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guildwars 2, tera how long till bioware picks up the ball they dropped


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all i hear in chat is people saying "this will tide me over till guildwars 2, tera or etc comes out" . they seemingly overhyped and under delivered. everyone says that this game has potential, but thats what you say about an ugly girlfriend you're trying to pawn off onto a friend to get her away from you.


there will always be a core of diehard star wars fans but until they address things the players want instead of what the devs tell the players they should want and completely disregard them they will bleed subs and at some point they are gonna reach the event horizon and nothing will return back to the way things were.


MMO's are the only genre where things dont progress with time as each company just watches the others and follows right behind them making the same mistakes.


class balance at least for pvp is a joke, devs had said that there would be longer duration fights based on skill and not gear, well thats obviously not the case when you get hit for 5.2k from a tank class and die in 5 seconds, or get kited around forever with no cc immunity timer kicking in.



i know its easy for people to cry like the sky is falling but from what i hear more and more its disturbing because i already have a lot invested and regardless if people come and go its imperative that they keep a fanbase that is not hostile and actually feel listened to.



when people have major issues that have been waiting in the petition queue for a month its easy to feel ignored, especially when CSRS you wait 3 hours to talk to on the phone just hang up on you when all you ask for is a simple explanation, not a fix or any reimbursement. how hard is it to give an explanation ? really?


and it seems things are going backwards instead of forwards, patches that either come on patch day or dont, and then likely creates more problems than it fixes.


when you haev classes go from uber in beta to excessively nerfed and never brought back up to par, people reroll classes and with only 8 classes its very easy to have one of every class maxed and still be twiddling your thumbs at the end of the day there is armor sets that seem to drop more for certain classes than others. i've seen tons of JUG heavy armor drop while little marauder armor with +strength higher than +stam..


even quest rewards for marauders are sometimes juggernaut heavy armor u cant even use as a marauder. they shouldnt have made promises they cant keep, they said they have measures in place to prevent faction imbalance, well, its time to break it out bioware cause as of now with 3 50s i've seen so many jedi (as a sith) that i almost have to count them with both hands... all the way to 50... world pvp is non existant, have to pvp against your own faction.




I mean, its obvoius by the server populations that something isnt going right, i've seen the zones go from 100+ to 30... no matter what time of day, and late at night its scary like 10 in the whole zone on what USED To be a heavy population server.



some positive reinforcement would be nice cause i'm thinking the EA sellout was when the writing was on the wall before it even got released, every mis step i could see was taken blindly it seems. i mean isnt it common sense anymore to not keep your playerbase in the dark, releasing random posts about random things and still saying nothing new is not keeping us updated. its frustrating watching what few devs do post usually is trivial at best.. i know theres sitll like 1.7 active subs supposedly but they can dwindle fast if people dont start seeing major improvements.

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Well depends on how you look at it.


I dont think they dropped the ball at all.


I think people have expectations based off a 7 year old mmo and are creating this hate for the game all in their heads by soley focusing on the bad parts of swtor.

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TOR is dead in the water. It lost a good chunk of the players the first month with it's featureless release. TOR will continue to slowly lose subs and become a niche game for SW fans.


You keep saying that but the numbers don't back you up. Also if the game is so bad why do continue to subscribe every month?

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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