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[VIDEO] New Jedi Sentinel video! Watch!


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Sadly the only 1v1 that I saw was you (24) pounding on a lv 12....and he nearly killed you.


Sigh, haters gonna hate I guess. It's not always easy to find 1v1 in war zones anyways...how often do you find yourself in one?


Anyways, I edited out several parts where, not only do I get a 1v1, but its with a lvl 40+ and they run :) Just sayin'...

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Sigh, haters gonna hate I guess. It's not always easy to find 1v1 in war zones anyways...how often do you find yourself in one?


Anyways, I edited out several parts where, not only do I get a 1v1, but its with a lvl 40+ and they run :) Just sayin'...


I'm not hating, just don't see a point in uploading vids of you and 3 allies killing 1 person. As for editing out the parts where you actually get to 1v1 people....why?

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I'm not hating, just don't see a point in uploading vids of you and 3 allies killing 1 person. As for editing out the parts where you actually get to 1v1 people....why?


I upload the videos in hopes that the viewer might appreciate the time put into making it. Also, maybe to encourage people to come try the game out, or try out the Jedi Knight class.


I didn't edit out a 1v1, I edited out a boring part of the war zone. It wasn't very eventful. In fact, the part I was thinking about when mentioning that is a lvl 46 Sith player running from me and 4 of his buddies taking me out after two minutes into it. And yes you are hating, rather hard.

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the biggest problem i find when trying to 1v1 someone, is when you (or anyone else) gets the target to about 25% EVERYONE and their mother decides that they have to help you kill them (even if you have 75-90% health).


While i didn't see alot of soloing in there, it seemed like if you did try and solo someone there was either A) someone coming in at about 25% and demolishing the guy. or B) they stood still for about 5 seconds (referencing the guy in the voidstar standing next to the blown open door)


not bad overall, but it seemed like you clipped your videos after a single guy died. i would prolly recommend trying to get more than one kill per clip as i saw a few where you could have gotten at least 2 if not 3 but couldn't be sure because it went to another clip.


keep trying, and give them imps what for :) .

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If I might critique:


First off, everyone that has watched this video should be told where you live so that we can all track you down and repeatedly beat you for the music. Good lord. Points for being on topic with it but ear splitting "oons oons oons" Star Wars played on a keytar (80s throw back, look it up) is a bit much. :)


As for the video itself, it was good. I wasn't expecting you to be lvl 24 so that was kind of new. Sucks that there weren't more 1v1s but in SW PvP, it is kind of hard.

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Can anyone recommend a good recording program that wont kill my FPS?


I really need to make a PVP vid with no editing... Just straight up beginning to end BG.


If you cut to yourself killing various people, It doesnt really give a sense of what your skill level is at all.


and correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't think I saw a single scoreboard on there? (I admittedly did not watch the whole thing)

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the biggest problem i find when trying to 1v1 someone, is when you (or anyone else) gets the target to about 25% EVERYONE and their mother decides that they have to help you kill them (even if you have 75-90% health).


While i didn't see alot of soloing in there, it seemed like if you did try and solo someone there was either A) someone coming in at about 25% and demolishing the guy. or B) they stood still for about 5 seconds (referencing the guy in the voidstar standing next to the blown open door)


not bad overall, but it seemed like you clipped your videos after a single guy died. i would prolly recommend trying to get more than one kill per clip as i saw a few where you could have gotten at least 2 if not 3 but couldn't be sure because it went to another clip.


keep trying, and give them imps what for :) .


:) Thanks for the feedback! Usually when I clip it after a single kill it means that what happens next is extremely uneventful, i.e. running to the next fight, or I died ofc. I'll definitely keep this in mind when making my next video though. Thanks!

Edited by Space-Guerrilla
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As for the video itself, it was good. I wasn't expecting you to be lvl 24 so that was kind of new. Sucks that there weren't more 1v1s but in SW PvP, it is kind of hard.


heh like i said, seems like when you almost kill someone 2 other people on your team suddenly appear and keep you from getting the assassain medal.

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Can anyone recommend a good recording program that wont kill my FPS?


I really need to make a PVP vid with no editing... Just straight up beginning to end BG.


If you cut to yourself killing various people, It doesnt really give a sense of what your skill level is at all.


and correct me if I'm wrong but, I don't think I saw a single scoreboard on there? (I admittedly did not watch the whole thing)


I use fraps to record my gaming. It doesn't seem to effect my FPS at all, try it out.


Maybe the next video I upload will be of one single WZ, start to finish.

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I upload the videos in hopes that the viewer might appreciate the time put into making it.


Welcome to the Internet. I will be your guide.


Rule #1:

By default people don't give a turd about random people doing everyday mediocre stuff. It doesn't matter how much time you spend trying to make video about it.

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If I might critique:


First off, everyone that has watched this video should be told where you live so that we can all track you down and repeatedly beat you for the music. Good lord. Points for being on topic with it but ear splitting "oons oons oons" Star Wars played on a keytar (80s throw back, look it up) is a bit much. :)


As for the video itself, it was good. I wasn't expecting you to be lvl 24 so that was kind of new. Sucks that there weren't more 1v1s but in SW PvP, it is kind of hard.


LOL I know I know...not everyone is a fan of the music but I tried to make it content related and w/e...Maybe for my next video I'll try something a little more neutral! Thanks for your feedback!


Wutachi is now lvl 28, I'm moving along slowly but watch out when I get to this "open world pvp" :):)

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i watched the first few fights then thought to myself...where is the joy in watching 3 players pounding on one imperial?



That is one of those rare occasions, like seeing a shooting star or spotting a UFO, it's normally the other way round.

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I watched about 5 minutes of your 7 minute video. I never saw you use your interrupt once. Not Once. You get it at level 18 and I saw it on your toolbar, always off cool down.


Force Kick is your friend. Once you get high enough in Watchman spec you'll be able to lower the CD to 6 seconds. Get it. Use it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.


Check out JT1 on youtube if you want to learn how to Sentinel PvP.

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I watched about 5 minutes of your 7 minute video. I never saw you use your interrupt once. Not Once. You get it at level 18 and I saw it on your toolbar, always off cool down.


Force Kick is your friend. Once you get high enough in Watchman spec you'll be able to lower the CD to 6 seconds. Get it. Use it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.


Check out JT1 on youtube if you want to learn how to Sentinel PvP.


Thanks man. Yes I often forget about that skill. I'm not 100% comfortable with how I have my toolbars setup. As a result I often forget to use it. I should bind that skill. Ty for advice.

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OK. First off, the first 1 minute sucks. Introduction that lasts for 1 minute sucks.

The next 2 minutes, there are 2-3 other people helping you kill someone.



Lastly you are clearly using some form of macro like maybe a mouse or keyboard macro.

You are auto attacking (using the lowest sent dmging ability) at full rage and at 90% rage bar.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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OK. First off, the first 1 minute sucks. Introduction that lasts for 1 minute sucks.

The next 2 minutes, there are 2-3 other people helping you kill someone.



Lastly you are clearly using some form of macro like maybe a mouse or keyboard macro.

You are auto attacking (using the lowest sent dmging ability) at full rage and at 90% rage bar.


Hi. The intro was an attempt to match the music. I wanted the pvp to start when the beat dropped.


In my experience, a 1v1 is hard to come by in this game, or any game for that matter. I'm confused though, are war zones group pvp zones or solo? Ahhh ok.


I use a Razer Naga. Clicking skills is for scrubs.


I've only just started playing this game guys...I'm still learning my class I'm not even lvl 30 yet. With that in mind, I think its rather impressive compared to others. :)

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If you guys watch this video and complain about there not being any 1v1's I might throw my puter out the window.


If you're dumb enough to rush in alone you're gonna die...right? Not my fault you try to zerg a group alone. L2P :)



Aside from that, actually watch the video there are 1v1's.

Edited by Space-Guerrilla
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