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Let's Stop the Leeching


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Hi Guys,


I don't know about you guys but it drives me nuts when people either join a group and hide in a corner so they can sit back while you do all the work.


The other one that really peeves me is people who follow your group around, waiting for you to kill everything so that they can swoop in an ninja the loot or objectives before you can get to them. Then you have to wait for ages so that the objective, and with it the enemies, to respawn just so you can complete your quest.


I am aware that there are idiots out there that think this is funny or no big deal (just comes with the territory), but the thing is, it makes the game less fun for the rest of us.


Would love to hear everyone's thoughts on this.


P.S. This is not an accusation. Just want everyone's thoughts.

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Last time someone waited for me to kill the mob and then ninja my objective while I was killing the mob; I spent the next hour telling him off on general. Then spent the next couple hours watching him try to get a group for heroics, and I whispered groups or people replying to him about how he ninja'ed me, then I hunted down his guild master and told her what he did.


Haven't seen or heard from him since.

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Remember those stupid mines on Balmorra? One of the first side quests there "Step Lightly". You have to deactivate the mine to make the core pop out and then you get attacked so you can't click the core until you dispatch the enemies.


The problem with this is that while you're fighting, anyone with that quest can come and pick up the core. So you have to wait for the mine to respawn and then do it again, hoping another person doesn't come along and steal that core too.


Had 2 people in a row do that to me once. Very poorly designed, should at least tap the core so no one but the person who deactivated the mine can pick up the core.

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Remember those stupid mines on Balmorra? One of the first side quests there "Step Lightly". You have to deactivate the mine to make the core pop out and then you get attacked so you can't click the core until you dispatch the enemies.


The problem with this is that while you're fighting, anyone with that quest can come and pick up the core. So you have to wait for the mine to respawn and then do it again, hoping another person doesn't come along and steal that core too.


Had 2 people in a row do that to me once. Very poorly designed, should at least tap the core so no one but the person who deactivated the mine can pick up the core.


yes this is VERY poorly designed. The people who take the cores are jerks...but it's still a fail on BW's part.


Anyone who takes a node/objective/chest/whatever while you are CLEARLY fighting mobs, standing on top of it, so you can get to it....is a d-bag, and hopefully has the exact same thing happen to them immediately following his theft.

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yes this is VERY poorly designed. The people who take the cores are jerks...but it's still a fail on BW's part.


Anyone who takes a node/objective/chest/whatever while you are CLEARLY fighting mobs, standing on top of it, so you can get to it....is a d-bag, and hopefully has the exact same thing happen to them immediately following his theft.


The first time it happened, I followed him to the 2nd mine and did it to him lol.

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Oh yeah, I have had groups swoop in and get my named as I killed the nearby trash just to be safe. I have also had people come in and loot the security crate as I killed the mobs. Luckily, I have a good attitude and take it easy these days. In my younger days, I would have given them an earful. I don't understand the other player's thinking though. How could anyone feel they deserve the mob or the loot if another just cleaned house?
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On a positive note, I was running an alt the other night and saw four players get in line for some of the Balmorra Bonus Series quests on Lord Praven.


Carry on, folks.


It's great to see that most people are doing the right thing. It is the minority of d-bags doing it, but it can still ruin a players experience if it happens too much.

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Let's get all bent out of shape about something that happens once in a blue moon.


Just a friendly reminder, if you have nothing to contribute to a thread other than to say that this doesn't happen often stop whining... maybe you shouldn't be posting on said thread.


Your internet browser has a back button for a reason. There are many threads out there that your input would be highly valued if you have something useful to contribute.


This thread's purpose was to bring to light this issue. Saying that it is not an issue is not constructive.

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