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Playing a sorc, hoping for a sorc nerf


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I love how people saying 1m damage spread across 8 people is negligible. That's 1m damage that's AoE, yes, but FFS we aren't talking 1v1 in WZs.


Why do Sorcs have such an issue realizing 1m damage is 500k damage that had to be healed that wouldn't otherwise. The resources to heal that could have be converted into damage or buffs. Those close deaths where you needed .3s to get that heal off wouldn't have happened.


Are people really thinking being 2-3x as potent as any class because it's AoE? Really? lol


Screw it BW, give us sorcs 1m in single target DPS also. It's not broken because it's not 1m HPS also.


PS: Give us 1m healing too, it's not mitigation, it could be DPSed down if it's AoE.



Common sense guys, for real.

Edited by Valfodr
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I love how people saying 1m damage spread across 8 people is negligible. That's 1m damage that's AoE, yes, but FFS we aren't talking 1v1 in WZs.


Why do Sorcs have such an issue realizing 1m damage is 500k damage that had to be healed that wouldn't otherwise. The resources to heal that could have be converted into damage or buffs. Those close deaths where you needed .3s to get that heal off wouldn't have happened.


Are people really thinking being 2-3x as potent as any class because it's AoE? Really? lol


Screw it BW, give us sorcs 1m in single target DPS also. It's not broken because it's not 1m HPS also.


PS: Give us 1m healing too, it's not mitigation, it could be DPSed down if it's AoE.



Common sense guys, for real.



You don't understand how artificial inflation through AoE works.

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I love how people saying 1m damage spread across 8 people is negligible. That's 1m damage that's AoE, yes, but FFS we aren't talking 1v1 in WZs.


Why do Sorcs have such an issue realizing 1m damage is 500k damage that had to be healed that wouldn't otherwise. The resources to heal that could have be converted into damage or buffs. Those close deaths where you needed .3s to get that heal off wouldn't have happened.


Are people really thinking being 2-3x as potent as any class because it's AoE? Really? lol


Screw it BW, give us sorcs 1m in single target DPS also. It's not broken because it's not 1m HPS also.


PS: Give us 1m healing too, it's not mitigation, it could be DPSed down if it's AoE.



Common sense guys, for real.


Eh? AOE damage/heal fests mean nothing. I can spam my AOE whole day and kill nothing if any healer uses AOE heal.


I would gladly trade that AOE tickle for a nice juicy single target burst like other classes have.

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You don't understand how artificial inflation through AoE works.


I don't think you realize 1m damage is 1m damage, and there's no natural health regen in combat.


It's going to be healed, and the resources could have been used to damage someone or something else.


For real dude, 1m damage is still going to be 125,000 damage amongst 8 people. No other class also has an AoE that can heal 8 people, and I'm unsure about Smuggler/IA, but Kolto Missile is a 3 target non smart heal, meaning you're not only going to have to use more resources when fighting sorcs than other classes but you have an option of overhealing when inevitably someone moves during your kolto missile or spamming ST heals which because you're having to hit 8 people and a focused DPS can hit 15k to dead fairly quickly you don't want to let them lower themselves by 5k just so you don't waste any resources on overheal.


Oh, and the fact again that's *********** resources you could use for ANYTHING else if the class was not a Sorc. Any other class.


Hell, let's not even go into the fact AoE is more useful for **** blocking objectives anyway.


If you don't get the fact that even if it's easy to heal off it's still resources being drained no other class can match well, whatever. You wouldn't be the first thinking their the only guy smart enough to realize somehow something that's supposed to be balanced but having 3x the potential of everything else might be screwy.


tl;dr: Again, really? Common sense.

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I don't think you realize 1m damage is 1m damage, and there's no natural health regen in combat.


It's going to be healed, and the resources could have been used to damage someone or something else.


For real dude, 1m damage is still going to be 125,000 damage amongst 8 people. No other class also has an AoE that can heal 8 people, and I'm unsure about Smuggler/IA, but Kolto Missile is a 3 target non smart heal, meaning you're not only going to have to use more resources when fighting sorcs than other classes but you have an option of overhealing when inevitably someone moves during your kolto missile or spamming ST heals which because you're having to hit 8 people and a focused DPS can hit 15k to dead fairly quickly you don't want to let them lower themselves by 5k just so you don't waste any resources on overheal.


Oh, and the fact again that's *********** resources you could use for ANYTHING else if the class was not a Sorc. Any other class.


Hell, let's not even go into the fact AoE is more useful for **** blocking objectives anyway.


If you don't get the fact that even if it's easy to heal off it's still resources being drained no other class can match well, whatever. You wouldn't be the first thinking their the only guy smart enough to realize somehow something that's supposed to be balanced but having 3x the potential of everything else might be screwy.


tl;dr: Again, really? Common sense.


AOE hits 5 targets max. Whats your point? Or are you speaking of channeled AOE that does 2,5k damage over 6s and has no cap? GL spamming that.

Edited by GrandMike
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Eh? AOE damage/heal fests mean nothing. I can spam my AOE whole day and kill nothing if any healer uses AOE heal.


I would gladly trade that AOE tickle for a nice juicy single target burst like other classes have.


Hey dude. Spoilers: No one but Sorc/Sages have that real AoE heal. There's a 4 target HoT for IA/Smugglers and a 3 target heal for BHs/Troopers.


And dude, have you NEVER played Voidstar or Civil War? You really think AoE damage doesn't matter?


You heard it here first, AoEs are not important in 2/3 of the WZs. Let all those AoE spammers blocking the entire team from bomb-planting know that's not a good tactic.

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Hey dude. Spoilers: No one but Sorc/Sages have that real AoE heal. There's a 4 target HoT for IA/Smugglers and a 3 target heal for BHs/Troopers.


And dude, have you NEVER played Voidstar or Civil War? You really think AoE damage doesn't matter?


You heard it here first, AoEs are not important in 2/3 of the WZs. Let all those AoE spammers blocking the entire team from bomb-planting know that's not a good tactic.


What does preventing capping has to do with inflated numbers? FYI smuggler/operative do MUCH better job at that, aoe with 21s periodic damage attached. Its such a joy to use it on terribads and return to node just to do it again :D


Says the guy who doesn't see how to use AoE in WZs more effectively than ST. GG sir.


So, now other classes AOEs cannot prevent capping or something? You lost your point on the way.


Newsflash: most other classes have quite higher damage AOE, sorc/sage ones are low damage and semi-spammable provided he is left alone to free-cast, and burst>>>>low sustained damage in pvp.


Thats your lesson for the day.

Edited by GrandMike
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Other's people AoE also doesn't put out the same numbers while being so retardedly easy to survive.


Oh wait, you said you had problems surviving as a Sorc, I guess the point is lost.


Yes, when not playing against terribads. So now you claim its OP because terribads have problems with it? Really? Kinda marks you a bit.

Edited by GrandMike
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I don't think you realize 1m damage is 1m damage, and there's no natural health regen in combat.


It's going to be healed, and the resources could have been used to damage someone or something else.


For real dude, 1m damage is still going to be 125,000 damage amongst 8 people. No other class also has an AoE that can heal 8 people, and I'm unsure about Smuggler/IA, but Kolto Missile is a 3 target non smart heal, meaning you're not only going to have to use more resources when fighting sorcs than other classes but you have an option of overhealing when inevitably someone moves during your kolto missile or spamming ST heals which because you're having to hit 8 people and a focused DPS can hit 15k to dead fairly quickly you don't want to let them lower themselves by 5k just so you don't waste any resources on overheal.


Oh, and the fact again that's *********** resources you could use for ANYTHING else if the class was not a Sorc. Any other class.


Hell, let's not even go into the fact AoE is more useful for **** blocking objectives anyway.


If you don't get the fact that even if it's easy to heal off it's still resources being drained no other class can match well, whatever. You wouldn't be the first thinking their the only guy smart enough to realize somehow something that's supposed to be balanced but having 3x the potential of everything else might be screwy.


tl;dr: Again, really? Common sense.


If the other team didn't have healing that effectively negates that kind of damage, I would agree with you. But 9/10 the other team has at least two healers over 400k healing because of it.


Not sure where your common sense is tbh.


AoE pads meters, that's fact, and there's nothing that can be done to change that fact.

Edited by TetraCleric
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Why do people act like if damage is AoE it suddenly stops mattering?


Because they want to think they have been doing things right when they didn't. It's funny when you even read them say it's 2500 damage over 6s on 5 targets only and with a snare, i dont wan't an snare on mah aoes !!


That's 2k dps and we are not speaking about crits, of course you should find a nice cluster for that but hey you also get more insta aoes that way. (Because you should talent for that but they like their surge on DoTs too much).


On a game where AoE heals doesn't even get close to heal that much on 12 seconds.



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If the other team didn't have healing that effectively negates that kind of damage, I would agree with you. But 9/10 the other team has at least two healers over 400k healing because of it.


Not sure where your common sense is tbh.


AoE pads meters, that's fact, and there's nothing that can be done to change that fact.


So two healers had to be healing like madman to be able to keep the pressure one single sorc was able to do. If you don't think that makes life easier to single target burst classes to be able to choose whatever goon you want and kill him thanks to the AoE sorc, then i don't know what else to say.


And i am not complaining about the class, i am just clearing up facts.

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Reason 1:

Any type of nerf I see coming will be against the sorcerers AOE ability, which is hardly a factor on winning, just shows an inflated damage stat that everyone is for some reason amazed about.


Half the screenshots of 500k+ damage were done by a sorc just spamming chain lightning, death field the whole game which in reality doesn't help your team win. Most of these screen shots normally show the player actually losing with 500k+ damage done.


Reason 2: I started the sorcerer class because I really enjoy the ranged damage perspective it offers. I dislike people rolling the class just based on the fact that they want face roll large inflated damage numbers in pvp games.


Reason 3: Bioware isn't going to just simply nerf a class, they will change it so it is more viable in different ways (Operatives for example less damage.. more control), if this is less aoe damage and more single target damage I will take that any day. Less aoe damage and more control I will also take that.


For the record, the most damage done in my guild was actually done by a bounty hunter, mainly because he knows his class like the back of his hand.


Nah. This post is basically saying you want them to nerf an overrated aspect of the class so you can get "changed in other ways" like you think you're going to pull one over on the dev team and get a stealth buff. They're going to nerf your control, specifically the OP hybrid spec that others have posted about in great detail. You aren't going to wiggle your way out of it and nobody cares about your AoE damage.

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So two healers had to be healing like madman to be able to keep the pressure one single sorc was able to do. If you don't think that makes life easier to single target burst classes to be able to choose whatever goon you want and kill him thanks to the AoE sorc, then i don't know what else to say.


And i am not complaining about the class, i am just clearing up facts.


Not really because AoE dps is actually pretty low for a sorc. So there really isn't that much to keep up with. Not to mention that continually staying grouped up and continually hit by an AoE is bad form. That can't be placed on the sorc, that's on the other players being retarded.

Edited by TetraCleric
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