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Inivis during battle... unfair


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Heck, why not create a genuinely balanced combat system?

Everyone gets the following abilities, with no variation between them:





This system is both simple to impliment and perfectly balanced.


And make it turn based. Not everyone has the super reflexes to time button pressing with the gcd.

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Stealth is a major advantage. Come on, you can remove yourself from the battle completely. It does need some balancing imo.

Just some suggestions:


Any action removes stealth.

Stealth duration reduced.

Complete invisibility moved to a much longer cooldown and the addition of another stealth skill that is not invisible to other players, but leaves you untargetable/unhitable and is very hard to see visually and/or invisible when stationary.

More skills to detect stealth e.g. An aoe that will uncloak stealth for a quarter-half a second before they recloak.

Stealth doesn't make you completely invisible straight away, there is a transition phase where you are still targetable and vulnerable.

AOE size if inherent stealth detect is increased and you cannot stealth when in it (can you?).

Decloaking by inherent stealth detect is permanent.

Inability to cloak in combat without a break combat skill, that apllies a very short stun, and has a longer cooldown than stealth.

All classes with stealth have their damage nerfed.

Edited by Fluffy_Bunny
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Stealth is a major advantage. Come on, you can remove yourself from the battle completely. It does need some balancing imo.

Just some suggestions:


Any action removes stealth.

Stealth duration reduced.

Complete invisibility moved to a much longer cooldown and the addition of another stealth skill that is not invisible to other players, but leaves you untargetable/unhitable and is very hard to see visually and/or invisible when stationary.

More skills to detect stealth e.g. An aoe that will uncloak stelath for a quarter-half a second before they recloak.

Stealth doesn't make you completely invisible straight away, there is a short transition phase where you are still targetable.

AOE size if inherent stealth detect is increased and you cannot stealth when in it (can you?).

Decloaking by inherent stealth detect is permanent.

Inability to cloak in combat without a break combat skill, that apllies a very short stun, and has a longer cooldown than stealth.


In the rest of MMO's all rogues have vanish and will continue so.

Now for the rest:


1- Any action removes stealth.

If so, i want all the actions to be cancelled if moving, so all skills must be used standing quiet. There are only 2 or 3 skills that do not remove stealth.


2- Stealth duration reduced.

For a stealth based class this is great. Might aswell lower the sorc/sages mana pool to hmm 50 maybe?


3- Complete invisibility moved to a much longer cooldown and the addition of another stealth skill that is not invisible to other players, but leaves you untargetable/unhitable and is very hard to see visually and/or invisible when stationary.

*** is this? You complain about stealth and want to give another stealther?


4- More skills to detect stealth e.g. An aoe that will uncloak stelath for a quarter-half a second before they recloak.

Currently stealth detection is fu**ed. Many times you are visible from 20m away and even 30m away. If you step in middle of an AOE you get uncloacked.


5- Stealth doesn't make you completely invisible straight away, there is a short transition phase where you are still targetable.

Would be ok if dmage wouldnt break stealth. Put a dot during the fade and you have a useless skill.


6- AOE size if inherent stealth detect is increased and you cannot stealth when in it (can you?).



7- Decloaking by inherent stealth detect is permanent.

Silence/interrupt a player should be permanent too unable to use the skill until you are out of combat, being victorious or defeated.


8- Inability to cloak in combat without a break combat skill, that apllies a very short stun, and has a longer cooldown than stealth.

Would be cool this one, but then its not very realistic due the low amount of stun skills the class has.



Now in general. Are you mad because you get killed by stealthers? You want to remove a basic skill for stealthers. Its like remove Guard from a tank or the bubble from casters.


Sin/Shadow have more sustained dmg, and they have vanish too. Ops/Scoundrels have not the sustained dmg and rely on quick stricking and vanish again before getting crushed.


Lets say the sorc/sage bubble is only casteable once every 10 minutes, same for tank Guard skill, that would make your class really broken. Sages/Sorcs dieing pretty fast and tanks not being able to keep healers alive.

Edited by Aryslan
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Sounds like to me you guys are just looking for the "I WIN!!!" button. You want to be able to destroy somebody else's survival abilities because you refuse to learn how counter them.


Do you not realize that almost all classes has DoTs? So basically, you just never want your target to cloak on you, right?


Wow... you guys are trying to turn this game in to another SWG where everything is simple and easy, where even a 2 year old can PvP. Stop whining and learn to play like everyone else did.


I was getting owned left and right in PvP a couple months back. I died seemed like every time I showed my face in PvP, was called noob more times than I care to admit. I stuck it out, learned how to play by watching others and how they were defeating me. I watched others and learned tricks to the trade.


Now, I am pretty good at PvP, I most always rank highest, if not close to it in damage and kills. Took me awhile to get where I am, and it's gonna take you awhile too.


Stop crying for nerfs of abilities that ARE NOT BROKEN!!!! Learn to play the game like everyone else. It takes awhile...I know, but it's not that damn hard.


And for your info, no I do not play a Stealth Class...I just learned how to kill them. Their cloak is nothing more than a challenge to AoE them out of it for me. Not that hard, just requires a good guess and timing.

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Heavy Armor is just too difficult to do damage to when fighting.


Please only allow light armor in game. It is overpowered.


I don't like how quickly some melee can leap to me when I cannot counter it. I think this needs to be nerfed too.


Lightning hurts me and make my cwy....please remove the lightning from the game...


oh yeah...


/thread (<~~ ridiculous thing to type.)

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Get rid of the ability to stealth while in combat.




In all my years of playing MMO's, from Diku Muds to this, I have never before said the following words on a forum, but I find myself strangely compelled to say them now.


Learn to play already.


If you get smoked by a stealther then man up, put on your big boy undies and learn to counteract their attacks. Demanding that something must be changed because you cannot seem to win against them is laughable.


And just so you know my main is a 50 Sorc my alts are 30 sin/marauder so I have some idea of what each can do. This hearkens back to the days of people crying and whining on the WoW forums about rogues and vanish. It's an escape utility, and while frustrating to some it is a perfectly viable way to retreat and regroup.

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In all my years of playing MMO's, from Diku Muds to this, I have never before said the following words on a forum, but I find myself strangely compelled to say them now.


Learn to play already.


If you get smoked by a stealther then man up, put on your big boy undies and learn to counteract their attacks. Demanding that something must be changed because you cannot seem to win against them is laughable.


And just so you know my main is a 50 Sorc my alts are 30 sin/marauder so I have some idea of what each can do. This hearkens back to the days of people crying and whining on the WoW forums about rogues and vanish. It's an escape utility, and while frustrating to some it is a perfectly viable way to retreat and regroup.


Stupidest post EVER. You win, sir!


I would respond in detail, but you're not worth the time.

Edited by Fliguy
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I play a level 50, half Champion geared Guardian.


What invis do I get? Please tell me.


I'm not saying get rid of invis, all I'm saying is once you're in combat, invis should not be usable. Agents would have to choose when to strike, and once they do, battle to the death. Not run away like a coward!


What skills do I have to counteract it? DoTs? Yeah, that's what they say, but I DoT stealthers all the time, they disappear and never reappear.


Force Leap is about the only thing we have. Take that away and you might as well be giving a lightsaber to a cripple.


Lets look at what you do get that stealthers dont get...


2 30m leaps allowing for instant 3 dimensional travel to any player within range. Complimented by a stun our damage reduction. (on a short cd I might add)


Heavy Armor and defensive cooldowns not dependent on attack or damage type.


High % self heal.


Stealth on the other hand has a long cd and its only benefit is positioning. It provides no heals, extra damage or stuns and its not 3 dimensional.


L2P. Guardians are beastmode.

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Lets look at what you do get that stealthers dont get...


2 30m leaps allowing for instant 3 dimensional travel to any player within range. Complimented by a stun our damage reduction. (on a short cd I might add)


Heavy Armor and defensive cooldowns not dependent on attack or damage type.


High % self heal.


Stealth on the other hand has a long cd and its only benefit is positioning. It provides no heals, extra damage or stuns and its not 3 dimensional.


L2P. Guardians are beastmode.


I take back my previous... THIS is the stupidest post ever.

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I play a level 50, half Champion geared Guardian.


What invis do I get? Please tell me.


I'm not saying get rid of invis, all I'm saying is once you're in combat, invis should not be usable. Agents would have to choose when to strike, and once they do, battle to the death. Not run away like a coward!


What skills do I have to counteract it? DoTs? Yeah, that's what they say, but I DoT stealthers all the time, they disappear and never reappear.


Force Leap is about the only thing we have. Take that away and you might as well be giving a lightsaber to a cripple.


Lets look at what you do get that stealthers dont get...


2 30m leaps allowing for instant 3 dimensional travel to any player within range. Complimented by a stun our damage reduction. (on a short cd I might add)


Heavy Armor and defensive cooldowns not dependent on attack or damage type.


High % self heal.


Stealth on the other hand has a long cd and its only benefit is positioning. It provides no heals, extra damage or stuns and its not 3 dimensional.


L2P. Guardians are beastmode.

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Get rid of the ability to stealth while in combat.




hahaha , my god.


Really should i begin to number every skill my class dont have and thus it is unfair they exist?

Cause hell , i can number skills of other 6/7 classes i want they get rid of till we can only normal atk one another.

Edited by rzrknight
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Stupidest post EVER. You win, sir!


I would respond in detail, but you're not worth the time.


Not worth the time means you have no argument besides calling a someone's post stupid, problem is I posted in a stupid thread to begin with so I'm guilty of taking the bait...


You are still crying about game mechanics you think is unfair, it doesn't matter what you find fair princess, the Dev's decided that a vanish mechanic was a viable escape option for a light armor wearing class. You cannot adapt to a situation so instead of saying to yourself, hey I'm gonna find a way to counter act that, you come crying on the forums to correct this great injustice.


The long and short of the entire matter is that you give your own opinion too much credit while dismissing anyone else who disagrees with you. Thats the hallmark of someone who doesn't want to do the work to achieve their goals, you want PvP handed to you then go play the Wii with a 8 year old and stomp them so you can feel like a video game god.

Edited by Tantazir
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