 2mins.

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Don't think so when i left wow it was still 30mins. unless they changed. anyway 5mins a bubble is way too powerful dont you think? and before i left paladin instant full heal was not allow in arena too, also that instant full heal took 1 hour CD and 40mins if you put talents into it.

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The class become GOD class at lvl50 now compare to every other class.


Extremly high Burst damage.

Extremly effective CC in group fight.

Extremly high survival abilities. ( And you dont even need any skills to play it)


Something needs to be taken away bioware.


You have 2 GOD like survival abilities, Vanish and damage Immue for my opinion one of these has to go, this is rediculous now they last longer than Guardian in group fight.

The class itself has almost NO weakness at all.


:):D If we're so broken, try rolling one.


I promise you, we most certainly ARE NOT. We get a few shining moments, but usually we get ROFLSTOMPED.


Level a marauder to 50 and I'd bet over a hundred dollars your attitude would change.

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HAHAAHH, This is coming from a SAGE?!!?! News flash buddy, Sage/Sorc are by far the most OP class in-game atm. Lets see what you get




Force Armor!!

Force Speed!!

AoE disable!! (Break on damage)

Single target disable! (Break on damage)

Single target stun!

AoE Knockback!!



Leap/imobalize/interupt (Same skill)

AoE Disable (Break on damage)





Also, Force Armor > Undying Rage. Id take your 20 sec bubble over 5 secs of 99% damage reduction any day.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Don't think so when i left wow it was still 30mins. unless they changed. anyway 5mins a bubble is way too powerful dont you think? and before i left paladin instant full heal was not allow in arena too, also that instant full heal took 1 hour CD and 40mins if you put talents into it.


pally bubble was never 30 minutes. ever.

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not sure why jugarnauts and sith inquistors are so over powered , Bioware really need to look at some charts and see what is happening. Also why do you think the sith roll these two classes almost excusviley for pvp . They both are out of balance - with the force. Example though not as many stuns as a sith inquistor they are far supperior to any replubic class other then possible sage
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Don't think so when i left wow it was still 30mins. unless they changed. anyway 5mins a bubble is way too powerful dont you think? and before i left paladin instant full heal was not allow in arena too, also that instant full heal took 1 hour CD and 40mins if you put talents into it.


I recomend trying to see how powerful the bubble is and yes they use bubble and hearth at the same time

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A Sage calling for nerfs to other classes. How delightful! The comedy writes itself, folks.


that's when i stopped reading... really, this guy has a sage and proceeds to tell me i'm OP?


Have you every used force pebbles?? ever? Cuz you can just spam that to keep me away, i get in on you, you shockwave me away, i charge back in after the 4sec root from your knockback then i've got ONLY my cd's and 20% of my hp left to make you suffer. Not to mention if you've got that hard stun or bubble off cd then your life gets even easier.


Not that sages always win, i definitely crack my share of skulls but you have nothing to complain about having the most CC in the game right now.


Also, where is this mystical marauder cc youre talking about. Roar and force choke really count since i have to channel it or rely on my nub teammates not breaking the cc instantly.


idk maybe i forgot to train something xD



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not sure why jugarnauts and sith inquistors are so over powered , Bioware really need to look at some charts and see what is happening. Also why do you think the sith roll these two classes almost excusviley for pvp . They both are out of balance - with the force. Example though not as many stuns as a sith inquistor they are far supperior to any replubic class other then possible sage


this is so inaccurate i'm guessing its a troll.

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I think the OP is talking vanilla WoW. In Vanilla wow I believe that bubble was 30 mins or was that the Lay on Hands?


it was never 30 minutes.


5 minute cooldown with a 1 minute lockout for other invul abilities like blessing of protection. i dont remember lay on hands' cd. i think it was 1 hour. i could be wrong. i know you couldn't use it in arenas. would have been way op.

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