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Commander Shepard is in SWTOR!!


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I am sure this has been said but I just noticed that when I made my Republic commando today that the female voice that I had for my character was the same voice actor from Mass Effect 2. It's actually pretty cool to be playing my epic SWTOR character and for her to sound like Good Ol' Commander Shepard. Anyone else notice this too?
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Male sith warrior = Steve Valentine (Alistair)

Female sith inquisitor = female Hawke

Corso Riggs = Raphael Sbarge (Carth, Kaiden)

Male BH = Steve Blum

Vette = Mission

Kilran = Loghain


Sure I know more but I can't think of any atm.


Actually Female Hawke does the voice the IA, Xanthe Elbrick does the voice of FemInq.

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