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New to Sentinel...new to mmo


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So, yeah, I'm a noob. After farting around with some other classes I decided to try Sentinel. I just recently started learning the ropes of keybinds as well and i'm starting to get the hang of it. I am more a fan of story than I am PvP, but I have found PvP useful for helping me to get decent gear and have fun with it for the most part, but I want to be able to be better at it later, so until then I just use it to pad my exp, creds, and commendations...since I'm not that good at it atm.


So until i reach a higher level, currently 27, should i be using watchman to level? I read through lots threads, but get lost in a lot of unfamiliar jargon and terms. I like to solo a lot and find myself needing to due to lack of help from other players in missions. I'll pop into a warzone occasionally to try to hone my skills a bit and stay familiar with the mechanics. But regularly get my arse handed to me and I have poor memory for rotations and such, so I basically just button mash a lot.


At 43 years old, some gaming habits are hard to get over. Since I'm a button masher, how can I do it effectively? Granted, my learning curve sucks, but I do learn. I guess the gist of my thread is this: what is an effective build for PvE play with the occasional PvP until I go hardcore PvP? Also, Which abilities should I hotkey for my (lack of) skill?


I look forward to responses and feedback. Thank you and may the Force be with you.

Edited by DarthMors
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I'm not trying to be offensive, or an elitist jerk. But out of all the classes in this game, I'd say sentinel responds the worst to button mashing.

To get the most out of it, or even perform ok on them requires you to use all your skills (and there are a lot), at the right times.

You cannot simply bind 2-3 skills then go to town. You will find PvE hard, and PvP extremely frustrating..

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I'm not trying to be offensive, or an elitist jerk. But out of all the classes in this game, I'd say sentinel responds the worst to button mashing.

To get the most out of it, or even perform ok on them requires you to use all your skills (and there are a lot), at the right times.

You cannot simply bind 2-3 skills then go to town. You will find PvE hard, and PvP extremely frustrating..


So how about some advice on which abilities are most useful to someone who CAN learn and wants to?

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There isn't a "sentinel lite" route. Our simplest spec uses 10-15 skills regularly, our most complex uses 30. This isn't trying to be rude, but I'd recommend playing as a sage or shadow to get used to keybinding.


Also, don't use 1 through = as your keybinds. Depending on your hand, 1-5 with qertfgv or 1-6 qertfg or moving to ESDF movement rather than WASD are all far more effective than the default keybinds.

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If you want to learn more about what to hit/when and what to prioritize, I would visit this thread;




Unfortunately, with the UI in it's current state, sentinels are pretty much wack-a-mole until the new cooldown options get implemented. I find that a lot of your abilities can go off muscle memory but learning to watch/prioritze some 24+ buttons can be a bit daunting if you are just learning the class. My advise is learn your priorities ability wise and gear up your healing companion to make questing easier/less painful.

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Ok for starters, in my opinion you are correct in that watchman is probably the best/most forgiving spec to use whilst levelling.


The basics are:

Use Zealous Strike, Leap and Strike to build focus.

Use Overload Sabre, Cautarise, Slash (before 40) and Merciless (after 40) to spend it.


In addition to that, you will to learn and use your defensive abilities:

Rebuke, Sabre Ward, Guarded by the Force, Force Camo.


Then there's your utility/extras:

Kick, Stasis, Zen.


In PvE only you should use Pommel Strike and Opportune strike. Sweep, leg slash or inflamed cautarise let you use them.


There's tons of other stuff, but those are the basic things that are used all the time and should be second nature.

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So how about some advice on which abilities are most useful to someone who CAN learn and wants to?


It's not unusual to use 95% of your abilities in one engagement, especially in PvP. However to keep things more simple, you can start with a few core abilities and work your way up as you get more comfortable. I highly recommend Watchman and the following advice applies to that spec (I'm not familiar enough with the other specs to give solid advice on them).


- Always use Juyo Form.

- Keep your dots up as much as possible (Overload Saber and Cauterize).

- Use Zen as often as possible - try to time it so there are 3 stacks of Overload Saber on a target to maximize dps...but sometimes you'll need the healing and pop it sooner.

- Use Zealous Strike whenever it is off cooldown - if you already have max focus, you aren't using Slash enough.

- Until you get Merciless Slash, Slash will be a main source of damage (you'll still use it even after you have Merciless Slash)

- Use Rebuke whenever you're taking damage, but don't be as quick to use Saber Ward (don't wait too long either)

- Use your interrupt to stop high damage abilities or heals - especially when fighting elite mobs.


You can get by most of PvE - and do ok in PvP - just following this bit, but you won't maximize your damage. Most of the rest of the abilities are situational, but will be used often: Pacify, Leg Slash, Crippling Throw, etc.

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Do exactly what Keja said above. You can do these and be a button masher if you bind your keys to a comfortably close setting, and possibly macros in the future will simplify some things.


Regarding soloability, you said your 27, you get a healing companion soon that will vastly increase your soloability. If you like sentinel now, you will love it then...

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Well, I've retrained myself to Watchman for the time being. Now to get used to the according changes in the keybinds I have made. You all have been extremely helpful and I thank you. One further question right now...Gojant said "and possibly macros in the future will simplify some things."...uhm...what are/is macros? I hear macros and I think Robotech...I know someone gets that.
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As others have said in this thread, sentinels just aren't the class for anyone new to MMOs. I've got 3 years and 2400 rating on a warrior and I still find pvp on my sentinel very challenging.



Mercenaries, and sorcerers are both extremely easy classes to play. If you're set on playing a melee class guardians are a lot easier than sentinels, but still tougher to play than Mercs/Sorcs.




You can try out a sentinel, but there's a reason why 2/3 of them reroll before 40, it's not a forgiving class, and it definitely isn't for everyone. I can almost guarantee that for quite a while you'll be smashing your head against the wall.

Edited by Aidank
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Well, I've retrained myself to Watchman for the time being. Now to get used to the according changes in the keybinds I have made. You all have been extremely helpful and I thank you. One further question right now...Gojant said "and possibly macros in the future will simplify some things."...uhm...what are/is macros? I hear macros and I think Robotech...I know someone gets that.


lol. I'd love a SDF1 cameo somewhere in this game... maybe the Hoth ice-graveyard?


Anyway, Macros are a way to fire off a series of abilities by hitting one button instead of firing off each individual skill. Some MMOs consider macros to be cheating, and others couldn't care less. *shrug* Never used 'em, myself.


Sentinels are a pretty unforgiving and complicated class to play. I play a decent one, myself, though I still think they're prohibitively difficult for an average gamer. You seem to be on the right track though, so I'll only offer the one piece of advice that I didn't see on the first page: make sure your gear is as up-to-date as you can get. You can buy mods with planetary commendations, from players who make them, and from the GTN (auction hall) at the fleet. Focus on building up your Strength, and don't forget your Crit and Power ratings (Endurance is on almost every mod, so you'll get a lot of that regardless).

Edited by Tedroni
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Well, I've retrained myself to Watchman for the time being. Now to get used to the according changes in the keybinds I have made. You all have been extremely helpful and I thank you. One further question right now...Gojant said "and possibly macros in the future will simplify some things."...uhm...what are/is macros? I hear macros and I think Robotech...I know someone gets that.


Macros are just script written ingame to do one or more functions in a specific order or to activate under specific conditions. Typically smarter people than I write them, I just copy and utilize them to fit my playstyle. And typically a macro gives you a little icon to put on your hotbar and you click it just the same as any other ability. Only this one functions as I stated above.


We currently don’t have access to macros, unless you use some fancy keyboard or external program keybinding, so the point is moot.


As for gameplay, good keybinds and ability coordination on those keys makes this class fun and much easier. You set something up, utilize it a few dozen times out in true combat and it becomes second nature quickly.


Below are my keybinds, their purpose is to keep things organize in groups, and keep my left hand tight to the left side of the keyboard. Left hand keybinds are for direct activation, anything else I typically just mouseclick and have it organized on the left/right bars to make the process simple and easy in the heat of combat


1: Strike

2: Slash

3: Master Strike

4: Blade Storm

5: Dispatch

T: Force Leap

F: Force Sweep

G: Pacify

V: Force Kick

X: Force Camo


Shift-1: Overload Saber

Shift-2: Zealous Strike

Shift-3: Cauterize

Shift-4: Merciless Slash

Shift-5: Awe

Shift-T: Rebuke

Shift-F: Cyclone Slash

Shift-G: Saber Ward

Shift-V: Force Stasis

Mouse Center button: Speeder

Mouse button 4: Out of combat heal, Inspiration I think

Mouse button 5: CC Break ability


The main strategy for this layout is keys subject to specific activities that I may string together are grouped together or their shift-modified so they are quickly used by just hitting shift and the same key again.

If I want to AOE, I hit F, then Shift F until I am out of focus.

My starter rotation is T, Shift-1, Shift-2, Shift-3, Shift-4, 3, 2, 1 depending on focus and then repeat. Its pretty fluid to me now, and quick variations I can take depending on how much focus I have.

G, Shift-G, Shift-T, and X are for defensive cooldowns.

And V/Shift-V are for interrupts/Holds which also interrupt, good for PVP

I don’t use Shift X because its too hard to reach back and I can misfire.


I have a lot bound to other keys, 6, 7, 8, 9, and so on, everything has a place, but its organize for fast activation.

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Good luck. Lul sorry. I read the title and just had to say it.


I'd love to help you, but the amount of information I would have to relay to you would be phenomenal.


Honestly, keep truckin through it, but I would recommend rolling another class and coming back to Sentinel. As the other poster said, I've been playing mmos my whole life and I'm just NOW getting the hang of Sentinel (21 Valor Pvp @ LVL 33 Sentinel) and I'm not even 50!

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