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Healers unbeatable solo


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I disagree healers should be able to be killed Solo just as easily as anyone else.


So what will they do for healers....buff their DPS?? Of course they are hard to kill...the also hit about as hard as a paper napkin..If you 1 on 1 vs a healer and you actually DIE its a ltp issue.

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Currently healers are simply unbeatable as a solo melee class.... MIANLY sages/sorcers that have that channeled heal that gives ridiculous amounts of health back, can knockback, bubble and 10 other defensive ways


The damage we do on healers is outhealed easily for specced healers and you can barely put them under 40% before losing your own powerpool if you are not a force user with 500 force or focus mechanic...


Their damage might be weak but they are immortal since sages cant die from your damage and have a lot of force to use compared to the limited powerpool classes like (assassin,op,bounty,sniper etc)... If you manage your powerpool well then you cannot do enough damage since they can outheal it in a second and have more time to do damage on you since oyu cant heal HAHA....


They can also even use consumables and be even more immortal than usual...


interrupt doesnt help since you may stop the good channeled heal but they are just going to spam their other 2-3 heals for slightly weaker effect and still survive AND USE THE CHANELED HEAL IN 4 SECONDS while you cant interrupt them....


Stuns or cc make them even more godlike since they can pull of a high heal if you have already used your cc breaker in the first attempt to cc>heal...



In short, healing needs to be reduced in this game to balance things out...



Starting to think you are a troll....




Or did your opinion change to suit your needs? Please fill me on on this magical spec that makes healers immortal...

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It takes them a while but a good maurauder can kill me no problem. Undergeared ppl can just be ignored as I can just put up dots and heal through them. Healers should not be able to be solo'd. If you are Hitting/interupting/cc'ing a healer they r not healing any1 else, hence you have just taken them out of the game.


You said it yourself, they are healing themselves while you are trying to kill them, THEY R NOT JEALING ANY1 ELSE.


2 good skilled players will take me down pertty fast, and 3, I have no chance.


Working as intended.


There should not be a god class. No class should be able to do good damage and good heals with crazy cc and a crazy OP bubble. not working as intended.

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There should not be a god class. No class should be able to do good damage and good heals with crazy cc and a crazy OP bubble. not working as intended.


This. Inquisitors/sages are out of control at the moment. They are too OP.


Survivability, knockback, snares, heals, great dps spell with snare incorporated, speed boost to kite. These basically have everything and Warzones are currently decided by how many of these you got in your team.


They are easy to play, easy to heal with, and a nightmare to kill. The hammer must come down on them.

Edited by Nemmar
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There should not be a god class. No class should be able to do good damage and good heals with crazy cc and a crazy OP bubble. not working as intended.


I hit like a nerf bat in full heal spec. Bubble is not OP, I can do good heals though and that is all. If I really try hard and dont heal half the time I may be able to get 75k damage. I would not say that is op, as if I do that much damage I am not keeping people alive.

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if you truly cannot beat a healer in a strictly solo situation, then you are just a bad. you have all the time in the world, and it isn't like he can do any significant damage to you. so let him burn his cooldowns, use up his force ability, then interrupt him, stun him, pop your trickets and go to town.


what really happened to cause your post is that you went after a healer in a warzone, and he self healed through your probably suboptimal rotation. you then got prawned by the rest of his team.


good thread.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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if you truly cannot beat a healer in a strictly solo situation, then you are just a bad. you have all the time in the world, and it isn't like he can do any significant damage to you. so let him burn his cooldowns, use up his force ability, then interrupt him, stun him, pop your trickets and go to town.


what really happened to cause your post is that you went after a healer in a warzone, and he self healed through your probably suboptimal rotation. you then got prawned by the rest of his team.


good thread.


No dude, a good healer wont stay there for you to hit him.


He will knockback and/or slow and/or CC with the blind of sorts they got and dash with the speed boast behind a pillar where he will heal himself back up to full and dances you around the pillar.


I can kill most healers on WZ, aslong as they dont have another healer healing them aswell (not uncommon because of the surge of sages/inquisitors because they are the flavor of the month OP class). The thing is, if they wanted to, they can just run away from you all day, while healing themselves and others. They just got too many tools for a single class.

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Well any heal nerf would make sence if PVP wasnt about the viceral thrill of killing an enemy. Healers sacrifice their ability to kill, or have the fun killing people, to play support.


Let's act oblivious that pvp is about killing and break it down a different way....


One team has 2 killers second team has 1 killer and a healer. Who should win?


If the team with the 2 killers wins then why would anyone ever play a healer? Basically if you feel support classes like healers should be in MMO's then you agree that healers should not be able to be killed solo.


Now it could be you just don't want support classes in MMO's because inadvertantly if you want healers solable that's what you are supporting . If that's the case then you could just play FPS games.


MMO's have traditionally been built on 4 archtypes. Healer, Tank, DPS and CC class. These classes are then balanced to complete PVE content. PVP has been an afterthought to this design and the design has always been where healers aren't soloable so people consider playing them for such since they can't kill.


It's the recipe for these games just like a pizza is made with sauce cheese and dough. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but every tiem I hear this "healers should be soloable" topic I immediatly think that the perosn saying it is playing his first MMO or eating his first piece of Pizza and wants pizza to be made with guacamole sauce instead of tomato. Maybe nothing wrong with pizza made from guacamole but it's not the pizza everyoen else is eating.


I hope that anology makes sence.

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Starting to think you are a troll....




Or did your opinion change to suit your needs? Please fill me on on this magical spec that makes healers immortal...


sorcerer dps are not op, especially full lightining ones.... healers ARE... plz read what i say before rushing to try to attack me

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There should not be a god class. No class should be able to do good damage and good heals with crazy cc and a crazy OP bubble. not working as intended.


WTH..... You guys are horrible....



I see more Juggs in damn near God-Mode. Winning like 10 medals in a warzone for someone who "doesn't have" something that makes us "GOD". With all the interupts available to ALL classes, no one is OP. We only deal good damage because of AoE and AoE alone. Our burst is equal to Glass Joe, and everyone else's is Mike Tyson.


Not working means I could slap ur azz down too. Which is soooooooooo false that it makes me think you are as smart as the Italian cruise ship captain.

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Healers are not invincible.


They are too strong.


In 1v1, if the healer does not have his head up his a**, he should not die. (Of equal gear, of course)


In isolation, its not a huge issue that its difficult for DPS classes to solo kill a healer - personally, I accept that as arsenal spec, I can hassle healers but lack the tools to kill them.


My gripe is when four or so healers on the other team in Civil War / Voidstar who are all reasonably competent create the ridiculous situation where the two sides crunch into an effective stalemate because the co-ordination threshold to get kills is just too high for a PUG group. Its made for some of the most dull matches I've had (not least because the healer-heavy team also tends to suffer equally from lack of DPS, which essentially forces a draw, or a "he who got lucky first wins" situation).


Tank-heavy teams don't have the same issue because their extra survivability is much more finite - they can't keep themselves or their allies up forever in the same way that a healer can (at least, not without some half-decent healing support).


The surge nerf did seem to end up being a boost to healing classes, and I imagine there will be a gentle reduction either in their healing output or defensibility before long. To be honest, that's all it requires - its not as if healers are ludicrously OP (with the exception of the Sorc/Sage hybrid, which is a different story and for different reasons), but in PvP a small difference can go a heck of a long way. ;)

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sorcerer dps are not op, especially full lightining ones.... healers ARE... plz read what i say before rushing to try to attack me


Show me a spec/attacks where healing can outpace DPS, then I'll take it back.




Even if I crit, I dont get the same output as a DPS attacker on the same level, and doesn't even factor in interupts.... "Losing slower" better describes what happens. We are squishy... regardless of tree...



[EDIT] There is no difference in saying they are OP as a DPS or Healer. In the end, we are annoying pain is the azz, but don't actually cause and REAL HP harm when compared to the other classes.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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I don't know if this has been said already... but why complain? The healer is busy healing himself, therefore he's not doing any damage to you or anyone else. And since the healer in question is so busy, homie isn't helping his team out much... minus the fact that he's keeping you distracted.


I healed through 4 sith attacking me once on Alderaan, I couldn't attack any of them back because I was so busy, so it goes both ways, I couldn't even get an instant dot on any of them. I managed to get out a /laugh before I finally died though. ;)

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I can kill most healers on WZ, aslong as they dont have another healer healing them aswell (not uncommon because of the surge of sages/inquisitors because they are the flavor of the month OP class).


Out of curiosity, do you proofread what you post? You admit you can kill healers in a warzone as long as they don't have another healer healing them - aka, a 2v1 situation. So let me get this straight - not only should DPSers be able to solo healers, they should be able to solo two healers?


The logic that healers should die just as easily as any other class only makes sense if they can kill just as easily as any other class. A good player will never die to a healer in a 1v1. You always have the option of just running away from the fight, and they won't have the DPS to stop you.

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...You always have the option of just running away from the fight, and they won't have the DPS to stop you.


^ This.


Even in a duel against a guildie geared just as well as I am, I can heal through any and all damage they give me, but once I get myself up to full health I've only got enough time to throw a couple dots on them before I'm back to healing myself.


Healer damage is pathetic, in WZ's I never take anyone on 1v1 unless I'm trying to distract them. If a Marauder jumps me in Huttball or on Alderaan I'm pretty much stuck healing myself until a team mate comes to my rescue.

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Since we are at it:


Snipers get ranged 4k nukes, stealth and heals.


Ummm, No?

Maybe the 4k part by using 2 abilities which use up ~40 energy, but heals and stealth?

I think you are confused and combining snipers with operatives.

Edited by Gallego
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Well any heal nerf would make sence if PVP wasnt about the viceral thrill of killing an enemy. Healers sacrifice their ability to kill, or have the fun killing people, to play support.


Let's act oblivious that pvp is about killing and break it down a different way....


One team has 2 killers second team has 1 killer and a healer. Who should win?


If the team with the 2 killers wins then why would anyone ever play a healer? Basically if you feel support classes like healers should be in MMO's then you agree that healers should not be able to be killed solo.


Now it could be you just don't want support classes in MMO's because inadvertantly if you want healers solable that's what you are supporting . If that's the case then you could just play FPS games.


MMO's have traditionally been built on 4 archtypes. Healer, Tank, DPS and CC class. These classes are then balanced to complete PVE content. PVP has been an afterthought to this design and the design has always been where healers aren't soloable so people consider playing them for such since they can't kill.


It's the recipe for these games just like a pizza is made with sauce cheese and dough. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but every tiem I hear this "healers should be soloable" topic I immediatly think that the perosn saying it is playing his first MMO or eating his first piece of Pizza and wants pizza to be made with guacamole sauce instead of tomato. Maybe nothing wrong with pizza made from guacamole but it's not the pizza everyoen else is eating.


I hope that anology makes sence.


Well put thank you !

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This thread belongs in the French forums.



The real op thread should have read:

I play class A

My spec is x,y,z.

When I 1 vs. 1 against a healer who is more skilled than I am, I can't deal enough damage to kill them. I see other players killing them so what can I change to win?


Whining about something that is not broken will not make you a better player. I suggest you copy the above post, fill in the blanks, and then paste it on your class forum.

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Out of curiosity, do you proofread what you post? You admit you can kill healers in a warzone as long as they don't have another healer healing them - aka, a 2v1 situation. So let me get this straight - not only should DPSers be able to solo healers, they should be able to solo two healers?


The logic that healers should die just as easily as any other class only makes sense if they can kill just as easily as any other class. A good player will never die to a healer in a 1v1. You always have the option of just running away from the fight, and they won't have the DPS to stop you.


That also assumes we have unlimited amount of force.... We don't. we have some abilities to recover some, but we run out pretty easily to.


Then what do I have? A double strike hitting for 800HP...... MAX....

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