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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

'If' the game goes F2P, What happens?


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If you're more of a casual gamer, you might not have time to play both, so you might choose one over the other.


Dunno 'bout that. I classify myself as casual and play 3 off and on. Same amount of time devoted to the hobby whether I play one or three. Only difference being if I stick to one, I get further, faster. Since I'm not in any big rip to get to end game when I play MMOs, matters not to me whether I take 2 months or 2 years.


It's the journey for me, not the destination.

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Googled it but i cant really use the info placed there to make useful in aspect of this game.


I'm not saying nor implying the game will go f2p but..


What happens if it does, do we get free content etc? whats been the norm for other games which have gone f2p like dc universe for example.


Seem's a little unfair that players are getting the the same content without having to pay the initial start up of £30 or whatever it is now...


Any speculation?


There is no "if" it is "when" this game needs to do some big turn arounds or the servers will turn into even more of ghost towns.

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If you're serious...../facepalm


Wow, now I feel old.


Me too. :)


But that's okay because I am old.


And I think you're right, gaming companies hype the bejabbers out of their game (understandable) and then the cycle begins. I learned a long time ago to exercise a healthy skepticism and I usually don't end up yowling about how I've been "had".


That and remembering "it's just a game".

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Dunno 'bout that. I classify myself as casual and play 3 off and on. Same amount of time devoted to the hobby whether I play one or three. Only difference being if I stick to one, I get further, faster. Since I'm not in any big rip to get to end game when I play MMOs, matters not to me whether I take 2 months or 2 years.


It's the journey for me, not the destination.


I was thinking more a long the lines of four hours a week. Of course, if you can only play games that much, you probably aren't playing this one.

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There is no "if" it is "when" this game needs to do some big turn arounds or the servers will turn into even more of ghost towns.


Doomsayers call doom because server pop is low, when there are far more populated servers than yours that are being rolled on by those same people.


Server merges will happen at some point. Ignore what the ignorant doomsayer is saying.

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Me too. :)


But that's okay because I am old.


And I think you're right, gaming companies hype the bejabbers out of their game (understandable) and then the cycle begins. I learned a long time ago to exercise a healthy skepticism and I usually don't end up yowling about how I've been "had".


That and remembering "it's just a game".


Nonsense! Live inside your character! If it dies, you die! If the Sorc is on fire, throw him at the boss for extra dps!


-What Darth Kungen would say.

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I was thinking more a long the lines of four hours a week. Of course, if you can only play games that much, you probably aren't playing this one.


Ah. Well...that would be...extremely casual. Heh. In fact, I think I spend that much time per week sorting inventories in one game.

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It won't happen for awhile. They have a pipeline of content they will release and try to string subs out. I expect more micro-transactions as well. If the assets handling isn't fixed soon... look for D3 and GW2 to put the proverbial "nail in the coffin."


LOL @ FAIL WARS 2 I'm sure you will piss and moan on their forums too! :rod_tongue_p:

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Hm. The jawa shoulda given that away.


My nickname isn't "magpie" for nuttin'.


To keep it on topic, not seeing this game goin' F2P anytime soon. But then again, F2P isn't the death knell that some would have you believe. It's just another approach to keeping these games running. Pay or do not. Pragmatic.

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Doomsayers call doom because server pop is low, when there are far more populated servers than yours that are being rolled on by those same people.


Server merges will happen at some point. Ignore what the ignorant doomsayer is saying.


And you had the cheek to call me a troll.... Well.....


Can't you see that you are acting in almost the exact same way to peoples posts, but from the positive, pro BW side, as are the very people you call trolls and doomsayers. I was just going to leave that other thread without a response but come on...


How can someone be such a hypocrite... The only difference between you and the people you label as a troll is point of view...

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If SWTOR cames to a F2P mode, i don't know abut them, but i know at the least I leave for sure!

IMO That's just a modern scam that never brings nothing realy good for the games at all!!:eek:

They are never realy " free" as they say, it's always a form of scam...and the players ended up being the scamed ones, especialy the old and loyal veterans of that games!:(


DDO and LotRO seem to thrive pretty good on F2P basis.

F2P is just another payment model. It's basically turning games into shareware and offering you a trial version.

If some companies chose to make pretty bad payment plans it doesn't mean it's bad for everyone. Every reasonable company won't change anything for those already paying subscriptions for the game. Indeed at the end of it a subscription model may still be part of the package in order to unlock everything.


That said: WAR still is subscription-based so I wouldn't keep my hopes up SW:TOR will as well. Easily possibly they keep their projected 500k subscriber base.

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Game has been out for 2 months lol


And we are still in beta soooooooooooooooooooooooo Whats the point for EA to continue with this game? The company made a portion of its money back and will regain all its losses due to the fanboy club. Look at warhammer, 4 months in server merges, pvp lakes dead, end game content still buggy, pvp end game beyond buggy, no customer support, no dev interaction, and the list goes on. It mirrors this game to a tee. Your reason to say it been out for 2 months does not hold much water. If this was beta I would be ok with it.


I beta tested WoW and at least they listened to some of the things I had to offer, just like the rest of the people who I tested with. THis game however was pressed by EA to launch when it wasnt ready. Hence the mass flood of subs ending. In 5 months this game might be F2P is things are not fixed

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Lol, I like to look at it this way, but im merely asking if we will have to pay for content in the futer whilst other players are getting stuff for free what we previously paid for.


I think the success model now is not to demand money for content, but to put items in the store people will want to buy. Some of it cosmetics, some of it "Pay-To-Win". (And this will likely also affect PvP).


Startrek Online went recently F2P:


Before it went F2P, it already had a micro-transaction store. It allowed you to buy costumes mostly and services (stuff like character slots, character renames etc.).


But at some point, they also added new ships. These ships were initially just as strong as other ones, but did allow new builds that weren't possible before.


New ships were added that were better than existing ships. Additional power slots and an item that you could also transfer to other ships for a decent special ability.

A ship has no direct equivalent in most MMOs. You may think of it as a kind of class, or at least a component of your class. A significant part of your build. So basically you buy two new powers for your build.


Additionally, they introduced a new currency (unifying a lot of currencies in the process. Think of it like the current commendations all put into one big commendation pool). F2P players have to buy new ships as they level for ths currency. There is also an exchange/auction process where you can trade in-game currency with points for the micro-transaction store.


But there is more:

Additionally, some of these ships are particularly "exotic" or rate. You do not buy them. You buy a box that contains a variety of items. Possibly also one of those.

Or you find special loot, a lockbox. You get keys to these boxes in the game store.


Overall, you will get stuff like "Pay To Win" and "Spend money for the Chance to get something".



Well, all that said. I don't think TOR will go F2P anytime soon. If ever.

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I beta tested WoW and at least they listened to some of the things I had to offer, just like the rest of the people who I tested with. THis game however was pressed by EA to launch when it wasnt ready. Hence the mass flood of subs ending. In 5 months this game might be F2P is things are not fixed


lol @ how everyone seems to have been a beta tester for WoW

Edited by Merix
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The only difference between you and the people you label as a troll is point of view...



are statements like this made just so people can show the world how unintelligent they are?


the difference between good and evil is point of view, the difference between right and wrong is point of view.... YOUR ENTIRE BELIEF STRUCTURE IS POINT OF VIEW.


if you were raised to believe that murder and mayhem was the proper way to live, your point of view would be that it was normal and just...




Edited by -Fritz-
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GW2 once again has a massive focus on PvP, or is this the game that calls it RvR? Regardless it's an almost completely different fanbase than the traditional MMO has, and like TOR its been hyped to hell and back and i guarantee will disappoint ALOT of people.



aaaaand no. Guild Wars 2 actually has a massive focus on PvE and PvP. PvP has a World vs World Map where 3 servers battle each other for 2 weeks straight on a map that has all kind of objectives to reach through offensive or defensive.


As for the PvE, the world is dynamic and changes based on the players actions through the branching dynamic event system.


Seriously read up about Guild Wars 2 PvE, and you will learn that it has a massive focus on PvE. For people wanting something to be finally innovative in PvE for MMOs, Guild Wars has it.

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F2P Nowadays is not a sign of fail, but a different model.


However, it's a win for the game management, a loss for the players. F2P generally rely on a cash shop, putting out cosmetic items - fluff - which many players are more than willing to shell out for. You end up with a small number of players paying up to $50-$75 / month, most paying nothing, and an in between number about $10/ month. These are not hard numbers - these are meant to illustrate how it generally works out.


Pure freebers will probably have a max of 2 character slots across all servers, cannot send items between their alts by mail, max 10 spots on the AH, can hold a max of 5000 credits. If they are particularly morally challenged - like the makers of the newest of the superhero mmo's out there - any credits you make above 5000 are held hostage and you have to pay $ to get access to small amounts of them at a time.


On top of that let's say they keep subscriptions as an option. Those who subscribe will most likely have to pay just as much as the freebers for store items - let's say rainbow crystals, 120% mounts speeders that look better than anything out there, server transfers, etc. So on top of $15 for access to most baseline stuff, they still have to pay extra for servr transfers or the shiny 120% speed mount.


Finally - instead of seeing more flashpoints and aggressive quality development, focus will shift towards the things that generate money (cash shop items) with quarterly release of say - one flashpoint.


At the end of the day the only people that win are: transient players without any long term commitment to the game, who come and go on a monthly basis and the game developer. What suffers are the more invested players and quality and quantity of content.


F2P is not really a sign of failure for a company, it can be as profitable if not more - but as a player I wouldn't want it. $15/month for hours of entertainment are a heck of a deal as far as I'm concerned. A single night out generally costs me many times that amount.

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Googled it but i cant really use the info placed there to make useful in aspect of this game.


I'm not saying nor implying the game will go f2p but..


What happens if it does, do we get free content etc? whats been the norm for other games which have gone f2p like dc universe for example.


Seem's a little unfair that players are getting the the same content without having to pay the initial start up of £30 or whatever it is now...


Any speculation?

Game is 2 months old. Most successful MMO launch Ever! This puppy is going to be P2P for a long, long time.
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Game is 2 months old. Most successful MMO launch Ever! This puppy is going to be P2P for a long, long time.


Not been at a release before so I cant really compare to other games, just the sub losses (I believe there's a few anyway) are a bit un-nerving :rolleyes:

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Game is 2 months old. Most successful MMO launch Ever! This puppy is going to be P2P for a long, long time.


Buy into the propaganda more please.


Over hyped game has highest week one sales in a genre that's been dominated by one game that was released almost a decade ago? HUGE *********** SURPRISE! This must mean the game is good.


For proof of this, go look up how many completely terrible games have sold 2 million copies.

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