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upcoming Force bending nerf/fix


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I've always used the FB + Innervate + DI bug to my advantage. It's always nice to see 2 or 3 of the the 4 Innervate ticks crit and then follow it up with a 1.5 sec DI that's gonna add at least another 4k hp to the mix. I can honestly say however that I never really saw it as a game breaking bug. There haven't been the "This **** needs to be nerfed" threads from people that would be complaining about Inq healers being OP.


However, like many others I knew the day would come when BW finally FIXED the bug. I'm taking advantage of it now and I'll make the necessary adjustments when needed.


All THAT being said, it does seriously piss me right the **** off beyond belief that they would consider this to be a necessity over fixing the random inability to cast Static Barrier on players in FP's.




Priorities FTW.

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Normal roto: shield, innervate, resurgence, 2x 1.5 sec dark infusion, consumption


Oh **** roto: shield (if there's time), resurgence, 2x 1.5 sec dark infusion


I can barely keep up with healing in hard-modes as it is. I'm wearing half columi half tionese gear, so I'm not sure if it's me or sorcerer in general, but sometimes I can barely heal fast enough to keep a geared tank alive. If multiple people start taking damage it's really difficult to stop focusing on the tank and toss them a heal. I rarely use the AoE heal because people won't hold still and it doesn't heal the tank enough. I didn't want to take advantage of this bug, but I have to. That extra second is gonna hurt.


Responses like this leads me to believe the majority of tanks in this game aren't good. I've had my share of experiences with people in pvp gear, or just people not knowing how to play their class, or worse...under geared. I've been in hard modes, including the end boss fight at Boarding party, and done very well. Either your playing your healer wrong, or your tank sucks. I've literally gain force just by sticking with FB Inervate, and conserving my heals, with bubble on tank.

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a bit sad .. it will be much tougher to push badly geared guys trough a hard mode

but meh ... i ll just have to be a bit more picky when it comes to making a team



in pvp it was kinda awesome and overpowered ... so i understand why it needed a fix

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I don't think the force bending gets used up if you get KB'd while casting Dark Infusion. I'm pretty sure there's been a few times in Kaon when I've been KB'd while casting Dark Infusion and then immediately start recasting it and it still has the 1.5 second cast. I may be wrong, though; healing is too intense to stop and think about things like that



Oh, I know, right now it doesn't. I'm just saying that I hope BioWare's fix doesn't end up being "the buff is now consumed the moment you start casting a heal".

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Oh, I know, right now it doesn't. I'm just saying that I hope BioWare's fix doesn't end up being "the buff is now consumed the moment you start casting a heal".


Nope, they are just going to make it work properly (i hope)

I've never really noticed this bug because i don't have the tendency to overheal unless it's really needed.


Tank at full HP --> barrier --> fool around or check others --> dps boss ;s

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