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Automatically distributes loot..which is broken. Why did an inquisitor get warrior gear the last time I was in there.


EV takes 1 hour if your guild already has cleared it multiple times, is geared, and do not take 5-10 minute breaks in between pulls.


im pretty sure our first time through on 12/24 took us just over an hour. as to loot issues, of the 9 times i have went through i have rarely (twice that i can remember) seen that kind of thing happen, and neither of those have been in the last month (wanna say 5 weeks but memory is <>)


also, trying to say chronicles were a success in rift is foolish at best.

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I find calls for solo endgame content in an MMO mystifying. Its like you want to play a monthly fee for a shallow RPG with bad online chat. It makes no sense.


Part of being an adult with responsibilities is recognizing that life comes with a lot of limitations. For you, this might mean not having time for hobbies that require hours of commitment. Stop expecting, or even asking, that the world be made to fit your limitations.


This arrogance and presumption doesn't surprise me in the least...only because of the nature of the people who happen to be quite VOCAL in MMO forums.


You already have your SET IN STONE opinions about the quality of an MMO vs. a SPRPG and that those of us who still play MMOs despite the vaunted SUPERIORITY of SPRPGs are wasting our money on a SUB PAR SINGLE PLAYER experience. We get it. You have this unfounded opinion that you like to drill home every single chance you get.


It doesn't mean that you are RIGHT or that your opinion is any more VALID than anyone else's. Using words like MYSTIFYING does not make you sound smarter or convince the rest of us to automatically agree with you.


You say you are MYSTIFIED that people who wish to do things SOLO still choose an MMO...when in REALITY, and this is a stab in the dark but I think closer to the mark than you will ever admit, you are just mad that people are potentially taking away from YOUR group experience. You can't stand the idea that people would jump into the game, have loads of fun with it WITHOUT relying on anyone else....while you are still waiting on a group.


Instead of ordering the OP, and those of us who agree with him, to STOP expecting the world to fit into his limitations, maybe YOU and other arrogant-minded folks like you should START coming to terms with the fact that there are other ways of doing things and they don't affect you so why are do you even CARE how other people wish to spend their game time?

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ZOMG guys I just got the BESTEST idea ever from this. There is like this game, right, that you can like control your companions and like do group quests with them, but like, alone, so I always have enough time to play! I think these would be great for you; Mass Effect, Dragon Age.


We done here?


BioWare decided to fix this problem for you before SWTOR came along, hell they even did it in fantasy OR SciFi. Kinda like vanilla or chocolate, **** you can even pick both!


There are cheaper ways to play with yourself (and far better suited for what you have in mind) than paying $15/month to walk around alone in an MMO with the chatbox option disabled, avoid guilds because of their "drama", and in all ways being even more socialy reclusive than your average MMO player- which is an impressive feat.



If they did implement this, most of the content of the normal raids would have to be nurfed/removed so that the average person on the internet could accomplish it. Leaving you with realisticly little to enjoy. Many standalone games offer more content (than what you're suggesting) for the soloexperience and the possibility of 2/3 person multiplayer experience. Asking the Massively Multiplayer Online game industry to shorten their name (and purpose) to Online game industry is rather silly. Unless you wanted this to become an MMORPG-With the Option to Play with Yourself.


Why are you playing an MMO if you seem to not enjoy interactions with people? I know playing with yourself is fun, even better infront of the computer, but that isn't what this game is made for. I understand that you implied you have a wife and that you can't always play with yourself as much as you want anymore, but then play with yourself on something that is designed for it.



tl;dr Solo "raiding" exists and bioware has already made many examples of it for you to buy, don't ask an MMORPG to turn into an RPG (or some perverted hybrid), just go buy one that is already on the market.




Edit; I thought about it, and although I had some VERY good points above I decided this should be implemented since it will benifit me as a "hardcore raider". Instead of people who don't understand the purpose of an MMO getting sad and leaving, they will stay and continue to blow $15/month (and they have every right to do so) on watered down crap.


This might confuse you, but since this will give the devs more money to make cool stuff for those who understand what an MMO is and why they bought and subbed for one it works out great.


edit tldr; ****-it the developers need more money from stupid people, go for it. All you Kabjat.

Edited by FleshMauler
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If you are referring to a hardmode flashpoint/ops that can be solo'd? I'm in...


Heck, even make it so it can be completed in a week or so. Like 8 bosses. Kill 4 on one day, 3 on another, and finish the last boss on a Friday night.


Maybe even make it so that the end boss loot can drop an ultra rare item. (e.g. mount, lightsaber/gun, pet) BW needs to really add more flavor to the game like this in the near future.


Remember the Deathcharger mount in WOW? I loved farming the instance for that thing. When Baron Rivendare finally dropped it, it was a great day. :D


It's all about having options if you want them.

Edited by Screamster
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Except this game already has a wonderful solo experience so there is no logical reason not to Extend that into endgame!! All of those folks who keep regurgitating the tired old "this is an MMO so group or ****" must not have been paying attention for the first 50 levels.
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ZOMG guys I just got the BESTEST idea ever from this. There is like this game, right, that you can like control your companions and like do group quests with them, but like, alone, so I always have enough time to play! I think these would be great for you; Mass Effect, Dragon Age.


We done here?


BioWare decided to fix this problem for you before SWTOR came along, hell they even did it in fantasy OR SciFi. Kinda like vanilla or chocolate, **** you can even pick both!


There are cheaper ways to play with yourself (and far better suited for what you have in mind) than paying $15/month to walk around alone in an MMO with the chatbox option disabled, avoid guilds because of their "drama", and in all ways being even more socialy reclusive than your average MMO player- which is an impressive feat.



If they did implement this, most of the content of the normal raids would have to be nurfed/removed so that the average person on the internet could accomplish it. Leaving you with realisticly little to enjoy. Many standalone games offer more content (than what you're suggesting) for the soloexperience and the possibility of 2/3 person multiplayer experience. Asking the Massively Multiplayer Online game industry to shorten their name (and purpose) to Online game industry is rather silly. Unless you wanted this to become an MMORPG-With the Option to Play with Yourself.


Why are you playing an MMO if you seem to not enjoy interactions with people? I know playing with yourself is fun, even better infront of the computer, but that isn't what this game is made for. I understand that you implied you have a wife and that you can't always play with yourself as much as you want anymore, but then play with yourself on something that is designed for it.



tl;dr Solo "raiding" exists and bioware has already made many examples of it for you to buy, don't ask an MMORPG to turn into an RPG (or some perverted hybrid), just go buy one that is already on the market.




Edit; I thought about it, and although I had some VERY good points above I decided this should be implemented since it will benifit me as a "hardcore raider". Instead of people who don't understand the purpose of an MMO getting sad and leaving, they will stay and continue to blow $15/month (and they have every right to do so) on watered down crap.


This might confuse you, but since this will give the devs more money to make cool stuff for those who understand what an MMO is and why they bought and subbed for one it works out great.


edit tldr; ****-it the developers need more money from stupid people, go for it. All you Kabjat.


Wow, you are really riled up about how other people want to spend their time playing this game...


Your post was borderline insulting, and I ask that you keep it civil, or better yet..go outside. You must be one of those hardcore raiders that we are talking about...OMG are people going to take away from my group experience? Shame on them. Let me bash him for having an idea! Really, look at yourself in the mirror.


I enjoy certain aspects of this MMO, not just a chatbox. But from time to time, for an hour or two every other day, it would be nice to do some end game stuff without the full onslaught of a raid group. Then afterwards, I'll go back to HM flashpoints, PVP, etc and everything else in between which I love about MMO.


I am sorry sir, your entire rant is completely senseless because I do enjoy the MMO aspect of this game. Im simply asking, and its obvious others like me agree, for solo end game content. Picture this: Me progressing through my little instance of whatever raid. And you sitting there in your big computer chair, sweating it out in HM EV/Karragas, with a half eaten bag of cheetos and your gut hanging out the side...But wait, I just killed anothe rboss in that solo raid. Did that take away from your sweating, cheeto eating experience? No.

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To the naysayers of this popular opinion: This was an opinion, a suggestion, an idea. Id did not require your aggresive rhetoric and bantar, but you brought it anyways. There are more people here that would welcome this, or some variation of it, than there are against it.
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Actually LOTRO did something like that, I forget what they call them, but players can play mini dungeons or areas, as solo, up to a full group. The Instance would scale as well, so a bigger group would have harder mobs, and the rewards would be better. Typically you cuold run one in 20 - 30 minutes or faster depending on which instance you decide. Like PVP Wz they can be accessed anywhere and when you are done it drops you back to the place you left.


You actually got a companion which you could use, (we already have those) with thier own abilties, equipment etc... They also leveled as you leveleved. Think of them as repeatable story line instances (Green doors). You would recieved the usually token/commedations some exp and cash for completion.


Since SWTOR is already doing 90% of this, the next step would be mini raidable points for a single person or scalable to multiple folks.

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Actually LOTRO did something like that, I forget what they call them, but players can play mini dungeons or areas, as solo, up to a full group. The Instance would scale as well, so a bigger group would have harder mobs, and the rewards would be better. Typically you cuold run one in 20 - 30 minutes or faster depending on which instance you decide. Like PVP Wz they can be accessed anywhere and when you are done it drops you back to the place you left.


You actually got a companion which you could use, (we already have those) with thier own abilties, equipment etc... They also leveled as you leveleved. Think of them as repeatable story line instances (Green doors). You would recieved the usually token/commedations some exp and cash for completion.


Since SWTOR is already doing 90% of this, the next step would be mini raidable points for a single person or scalable to multiple folks.


Scalable sounds good.


Like for a limited 4 person scalable team maybe:


if (players == 2) {


} else if (players == 3){


} else if (players == 4){


} else {



Edited by Screamster
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Actually LOTRO did something like that, I forget what they call them, but players can play mini dungeons or areas, as solo, up to a full group. The Instance would scale as well, so a bigger group would have harder mobs, and the rewards would be better. Typically you cuold run one in 20 - 30 minutes or faster depending on which instance you decide. Like PVP Wz they can be accessed anywhere and when you are done it drops you back to the place you left.


You actually got a companion which you could use, (we already have those) with thier own abilties, equipment etc... They also leveled as you leveleved. Think of them as repeatable story line instances (Green doors). You would recieved the usually token/commedations some exp and cash for completion.


Since SWTOR is already doing 90% of this, the next step would be mini raidable points for a single person or scalable to multiple folks.


I think they were skirmishes, and Rift has Chronicles.


I am suggesting that they do this on a larger scale. Maybe have a few that are 20-30 minutes, but Im thinking of one or two that takes an hour or two to complete..maybe 3 hours. And it resets every week. If you dont complete it in one day, you come in the next day and pick up from where you left off.


I simply like this idea because there are those of us that might have become desensitized to raiding, but still enjoy the feeling of character progression beyond the "time grind" of earning valor, or daily commendations. This is a way for a solo player to test his/her meddle (rather, test his/her gear set and skill) at end game content, without the requirement of a large guild.

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Scalable sounds good.


Like for a limited 4 person scalable team maybe:


if (players == 2) {


} else if (players == 3){


} else if (players == 4){


} else {





I even think that the difficulty level of a heroic+2 group quest would almost suffice, such as Poisonous Strategy on Ilum. It is done with two competant people right now, but you can still mess up and die. It happens. Or, if you have two geared out companions and the ability to control some of their ability usage, you could probably solo it.


Controlling 2 companions and yourself would require a lot of skill though. Im surprised the elitists are having such a hard time grasping this.

Keeping yourself out of bad floor, interrupting when needed

Using your healer companion to heal whom needed

Having your tank taunt when needed


Thngs like that.

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Endless complaining from haters about the game being "single player" and what do we see being suggested? More single player content.


You guys just don't get it, do you?


No, I do not support this idea. If you want to do ops then join a decent guild and run them, there is no reason you should be able to get equivalent equipment from running a solo instance, that is not how endgame progression works.

Edited by TheHoodedFang
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Endless complaining from haters about the game being "single player" and what do we see being suggested? More single player content.


You guys just don't get it, do you?


No, I do not support this idea. If you want to do ops then join a decent guild and run them, there is no reason you should be able to get equivalent equipment from running a solo instance, that is not how endgame progression works.


Im not complaining. I group enough while leveling, hardmodes, PVP, etc.


No game dev is doing anything drastically new. They are trying, and may marginally succeed. Rift with dynamic events, and yes chronicles. LOTRO with Skirmishes. WoW with pokemon. Terra with non targetting combat. GW2 with out hub-style questing.


With the awsome companion system, it would be better than a Rift Chronicle or LOTRO skirmish.


The old MMO template is fading. You guys just dont get it...do you?

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The thing is, it's not even about the ability to raid or not.


These players just want easy access to nice loot without having to make even a tenth of the effort an ops group does.


Thats why they could add solo raids but with much wrose gear than from operations.

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Something like this would be cool.


I raid 2-3 times a week but even I like to solo things sometimes. Heck, for me the rewards can just be achievements and no gear tbh. I'd still do the solo FP/raid. Just like the solo experience sometimes and tbh the solo dailies are getting tiresome :w_cool:


Quoting above, and what the other previous poster said: Honestly, you're right. If push came to shove, I would do this for an achievement each week. Or some sort of social gear, or somethign to show "hey lookie what I did!". Doesnt even need to be for stat based gear. I just want something to do other than the run of the mill end game. Maybe reward companion only-specific gear.

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The thing is, it's not even about the ability to raid or not.


These players just want easy access to nice loot without having to make even a tenth of the effort an ops group does.


Sigh, raiders....



I don't raid because I hate raiding. I'd much rather have something I find fun that I can consume in smaller chunks of time and without having to schedule my life around a guild. It is not about easy access, it's about enjoying the game

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.... there is no reason you should be able to get equivalent equipment from running a solo instance, that is not how endgame progression works.


According to what set of laws? Where is it cast in stone that no MMO can ever do something different for endgame progression? Are you saying that ALL MMOs for all eternity must have the same endgame progression method, and never offer any other?

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