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    Minnesota, don't ya know
  1. 5v8 huttball all night long on the imperial side.
  2. as a pure dps class i would have to say weapons. Would you rather do damage or take it? Also, your CD's and smart gameplay are gonna be more defense than any armor could ever be.
  3. very impressive wins over thiagoth and ednyz (however its spelled). Both of those players are strong. first video i have seen with duels also which i really liked. nice work, you're a beast.
  4. this is so inaccurate i'm guessing its a troll.
  5. sorry if i didnt make this clear, but i feel the same way.
  6. I cannot stand watching my character run and have that flap in the back (that is clearly not even supposed to be there) glitch through the bottom of the robe so badly. I used to love this armor until i got it and now after having it for some time i have grown to hate it merely because of this flaw. Just wondering if anyone else passionately hated it as much as i do. P.S. i know they are releasing new armors in march and overall i like the game a lot. I just needed to blow off some steam and not feel like i was the only one who felt this way.
  7. i would have to go with the marauder as fas as the better rage spec. I would take the survivability over 30% dmg on one move. Granted its a nice chunk, but rage can be so much more than a smash bomb class which is all people give it credit for. Further more, the extra 4% dmg reduc counts against elemental dmg as well. Also, i like vicsious throw better than sundering throw and when are you 30m away from someone anyways? Thats what your force leap is for and when they knock you back obliterate and be 40% faster for 5 seconds. Not always that cut and dry but you get my drift. cant be killed for 5 seconds and then stealth and escape just before it turns off...so satisfying.
  8. i would make the arguement that rage has the best anti-kite mechanisms. with force crush and obliterate (which increases movement speed by 40% for 5 sec after every use) people kiting me is not one of my complaints. also lets not forget crippling slash which we all get. 50% speed reduction for 12sec (i think) does just fine for me when combined with the aforementioned abilities. Also, on a different note, some of the most revolutionary discoveries ever made in science were done without "data" and "tests" or even math. Einstein discovered relativity with a simple thought experiment. Sound, logical, conclusions can outweigh anyhting else sometimes.
  9. sometimes my targets still retain some mobility but their speed is dramatically reduced. doesnt seem to cause me any problems other than that though, they still take damage. its an awesome move.
  10. frankly i think the arguements you quoted are more compelling than the ones you made. However, this may also be due to the fact that i share the same opinion with them. I think this is really a matter of opinion and very meaningful arguements can be made for both sides. You have to define and get on the same page about which issues or aspects you are trying to preserve or destroy before you make an arguement about how to go about doing so. Right now people are argueing different points which are great in their own right but pretty much is apples to oranges, which is your favorite!! Either way i highly doubt they will allow you to switch AC not because it is my opinion that it is totally stupid...but because it is theirs...
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