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This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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Wow reading comprehension fail for the win.


None of that is even remotely close to what i said.


The "cars are like mmo's" is a fail argument because cars are nothing like mmo's... does your spark pulg being loose make your windshield wipers flip upside-down and start wiping the hood? No.


And even if you still wanted to compare them do you know how long it took to have AC standard in a car?






How much more did Rift address in that two month period that ToR did not?


I'm really curious because I was there and ToR is on the ball for getting things in that where not in the original package.


And missing UI customization and combatlogs is not the huge deal you're making it out to be... and is being added in the next patch so is a moot point. If its "too late" for you and your quitting then MMO are not something you should consider playing in the future.


I'm pretty sure you are able to google it, it's a 5 page long patch note so im really not going to copy it here, but I guess the third Raid, a cross-server LFG tool, Updated Guild Perks and Quests, and a AH Overhaul (Witch already was pretty good) are among things that would interest some people. That was 2 months after release(1.2), and yes they had smoothened out all minor UI bugs by then.


Btw: Generally i'm quitting because I fail to see how they will make lv 50 content a lot more interesting than it already is, adding a few more copies of what's already there wont really cut it for me, nor will a ui fix. I had fun leveling a few toons indeed, but it's nothing that draws me to do it again, at least not cosmetically Legacy rewards. (this is my personal experience though, and other players might have a totally different experience, best wishes to them)


But my argument is still valid, after all the development time and Budget, I did expect more game support than they currently have.


I know it's a bit unfair to bring up the LFG tool card, as I suspect BW will implent something Fresh on that side, hopefully something that will benefit MMO's for times to come, but sorry I'm not sticking around for that.

Edited by Xtroll
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I'm pretty sure you are able to google it, it's a 5 page long patch note so im really not going to copy it here, but I guess the third Raid, a cross-server LFG tool, Updated Guild Perks and Quests, and a AH Overhaul (Witch already was pretty good) are among things that would interest some people. That was 2 months after release(1.2), and yes they had smoothened out all minor UI bugs by then.




1.2 was three months after release.


3rd raid didn't come till 1.3


x-server LFG didn't come till 1.4

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1.2 was three months after release.

If im not wrong 5/10-2011 is two months and 10 days after 3/1-2011, Should fit pretty good with SW:Tor at Current date. (Video Game)????


3rd raid didn't come till 1.3

That's the 4'th raid.... Hammerknell




x-server LFG didn't come till 1.4


True sorry, went a bit overboard there, but the LFG tool got implemented. (And yes I know this is a cheap shot as edited above, anyway G'night)

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More or less, yes.

It takes time (and money) to develop game systems, user interface, content that utilises the game system. There is only a finite amount of time that a game can be held in development. At some point beta testing has to start and at that point either the company returns to investors and asks for another huge bag of money (and likely giving up their job), or they start working to ship the game.

So the reasonable comparison is to compare games based on development time. SW:TOR has 5 years of development, which is a little longer than most, but not that much longer and much of that was not so much content or system development but the time consuming dialog writing and recording.




The amount of money is an inaccurate measurement at best. You are comparing not only different dollars (a dollar in 2001 bought a different amount of work than one in 2010), but also different needs for different generations of games. The quality of modelling in modern games is much higher than it was in the WoW generation, and that was much higher than of even older games. That means more work for the art department, and higher costs associated with the same amount of content. Bioware may spend between 3 to 10 times as much writing on a quest as do other games. That again makes the game more expensive for the same amount of money, but at the potential gain of higher replayability and higher player retention. But blizzard had to develop a game engine from scratch as there was nothing on the market that could match to what they wanted to do with WoW, so they had much higher initial cost outlay for that.


Staff size would give you a more precise comparison but that kind of information is not generally accessible. Historically games cut down their staff to one for maintaining the game and a much reduced one for bugfixes and new content development.

Later games maintain a bigger development staff, accounting for the more rapid rate of bugfixes and new game systems being added. And accounting for the fact that they need to play catch up with the established game that have had more time to add new features.



Excellent post, MGriffith.

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If im not wrong 5/10-2011 is two months and 10 days after 3/1-2010, Should fit pretty good with SW:Tor at Current date.


That's the 4'th raid.... Hammerknell




75ish days actually so about 2.5 months, and slivers were not real raids... they where added instead of a new single group instance to appease smaller guilds.

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