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Civil War turret defense


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I run with a pre made and we leave our full tank spec vanguard by himself. In order for them to cap it they have to do some crazy CC coordination to keep him from interrupting. Other then that it takes them a good while to try and kill him while at least 1 or 2 of us comes to help.


It only takes 10 seconds for an Op/Scoundrel to mez you and take the turret. If your CC break is on cd, there's literally nothing you can do to stop it.


You can either not break it and watch him cap the turret, break it and interrupt him, at which point he will vanish and if you don't catch him in a stealth scan, he will just do it again while you are helpless.


Should be 2 to a turret, 1 for emergencies, but not for extended amounts of time.

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It only takes 10 seconds for an Op/Scoundrel to mez you and take the turret. If your CC break is on cd, there's literally nothing you can do to stop it.


You can either not break it and watch him cap the turret, break it and interrupt him, at which point he will vanish and if you don't catch him in a stealth scan, he will just do it again while you are helpless.


Should be 2 to a turret, 1 for emergencies, but not for extended amounts of time.


there is no cc that lasts long enough for someone to cap a point in one go. the very best they could do is try to los you, but that itself takes time

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So how many people should be at a node for defense in this WZ? In my experience it is better to have 2 people on it unless we are dominating. Is it correct that only one person should be on defense? This is what some people told me on my server and I just can't see it being as effective as 2. According to them me and a buddy are bad players for playing D and holding mid.


What's the consensus on this? 1 or 2 players at a turret?


Depends on the opening and communications.

with bad comunication going with safe options is the key as people often ONLY type the incomings after they have died so in that case its a delayed fortfeit unless you managed to DOT everyone and grab the fast speeder to reinforce and redot and hope some helped.


SO the 3 openings i usualy see

A: Standard = Own Side + Mid

B: Agressive = Own Side + Enemy Side + fortfeit middle

C: Risky: Own side + Mid + Enemy Side (can be used as a fake A while doing B)

i guess D option is C minus cap own side with 1 player but you are fortfeiting a free cap turret while hoping to win 2 strong fronts.


so depends on coms and players capability you can do different defence/offence compositions per type of opener.


PUG with no voice comms and bad chat communication then you do opener A with 2 left 6 Mid on opening


Premade with voice or PUG with good chat skills :) can do all 3 i guess

if A opener can do 1 left 7 mid opening. (2 floats).

the 2 floats should setup left high ramp near door and respond to enemy inc calls to stop push on that side if the enemy goes for B or C

with good graphics and computer and max draw distance you can see from the top of the ramp or just after you drop if any of them are strong siding your natural B or C play. there is still time to reinforce even if you dropped just go over the ramp and leave 2 to cap mid.

or fortfeit your natural and switch from A to B immediately.

with a good dotter on left he can possibly keep them long enough for you to cap 2 but its risky as.


The main idea if going A is basically to control the wall near the enemy spawn as it gives great vision to own side and mid and it can be used to hinder advances to help reinforcements. 1 sniper or other ranged class there supported by 3 floaters can support any strong push. leaving 2 good defenders while the floaters do their moving arround is a good way to secure victory.


again communication will lead to better game but its not a guarantee. sometimes you just get outplayed.



there are tricks though if are doing say B opener but send 1 left to cap, 3 left to hug wall and go the other side of the map t control the wall and swing arround to mid this will give the idea you are strong siding their own natural and may overcommit and once they drop down to counter your push if you get all 3 floats + the capper to drop back onto mid you have a good chance to cap it before they come back.

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From the start I like 1 toward favorable turret(one you come off speeder closest to) rest mid. If you see opposing team rush your side then a few from the middle can just go up the ramp and jump of ledge and head over to help stop the cap.


IMO a tank can be left to guard 1 turret as long as they are attentive and call there incoming then shouldn't be a problem getting help over there.


I think the problem happens when people who don't understand that if you get killed and respawn and your going to rush back to the middle and you see more red names than your own team names need to wait for a few more people to respawn with you before rushing back into mid otherwise your just gonna get roasted.

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If you put a tank or healer on a turret that's not being attacked, they SHOULD be able to hold out long enough for reinforcements. This frees up the rest of your team to defend a turret being attacked, or put pressure on the third.
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