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when will the game be updated with expansion packs etc.


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MMOs often use the oldschool PC Game model of expansion packs, rather than console DLC or similar models. So there will probably be expansions in the future (i wouldn't expect one before next year, honestly) and you will have to buy them like new games. You probably won't get another free month of time, but instead will gain access to all the new content released in the expansion by purchasing it.


Between now and then, expect a good number of major patches with new content. The next big one is patch 1.2 which is scheduled to come out next month (March) and will include a new Warzone, UI customization options, enhanced Legacy features, and other stuffs.

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ok ok ok, slow down, enjoy the game, explore more.

well that is my advice. too many seem to rush then get bored/mad cuz they are done.

they devs are working like meth using gerbils on the wheel, but it takes time.

slow down, smell the pixels.


Have some milk and cookies, no cookies? steal them from the darkside.



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This ^^


Yeah, slow down. Seriously, the worlds are huge. Go back to old worlds, and even if you don't have missions there, go explore the parts you haven't yet. I know there are tons of spots on Dromuund Kaas I still haven't explored yet, and plenty of other spots on other worlds. Even if you have no more story lines to complete, just enjoy the large amount of content that is already in the game. Start an alt or something

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ok ok ok, slow down, enjoy the game, explore more.

well that is my advice. too many seem to rush then get bored/mad cuz they are done.

they devs are working like meth using gerbils on the wheel, but it takes time.

slow down, smell the pixels.


Have some milk and cookies, no cookies? steal them from the darkside.




Explore what exactly? All my friends are literally on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, lvl50 toons, or have quit. We've seen every inch of this themepark linear world multiple times over and it never changes obviously. We need new content. Why exactly would you go back again and again to explore the same static world that never changes and you've already seen? All I do it pvp these days, but all my friends quit due to limited content, and its getting hard to justify the sub.


New content can not come quick enough.

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Explore what exactly? All my friends are literally on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, lvl50 toons, or have quit. We've seen every inch of this themepark linear world multiple times over and it never changes obviously. We need new content. Why exactly would you go back again and again to explore the same static world that never changes and you've already seen? All I do it pvp these days, but all my friends quit due to limited content, and its getting hard to justify the sub.


New content can not come quick enough.


You know there are more to the worlds than just where the missions are, right? When I finished Dromuund Kaas, 1/3 of the world was still undiscovered. The worlds are huge, discover what you haven't yet. People are so impatient.


Edit: I take my time with this game. I know that I'm going to regret it if I finish too fast, so I don't immediately do my story missions, I do side quests and take my time. I've been playing for 2 weeks now and am at level 15. I'm going to be enjoying this game for a while. Try going through the game at a slower pace.

Edited by ultimatesjk
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ok ok ok, slow down, enjoy the game, explore more.

well that is my advice. too many seem to rush then get bored/mad cuz they are done.

they devs are working like meth using gerbils on the wheel, but it takes time.

slow down, smell the pixels.


Have some milk and cookies, no cookies? steal them from the darkside.




This ^


I hate seeing those posts a week after a game is released, you know the "I reached max level in 2 days and now I'm bored" posts.


The story in the game (yes, I'm talking about the storyline, again) is really rich and interesting to follow unless you're in so much of a hurry that you spacebar through every conversation just to sprint off and kill stuff. Each planet has it's own character, not all to my taste, on my next alt I'm only going to Alderaan to do my class quest and I will be shadowed by my wife's level 50 Sorcerer but I think I did every single Taris quest I could get my grubby hands on.


And that's just the quest stuff, there's flashpoints, warzones, space missions, crafting... ok crafting and space missions are fairly shallow content wise but there's loads to do. Make an alt that you wouldn't usually play, I have always played either ranged DPS or healing healer (100% heals) and I have rolled 3 tank classes so far in SWTOR just to try... on the subject, how easy to play is Commando? My 6 year old son plays him better than me.

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If you want to rush and keep up with the rush maybe mmo's are not for you. perhaps just go out and buy fps games since you do not have to rp and can just rush kill rush kill beat game go buy another rinse repeat.


people like you rushers will never fully enjoy any game due to fact you constant have to win and keep or beat the highest level, get epics more creds then any of your friends and neighbors.


but hey is your game you money play as you want but crying the devs aint putting content out faster, throw your hat in the circle and make an mmo/game that makes good content and publishes at weekly/daily rate that server hundred of thousands of people perhaps millions and when you got it perfected and throw out expansion everytime you methstyle players want an expansion more content that is fairly bug free then show the rest of the game developers kk?


thanks now buhbye :ph_use_the_force:



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I'm sort of in the middle. I tend to offset some of my leveling by rolling alts. Ultimately I'm taking my time because I am well aware of the grind of dailies awaiting me at 50.


To help spread out my time I tried different classes. Then also factions. Started out Empire, with an Operative but didn't like it so rolled a Sorc. Got slogged down in the dark side stuff in her latter 20s (and Nar Shardaa didn't help) so rolled up Republic with a Trooper. Ord Mantell followed by Coruscant. >< Those two were almost enough to make go back to my Empire characters.


Then tried a Jedi Consular. Tython was okay, but Coruscant again. /sigh So tried a final time with a Jedi Knight. Gritted my teeth through Coruscant and finally started enjoying the game and class. Tatooine was a relief after Coruscant.


I make it a point to do the Bonus stuff. Lots of extra things with those. Otherwise getting datachrons. Working on my crew missions skills. At some point I will let my Sentinel cool off and go back to my Merc. Enjoyed playing him, too.


Then hopefully BW will come out with an expac around Christmas or early '13.

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Adding my 2 cents. There is much more to this game then hitting the cap. Certainly, if that is all you are interested in, once you know the ins an outs you may get bored. But try other classes, work on getting all of the datacrons, and by all means explore. There are little gold nuggets out there yet to be discovered when you are no longer worrying about getting stomped for wandering in the wrong area.


Personally, I find some planets are a bit of a grind, Taris for example. But if I don't focus on just leveling, I enjoy those planets a great deal more.


And with the additions to come via patches, we have a lot to look forward too. I'm about to cap a Sentinel. Next, I think I will go dark side Operative.

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