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Playing a sorc, hoping for a sorc nerf


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People who speaks about "squishie".


Herp is a comando dps, he has 30% armor mitigation (i am inflating it a bit i know). He also got 17k health fully buffed.


Derp is a sage dps, he has 20% armor mitigation. He also got 17k health fully buffed.


Due to their mitigations, in order to kill :


Herp - 22100 damage.


Derp - 20400 damage.


You would say, hey, see, Derp is squishie. But what if we add the 3,5k bubble to that numbers, because you know, YOU SHOULD ATLEAST HAVE ONE BUBBLE ON YOU.


Herp - 22100


Derp - 23900


Derp also has an escaping mechanism, a root on their knockback if he is not a damage whare, and the best heal withouth needing to talent for it, to LOS, heal himself or allies and "back to the game".


First you're bad at math (you should check what 17k/.7 and 17k/.8 really are). Second sorc armor mitigation is more like 15-16%. Thirdly if at any point their return to full health after the initial damage, the bubble becomes meaningless. You can't heal the bubbled HP back. They're not a temporary HP cap increase, and nowhere near as good in a situation where there is healing because you can't recover them.


The thing I like most about bubble these days is that I can get the 2.5k heal medal just by putting it up and having someone break it in a single attack.

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if your grav round only hits for 1.5-1.8k you need to fix your gear or stats. if your "3skills of a gunslinger" isnt doing 3.5k dmg.. see the previous comment


Got 1,6k cunning on 600 expertise with 77 surge (i was on 89% pre nerf surge). Ofc, bm gear. All gear enhacements are power + surge.


Sabotage charge hits for 2k on sorcs.

Aimed shot for 2,8k-3k.

Quickdraw hits for 2,2k-2,4k on sorcs.


If they crit, they will remove the bubble, and some of them, do some damage. If they do not crit, they don't remove the bubble. As simple as that, and there is no gunslinger with better gear.


Man, you are *********** retarded.

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Reason 1:

Any type of nerf I see coming will be against the sorcerers AOE ability, which is hardly a factor on winning, just shows an inflated damage stat that everyone is for some reason amazed about.


Half the screenshots of 500k+ damage were done by a sorc just spamming chain lightning, death field the whole game which in reality doesn't help your team win. Most of these screen shots normally show the player actually losing with 500k+ damage done.


Reason 2: I started the sorcerer class because I really enjoy the ranged damage perspective it offers. I dislike people rolling the class just based on the fact that they want face roll large inflated damage numbers in pvp games.


Reason 3: Bioware isn't going to just simply nerf a class, they will change it so it is more viable in different ways (Operatives for example less damage.. more control), if this is less aoe damage and more single target damage I will take that any day. Less aoe damage and more control I will also take that.


For the record, the most damage done in my guild was actually done by a bounty hunter, mainly because he knows his class like the back of his hand.


You play the class but don't realize you can't spam chain lightning or death field. Yup, I sure hope they nerf it based on your opinion.


Why reduce aoe and give more single target? So sorcs can be like snipers, ops and mercs? Why even release different classes.


Oh lord no, the class can throw up dots and has 2 aoe abilties on CD, we're doomed.

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So if in 4v4 pvp (both teams full BM) if you will run into a team with dps sage, dps commando, tank and healer you will attack commando? Noob detected.


Yep, pretty much. And not because it's easier to drop (because he lacks escape mechanism), but because if you are on a comando, he won't do damage. At all, so it will be a 4vs3. Comandos are one of the worst classes on PvP, despite what everyone says on the forums (and my main are gunslinger are sentinel ;p). CC everything else o aoe if you can to make hard switchs between the healer and the comando if required.


Gotta love scrubs trying to sound smart.

Edited by Keldaur
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good one matey xD


ok genius care to enlighten us all on how operatives were compensated after their 3 nerfs?

Edited by Evuke
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As if that is of any big use in PvP.


It is, just not for the sorc/sage using it. The only time it's really great is when I'm slowing down someone that isn't moving towards me, like soemone that's chasing an ally or a healer trying to keep up with the ball carrier.

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Got 1,6k cunning on 600 expertise with 77 surge (i was on 89% pre nerf surge). Ofc, bm gear. All gear enhacements are power + surge.


Sabotage charge hits for 2k on sorcs.

Aimed shot for 2,8k-3k.

Quickdraw hits for 2,2k-2,4k on sorcs.


If they crit, they will remove the bubble, and some of them, do some damage. If they do not crit, they don't remove the bubble. As simple as that, and there is no gunslinger with better gear.


Man, you are *********** retarded.


again im not buying you stats and resulting to personal attacks because your clueless wont help you at all. maybee you should just l2p as it seems im going to have to give you a "how to kill a sorc guide for complete clueless players" for you to get it into your head which im not prepared to do.


again. if you cant do 3.5k dmg in 3 globals thats your issue and you really need to l2p. i drop sorc bubbles faster than you as a sorc with no real burst at all. and if your really that bad.. you could just not attack a sorc/sage with a bubble active and wait for someone else to break it

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We aren't talking solely about full heal spec Sorcs. You do realize this, right?

I am responding to the direct quote of whats below

What healing sorc has a lot of CC? They have a casted WW, and their 4 sec stun. Oh, and a knockback. Wow man, that's so much CC!


Unless they're a hybrid, like any competent Sorc.



In which case YES we were talking about HEALING spec Sorc's

Additionally, Healing Sorcs aren't the only overpowered ones.


Healing apparently is getting a "Fix" since a skill isnt working intentionally.

Kinda like the maruaders bleeds.


Obviously you're sacrificing healing for better damage and UTILITY. Sorcs have the most utility, AS WELL AS being able to spec fully into the best healer.


They literally get everything even if not all at once.


So now we are not talking about healing, but about damage and utility?


Make up your mind about what discussion you want to have

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So let me get this right .... Sorcs who have the bottom end of single target dmg compared to other classes.. should have their aoe nerfed.


Let me ask.. what's worse the sorc doing 500k of aoe dmgg


Or the assasin, sniper, mercy, operative doing 400 k of single target dmg. u tell me whos gonna drop a healer or ball carrier faster



Bads will complain

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again im not buying you stats and resulting to personal attacks because your clueless wont help you at all. maybee you should just l2p as it seems im going to have to give you a "how to kill a sorc guide for complete clueless players" for you to get it into your head which im not prepared to do.


again. if you cant do 3.5k dmg in 3 globals thats your issue and you really need to l2p. i drop sorc bubbles faster than you as a sorc with no real burst at all. and if your really that bad.. you could just not attack a sorc/sage with a bubble active and wait for someone else to break it


Again, i am not talking about "how to kill a sorc". I know how.


I am talking about the utility, CC, damage, aoe and heal they bring to the table withouth having some kinda of "weakness" like every class and their mother has.


Don't you read? I am not saying it's overpowered, i am saying the squishy part excuse, is a false statement, as it takes for most classes 2 gcd's to take down, making it one of the best (if not the best) heals in the game, or defensive cd's if you please. Also, they got a great spammable heal, and the best heal channeled.


And you dare to tell to l2p, when you can't understand something that basic.



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Again, i am not talking about "how to kill a sorc". I know how.


I am talking about the utility, CC, damage, aoe and heal they bring to the table withouth having some kinda of "weakness" like every class and their mother has.


Don't you read? I am not saying it's overpowered, i am saying the squishy part excuse, is a false statement, as it takes for most classes 2 gcd's to take down, making it one of the best (if not the best) heals in the game, or defensive cd's if you please. Also, they got a great spammable heal, and the best heal channeled.


And you dare to tell to l2p, when you can't understand something that basic.





great spammable heal? you mean that heal that heals for 1.5k? or the 3 second cast heal that may if your lucky crit for 4k. yeh they are awesome. heals right there. if ppl let a sorc cast out a dark infusion then well. they are just bad really. the fast heal isnt even worth interputing as any class can out damage it.


i understsand my class very well. its the reason i destroy most baddies in my path. the squishy part is not a false statement. you go at a sorc or sage with no bubble and a debuff for it and watch then drop. But then like most other players you likely dont remember the sorcs you kill with ease and only remember the good few that kicked your *** that one time from outplaying you.


comparable defensive cd bubble is far from equal to other classes abilities. again you say "have no weakness" yet if you had any idea you would know what they are and how to exploit them. but it seems you don't so this is a complete mute point in the first place

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Reason 1:

Any type of nerf I see coming will be against the sorcerers AOE ability, which is hardly a factor on winning, just shows an inflated damage stat that everyone is for some reason amazed about.


Half the screenshots of 500k+ damage were done by a sorc just spamming chain lightning, death field the whole game which in reality doesn't help your team win. Most of these screen shots normally show the player actually losing with 500k+ damage done.


Reason 2: I started the sorcerer class because I really enjoy the ranged damage perspective it offers. I dislike people rolling the class just based on the fact that they want face roll large inflated damage numbers in pvp games.


Reason 3: Bioware isn't going to just simply nerf a class, they will change it so it is more viable in different ways (Operatives for example less damage.. more control), if this is less aoe damage and more single target damage I will take that any day. Less aoe damage and more control I will also take that.


For the record, the most damage done in my guild was actually done by a bounty hunter, mainly because he knows his class like the back of his hand.


what you just said: I'm mad that people use aoe to top damage charts in warzones, this being the case, the class that i see doing this the most, needs a nerf.


ARE you serious? the dmg meters being topped = class needs to be nerfed to you? you just admitted that all it is is tab+dot (which you left out p.s.) and DF and CL spam. OH NOES. Top dmg matters SO much, thank goodness there are people out there watching the stats for the stupidest waste of time ever. your argument is literally baseless. re-read it.


Any sensible nerf will be against your hybrid specs, and your bubble.


so, literally the ONE thing we have. since we dont have anything near as good as: ambush/snipe combo for burst. rail shot armor pen, ZERO other defensive cd's, 2 sec cast time cc and 1 cc that guarantees full resolve, etc etc. i could go on and on about how sorcs utility and defense is horrible.


3k absorbed every 20 seconds? (a WHOLE 3 seconds less with (2) force mystic set bonus WoooOOOOOooooAAAHHH) somebody call the cops, 3k every 20 seconds SO BROKES. its a damn JOKE how little static matters in a fight.


but overload! used to be 30m knockback now its 10. bad. ***. but snare for 5 sec! unless a dot is on there and youre there for 2 seconds. but ww! its casted if youre a healer and provides almost full resolve, which is irrelevant anyway because when you break that, then we only have 1 other cc (electrocute) and that will have little to no effect anyway.


oh and be sure to remember: other classes have a minimum of 2-3 (MINIMUM mind you) cc's and more powerful knockbacks, oh and heres the part i was saving: MUCH better defensive cd's. kolto overload. why cast things when i can just not do that? you mean i can haz bubble too? marauder pally bubble, cloak of pain, in combat stealth, the list goes ON. entrench, cover system, assassin/shadow immunity. jug immortal tree, etc etc.


but remember children! 3k every 20 seconds is imba! morons.


operatives hae 4 different ccs. if you dont know what they are, uninstall, im not going to list them. and sorcs have 2 and 1 has a 2 sec cast time. its a farce that a class based on control has 1 viable cc, which can be immediately negated by 100% of other classes.


so the thoughts from genius' 1-2: sorcs top dmg because of their abilities, nerf the class. (thats not even paraphrased, its IN the header.) bubble is too imba. moron, its the ONE defensive cd we have. but electrocute NOOB. oh you mean cc break and have full resolve right afterwards? sure, let me wait 5-6 seconds to cast dat ww.


next time, *attempt* to have facts on hand before posting, but heck, it IS the forums idk what i expected.

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Again, i am not talking about "how to kill a sorc". I know how.


I am talking about the utility, CC, damage, aoe and heal they bring to the table withouth having some kinda of "weakness" like every class and their mother has.


Don't you read? I am not saying it's overpowered, i am saying the squishy part excuse, is a false statement, as it takes for most classes 2 gcd's to take down, making it one of the best (if not the best) heals in the game, or defensive cd's if you please. Also, they got a great spammable heal, and the best heal channeled.


And you dare to tell to l2p, when you can't understand something that basic.




Will say that again.


If in 4v4 (both teams full BM) if you will run into a team with hybrid dps sage/sorc, dps commando, tank and healer you will attack commando? Or tank? Or heal?


If in 4v4 (both teams full BM) if you will run into a team with hybrid dps sage/sorc, any other dps, tank and healer you will not atack sage?



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great spammable heal? you mean that heal that heals for 1.5k? or the 3 second cast heal that may if your lucky crit for 4k. yeh they are awesome. heals right there. if ppl let a sorc cast out a dark infusion then well. they are just bad really. the fast heal isnt even worth interputing as any class can out damage it.


i understsand my class very well. its the reason i destroy most baddies in my path. the squishy part is not a false statement. you go at a sorc or sage with no bubble and a debuff for it and watch then drop. But then like most other players you likely dont remember the sorcs you kill with ease and only remember the good few that kicked your *** that one time from outplaying you.


comparable defensive cd bubble is far from equal to other classes abilities. again you say "have no weakness" yet if you had any idea you would know what they are and how to exploit them. but it seems you don't so this is a complete mute point in the first place


Do you know how are the others healer's spammable heals ? Of course you don't. Lackluster isn't enough compared to sorcs (omg it only crits for over 4k), and their resource management is way higher than yours.


You can understand your class, but if you don't understand what other classes have in order to compare what they bring, then you fail at trying to post anything with some sort of sense.


Go away.

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Will say that again.


If in 4v4 (both teams full BM) if you will run into a team with hybrid dps sage/sorc, dps commando, tank and healer you will attack commando? Or tank? Or heal?


If in 4v4 (both teams full BM) if you will run into a team with hybrid dps sage/sorc, any other dps, tank and healer you will not atack sage?




What are we talking about ? Do we need to cap a node fast ? Do we need to crack a door ? Is there a lot of LOSeable stuff ? what's my team composition ? etc etc.


We can keep this all day long. The only answer is, if you don't know why to melee train a comando and CC the rest however you can, you clearly don't have a clue about how group vs group work, not only this game, but any game.


What do you prefer a 4vs4 or a 3vs4 ? That's what happens when you melee train a comando, while their healer, have to focus on healing him. Ofc if there's a tank, probably you will have to do some switches, but nothing fancy.


So i will keep the game and ask you, who would you focus ? If you say the hybrid dps / sorc before the comando, i promise i won't say a word (just laugh) :D

Edited by Keldaur
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Put one marauder, assasin, operative, night, or w.e on that sorc.. JUST ONE and see how fast their aoe dps and group utility goes away



Bads in pugs crying about unfocused sorcs free casting at range. WHAT DO EXPECT


In competative PvP sorcs are quite balanced

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Got 1,6k cunning on 600 expertise with 77 surge (i was on 89% pre nerf surge). Ofc, bm gear. All gear enhacements are power + surge.


Sabotage charge hits for 2k on sorcs.

Aimed shot for 2,8k-3k.

Quickdraw hits for 2,2k-2,4k on sorcs.


If they crit, they will remove the bubble, and some of them, do some damage. If they do not crit, they don't remove the bubble. As simple as that, and there is no gunslinger with better gear.


Man, you are *********** retarded.


you seem to not know that the shield doesn't gain any DR from armor or expertise and you call him retarded? like i've been saying, anyone qqing about sorcs either needs to l2p or they're simply ignorant about sorcs.

Edited by iceperson
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What are we talking about ? Do we need to cap a node fast ? Do we need to crack a door ? Is there a lot of LOSeable stuff ? what's my team composition ? etc etc.


We can keep this all day long. The only answer is, if you don't know why to melee train a comando and CC the rest however you can, you clearly don't have a clue about how group vs group work, not only this game, but any game.


What do you prefer a 4vs4 or a 3vs4 ? That's what happens when you melee train a comando, while their healer, have to focus on healing him. Ofc if there's a tank, probably you will have to do some switches, but nothing fancy.


So i will keep the game and ask you, who would you focus ? If you say the hybrid dps / sorc before the comando, i promise i won't say a word (just laugh) :D


so...my smart friend....if you have dps hybrid sorc/sage and dps merc/commando you will jump on commando?


You know what...you are right. You should shut down merc/commando.


But..."lets nerf sorcs they are so OP".


They are so OP that you will not even shut them down before any other range class. And no its not because sorg/sage are such a good kiters that there is no point to chase on them.


That because if you let merc/commando/sniper/gunslinger to do free phew/phew someone may die. And if you left sorc/sage alone they will like...get 300k damage medal. Big deal.


learn to whine noob.

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so...my smart friend....if you have dps hybrid sorc/sage and dps merc/commando you will jump on commando?


You know what...you are right. You should shut down merc/commando.


But..."lets nerf sorcs they are so OP".


They are so OP that you will not even shut them down before any other range class. And no its not because sorg/sage are such a good kiters that there is no point to chase on them.


That because if you let merc/commando/sniper/gunslinger to do free phew/phew someone may die. And if you left sorc/sage alone they will like...get 300k damage medal. Big deal.


learn to whine noob.



You don't jump the commando only because he can do a pretty decent single target damage, but because it's the only class on that configuration that you can shutdown with just one sentinel on him, making the fight a 3vs4, making it harder for their healer to keep up for incoming switchs and making your healer's life easier (who should be, ofc, a sage/sorc).


You still don't get it, right ?


Oh man, 3 posts already, i better go to do something more productive.

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