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Healers unbeatable solo


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The OP made me chuckle a bit with his whining about not being able to solo a class that is by design not supposed to be easily soloable. first of all however, in a true 1v1 setting, any melee class that is as geared and skilled as a healer should kill the healer 9\10 times if not every time. But that's besides the point. In a wz setting, if a melee is on a healer , that healer is essentially useless. Not to mention that it is very common for healers to get focused by more than one player. Healers should be hard (but possible) to solo kill and easy to focus down. Last time I checked, both are true in pvp in this game. My suggestion would be to get better at your class or just stop trying to solo a healer if you can't manage it. I don't see healers racking up the solo kill medals, and I dont hear them complaining.
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If you are in a WZ or in Ilum you get this debuff as soon as you enter PvP combat.


Edit: It's called Trauma, how have you never noticed this if you are healer.


I've seen the trauma debuff... but it doesn't activate as soon as i heal and then i attempt to attack, or viceversa.

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Show me a spec/attacks where healing can outpace DPS, then I'll take it back.


Even my own healing mechanics as a DPS spec are capable of out-pacing my own DPS in the short-run. In my case, this is a very short-run, and completely unsustainable.


The issue with long-run damage becomes a battle between whether the DPS class can hold its sustained DPS at a higher level than the healer can output to. That gets horribly complex when you factor in healing consumables, kiting, tactical use of interrupts, cc, defensive abilities, etc.


There is no reason that a well-played healer can't out-sustain a DPS class, provided they don't allow the DPS player in question to dictate the fight on their terms. And, of course, some classes are better at bringing healers down than others.


In reality, in most warzone situations, two players are very rarely left alone long enough for the outcome of a well-balanced 1v1 to resolve itself before someone else intervenes. So the perception can be slightly skewed from both sides.

Edited by Kanthric
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Even my own healing mechanics as a DPS spec are capable of out-pacing my own DPS in the short-run. In my case, this is a very short-run, and completely unsustainable.


The issue with long-run damage becomes a battle between whether the DPS class can hold its sustained DPS at a higher level than the healer can output to. That gets horribly complex when you factor in healing consumables, kiting, tactical use of interrupts, cc, defensive abilities, etc.


There is no reason that a well-played healer can't out-sustain a DPS class, provided they don't allow the DPS player in question to dictate the fight on their terms. And, of course, some classes are better at bringing healers down than others.


In reality, in most warzone situations, two players are very rarely left alone long enough for the outcome of a well-balanced 1v1 to resolve itself before someone else intervenes. So the perception can be slightly skewed from both sides.


Agreed, so that's why I said show me a "GOD-LIKE" spec or heal that exists. That is the only way you can say something is OP'd. There are bad matchups in the design of this game, but saying we are immortal is laughable..


Once again I say......




Stay within 4m, interrupt the heals/attacks....you'll be fine...

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The OP made me chuckle a bit with his whining about not being able to solo a class that is by design not supposed to be easily soloable. first of all however, in a true 1v1 setting, any melee class that is as geared and skilled as a healer should kill the healer 9\10 times if not every time. But that's besides the point. In a wz setting, if a melee is on a healer , that healer is essentially useless. Not to mention that it is very common for healers to get focused by more than one player. Healers should be hard (but possible) to solo kill and easy to focus down. Last time I checked, both are true in pvp in this game. My suggestion would be to get better at your class or just stop trying to solo a healer if you can't manage it. I don't see healers racking up the solo kill medals, and I dont hear them complaining.



You must be trolling... why would a person play a healer and not the meele class then?


You are insinuating that any one playing a healer is a masochist. He is so masochistic that he would level a character to 50 , then level to 60 valor all the while paying the same amount of money as anyone else monthly to be everyone else's kill in pvp.


It's like saying you can all buy a Corvette or a Pinto for the same price and a significant amount of people decide to buy the Pinto. LOL ridiculous!!!!


Good trolling though. :)

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Ok, i guess this thread is missing the real problem.


A inquisitor/sage in a duel is not super OP...well a bit but that is not the issue. The problem is when they are in a team and there are several of them. At that point no one can argue that they are incredibly OP.


You see pre-mades full of sages/inq that are near impossible to beat. They all spike the same targets while slowing while others just spam heal them. Anyone getting beat on can easily CC, snare or kite the target. There is nothing anyone can do. They are all self suficient, they dont really need any other class. Some of these actually bring 1 or 2 gunslingers/snipers just to stun the targets so they go from 100-0% without the chance to do anything.


Its OP and its ruining PvP at the moment.

Edited by Nemmar
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Omg all of you just going off about wz's. This thread is about WORLD PVP . It isn't about running into a healer while your alone for 10 seconds in a wz. It is about running into a healer that is alone while your alone off doing stuff in the world. At least read all of the OP's post in a thread before you go puking your off topic rants and correcting people that are right in the first place.


did you even read the post i responded to? because it wasn't the OP

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Ok, i guess this thread is missing the real problem.


A inquisitor/sage in a duel is not super OP...well a bit but that is not the issue. The problem is when they are in a team and there are several of them. At that point no one can argue that they are incredibly OP.


You see pre-mades full of sages/inq that are near impossible to beat. They all spike the same targets while slowing while others just spam heal them. Anyone getting beat on can easily CC, snare or kite the target. There is nothing anyone can do. They are all self suficient, they dont really need any other class. Some of these actually bring 1 or 2 gunslingers/snipers just to stun the targets so they go from 100-0% without the chance to do anything.


Its OP and its ruining PvP at the moment.


That's kinda of a weak argument because you are saying that many healers assiting each other is OP. Well take many DPS classes and also assist .... you will find the exact same results.


Everyone is arguing from a DPS/HPS perspective. The truth is if enough DPS assist and hit same target there is no one to heal it and you dont need to bust out excel to prove this. Who cares how well you heal when people have max hitpoints that are less than how much damage enough people assiting can dish out.


You can't expect to beat healers assisting without assisting yourself. Your argument, to me, really just flushes out how effective asssiting is in PVP rather than emphasizes that if healers are assiting it somehow is unbeatable.


Finally healers both are limited by LOS and range. There are classes with jumps and pulls that effectively can always be in range. There are classes with decent size melee range that are always in LOS. All classes have interupts.


Lets see if it's balanced when everyone is battlemaster and the pvp matures where everyone assists. It seems premature to cry the sky is falling and that healers assiting in pvp is overpowered unless it comes from everyone also running groups that use assist imho.

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Ah, one of these threads. I will keep this brief, and simple: No one dps should be able to kill a lone healer. If you, all alone with no help, could kill a healer then there is no point in healers in PvP. Imagine, for a moment, a healer who was unable to keep you up through one dps hitting you. Not someone you want helping you out/healing you, is it? You'd be better off with another dps to just help you squash the other guy, right?



A pure healer who is soloed by a pure dps (save Sents/maurs with their healing debuff) is a bad healer, sorry to say.

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Ah, one of these threads. I will keep this brief, and simple: No one dps should be able to kill a lone healer. If you, all alone with no help, could kill a healer then there is no point in healers in PvP. Imagine, for a moment, a healer who was unable to keep you up through one dps hitting you. Not someone you want helping you out/healing you, is it? You'd be better off with another dps to just help you squash the other guy, right?



A pure healer who is soloed by a pure dps (save Sents/maurs with their healing debuff) is a bad healer, sorry to say.


So your saying healers should be OP so they can heal themself and others? Whats the logic in this? Healers can even take more damage than tanks with theyre heals. I have seen several times in hutt ball 3 - people attacking one healer without a tank and he can still outheal himself. Id call that OP. And like people already said you can only interrupt one of healers heals so while your waiting your 8 s interrupt cooldown healer has already healed himself full health with hes heals and interrupt means you cant use that specific ability in 4 s so the healer have 4 s time to use that heal too. I dont know any people in my server who has won a good healer one on one in wz.

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So your saying healers should be OP so they can heal themself and others? Whats the logic in this? Healers can even take more damage than tanks with theyre heals. I have seen several times in hutt ball 3 - people attacking one healer without a tank and he can still outheal himself. Id call that OP. And like people already said you can only interrupt one of healers heals so while your waiting your 8 s interrupt cooldown healer has already healed himself full health with hes heals and interrupt means you cant use that specific ability in 4 s so the healer have 4 s time to use that heal too. I dont know any people in my server who has won a good healer one on one in wz.



Your reading comprehension is lacking, but lets go through it again. In a 1v1 setting a healer should be able to heal themselves through a dps'ers damage. I never said they should be able to


A. Heal themselves AND other's while getting beat on

B. Be able to tank 3 or 4 or whatever magical number of people at a time.

C. Take more damage than a tank (But since you mentioned it, yeah, they should be harder to heal than a tank.)


If they are doing A and B then yes, that is OP. In situation B if you're seeing this it's likely bad dps not rotating cooldowns (But instead going lololletsallinteruptthesamecastlolol) But we aren't talking Warzones and we aren't talking group play we're talking 1v1. And 1v1 you shouldn't be able to beat a pure healer.

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Your reading comprehension is lacking, but lets go through it again. In a 1v1 setting a healer should be able to heal themselves through a dps'ers damage. I never said they should be able to


A. Heal themselves AND other's while getting beat on

B. Be able to tank 3 or 4 or whatever magical number of people at a time.

C. Take more damage than a tank (But since you mentioned it, yeah, they should be harder to heal than a tank.)


If they are doing A and B then yes, that is OP. In situation B if you're seeing this it's likely bad dps not rotating cooldowns (But instead going lololletsallinteruptthesamecastlolol) But we aren't talking Warzones and we aren't talking group play we're talking 1v1. And 1v1 you shouldn't be able to beat a pure healer.


So your still saying healers should be OP? So whats the point of playing anyother class then if you can just be OP healer? Wouldnt be cool if warzones would be 8 healers vs 8 healers. Nobody would die and nothing would happen. It would be so cool. Maybe i should change to a healer when healers can even tank better than battlemaster geared tanks? :D


And the dps geared who were trying to kill the healer were not outgeared or bad players. Always on the top of the wz list.


Which class are you playing? Because you dont seem to know anything about battling againts a healer when you think its that easy. Or are your servers healers just so bad?

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So your still saying healers should be OP? So whats the point of playing anyother class then if you can just be OP healer? Wouldnt be cool if warzones would be 8 healers vs 8 healers. Nobody would die and nothing would happen. It would be so cool. Maybe i should change to a healer when healers can even tank better than battlemaster geared tanks? :D


And the dps geared who were trying to kill the healer were not outgeared or bad players. Always on the top of the wz list.


Which class are you playing? Because you dont seem to know anything about battling againts a healer when you think its that easy. Or are your servers healers just so bad?


Or are you just bad?


As i've said before, I have NEVER struggled to kill an un-guarded healer as a lone dps on my bounty hunter, guardian, or scoundral.

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Or are you just bad?


As i've said before, I have NEVER struggled to kill an un-guarded healer as a lone dps on my bounty hunter, guardian, or scoundral.


Ive heard that same ******** from one other ex - WoW player who was leveling up. When he hit 50 level and got *** ***** by every healer he wasnt so loud with hes opinions anymore. Shame we dont have as good dps players as you in our server. Well the crosserver is going to change that. ;) Could you tell us your characters names so we can test your might in the coming crosserver wz?


And usually im 1 - 4 on the wz so i wouldnt call my self that bad. :)))

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So your still saying healers should be OP? So whats the point of playing anyother class then if you can just be OP healer? Wouldnt be cool if warzones would be 8 healers vs 8 healers. Nobody would die and nothing would happen. It would be so cool. Maybe i should change to a healer when healers can even tank better than battlemaster geared tanks? :D


And the dps geared who were trying to kill the healer were not outgeared or bad players. Always on the top of the wz list.


Which class are you playing? Because you dont seem to know anything about battling againts a healer when you think its that easy. Or are your servers healers just so bad?


I'm not sure if you're oozing stupid on purpose or just for giggles, but I'll assume you're serious. The point of being something other than a healer is that nothing would die otherwise (as you so brilliantly noted yourself) A WZ of all healers would go nowhere and be fun for no one, which is why people roll DPS and tanks.


If you want to roll healer please feel free, but something about your posts makes me feel like you lack the attention span to be good at it, tbh.


I play a gunslinger, sharpshooter spec, and I am max level and I do PvP and I DO NOT take on healers alone. I'm not stupid and I have better ways to waste time. I do, however, team up with others to take on healers and flatten them. I have a Sent friend and together we easily take on healers, something that would be much harder alone. He kicks, I distract, I knockback, I use my radial, I flashbang, he uses force stasis: We make short work of our opponents and never once have we *****ed about having to team up to do it. It's a team activity (last I checked anyway) and there is no reason to expect to do it alone.

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I'm not sure if you're oozing stupid on purpose or just for giggles, but I'll assume you're serious. The point of being something other than a healer is that nothing would die otherwise (as you so brilliantly noted yourself) A WZ of all healers would go nowhere and be fun for no one, which is why people roll DPS and tanks.


If you want to roll healer please feel free, but something about your posts makes me feel like you lack the attention span to be good at it, tbh.


I play a gunslinger, sharpshooter spec, and I am max level and I do PvP and I DO NOT take on healers alone. I'm not stupid and I have better ways to waste time. I do, however, team up with others to take on healers and flatten them. I have a Sent friend and together we easily take on healers, something that would be much harder alone. He kicks, I distract, I knockback, I use my radial, I flashbang, he uses force stasis: We make short work of our opponents and never once have we *****ed about having to team up to do it. It's a team activity (last I checked anyway) and there is no reason to expect to do it alone.


So now your telling me how you kill noob healer with a premade group? Is that something new? If your going premade make sure you go againts premade group with good healers. Then come here and post a video about it. Everyone can kill a noob healer with a premade group. LoL. So which server are you playing if you have that bad healers?

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So now your telling me how you kill noob healer with a premade group? Is that something new? If your going premade make sure you go againts premade group with good healers. Then come here and post a video about it. Everyone can kill a noob healer with a premade group. LoL. So which server are you playing if you have that bad healers?


I have...no idea what you're talking about/asking me. I kill healers (good and bad) by not doing it alone and working with the other people on my team to cycle cooldowns/interrupts and keep them locked out. If you're taking anything other than "Don't try to solo healers" out of this you really do fail at reading.

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As a sith jugg, i get BIG problems against healers, its not even funny sometimes.


I had cases of 6v1 in Void Star and we just couldnt kill him for the whole match.


(1 healer standing at the door spamming heals on himself and intereputing any planting for the whole 6mins)


Thats how op they are, i just hope they fix them anyway. We usually have healers in our team as well and i did have my times too killing 8v2 in hutball and stuff.

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I have...no idea what you're talking about/asking me. I kill healers (good and bad) by not doing it alone and working with the other people on my team to cycle cooldowns/interrupts and keep them locked out. If you're taking anything other than "Don't try to solo healers" out of this you really do fail at reading.


So your playing againts bad non premade healers with full premade group. So whats the point of this? I never said noob healer with bad gear is OP. I said good healer with good gear is OP. Try to kill a good healer with good gear with 3 people in Hutt Ball. Not going to happen. :D

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I have...no idea what you're talking about/asking me. I kill healers (good and bad) by not doing it alone and working with the other people on my team to cycle cooldowns/interrupts and keep them locked out. If you're taking anything other than "Don't try to solo healers" out of this you really do fail at reading.


You have a point if you have high dps, though after 3 knocks (i think its 3 not 100% sure though) he gets a full ress bar, and he cant get knocked anymore...so its kinda a race. At 1% than he can just pop an insta heal back to 80% if not 100 :p (Yeh easy to macro/keybind if need be)

Edited by MrTBolt
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As a sith jugg, i get BIG problems against healers, its not even funny sometimes.


I had cases of 6v1 in Void Star and we just couldnt kill him for the whole match.


(1 healer standing at the door spamming heals on himself and intereputing any planting for the whole 6mins)


Thats how op they are, i just hope they fix them anyway. We usually have healers in our team as well and i did have my times too killing 8v2 in hutball and stuff.


I know your pain mate. Playins as jugg too. Have even tried rage spec againts healers. You can kill the noob ones easily but when good one comes who knows healer class you cant kill him even with a full premade group. :I

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I know your pain mate. Playins as jugg too. Have even tried rage spec againts healers. You can kill the noob ones easily but when good one comes who knows healer class you cant kill him even with a full premade group. :I


Noob healers are not an issue, i can easily chain stun and do loads of knocks and stuff...even 1v1 easy stuff :)


I love jugg in general, but when it comes against a healer its a pain.



(Sry for high jacking the threat b d way) :D

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