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Star Trek online vs TOR (READ)


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Unless they are completely changing the space combat system in 1.2, there are some things that STO will still have better than TOR.


Well obviously. But still, it might be more playable. Again, only time will tell...

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The three MMOs you can bet on being here in a couple of years are STO, WoW and SWToR.


Why you ask? A simple reason, a backstory with cult-like following. Many newer players of WoW seem to forget the legacy that WoW was built upon. Sure, it was the first mainstream MMO breakthrough, but there were and have been others that technically were up there. WoW was created during the end of the gamer 'age', if you can call it that, where gaming was not as mainstream as today. Which one of us that comes from that time doesn't remember the Warcraft games? That's what WoW was built upon and it could count on the loyal followers of the franchise to back an MMO.


I'm not sure if WoW brought out today, with somewhat up-to-date standards in terms of gaming and graphics, would enjoy the same success. Us old-timers still know the franchise, and I would be tempted to try it just for that. Warcraft (other than obviously WoW itself) isn't mainstream enough these days to guarantee that by itself, if you ask me.


Star Trek doesn't even need explaining, I'm not playing it right now but I have a lifetime subscription. Why? It'll be there in a few years and I will deffo pick it up at some point, and the moment I shoot some phasers or whatever, I'll have a smile on my face. Star Wars could be considered the biggest cult-following of all imo.


So AoC, Rift, Aion, Eve-Online, Guild Wars and even Warhammer, these don't have that support structure of decades old fanboys/girls. Some survive through F2P, others through niche markets (Eve-o being brutal, GW with its great PVP base and skill diversity system).


Sure, I'd like to see more content *now* from BW, anyone in their sane mind would. People will get bored with it too, people got bored with WoW in droves. A lot of them came back, a lot of you quitting now will come back to this later on. Star Wars isn't going away, and nor is this MMO.

Edited by Rami__
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Well obviously. But still, it might be more playable. Again, only time will tell...


Having played both games, STO for a couple of eyars, and SWTOR for a couple of months, I can tell you that space combat is STO is considerably more playable than 'space' combat in TOR. For a start, you actually get to fly your ship!!! Fancy that.

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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/


My friend that was playing GW2 last weekend told me that you have 5 skills that match weapons you use. So you have different 5 skills if you use 2 swords. Different when you use 1 sword or some huge 2-handed sword. Different when you use gun and sword.


Now you can't even compare something like that to **** Bioware present us.


Same with PVP. Here we have 3 small and boring warzones + broken Ilum. There you have huge epic battle between 3 servers in world vs world vs world fights.


It's not even cross server like in many MMO where bunch of folks join to do something on battleground. There you have contests between servers. How more cool it can be ?


Point is - GW 2 will appear and 2 things will happen. Arenanet will fail and GW 2 will be forgoten or TOR will eat dirt and only Star Wars fan boys, people that don't like fantasy and some of Bioware fanbase will remain.


From last beta I think that GW2 have better PVE content with no stupid instances EVERYWHERE. Better PVP content and on top of that - better engine, overall graphic and combat system.


I just hope that ArenaNet will deliver but after GW 1 I'm sure they can.


Yeah love GW2 so far and it will be epic cant wait

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Well they waste all that money for adding voice to kill & fetch quests so no surprise there :/



This ^^


Obvious Bioware did not hold back when it came to paying the mass amount of voice actors required for this game. Good chunk of that 100+ million that was funded for TOR MMO went to the actors bank accounts.


Hiring voice actors has got to be a long and grueling process. Trying to fit the right voice to the myriad of game characters. Fly them in from different parts of the world alongside free meals and hotel bills dependent on how long they are needed in the studio to go over thousands of lines over and over.

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Thou i could agree SWTOR needs many many things fixed/implemented, talking about the biggest fiasco in MMO history (STO) and trying to compare it with TOR is an insult.


Check my posts, im far from a fanboy, but really ... STO??? oh please


In STO's defense, it wasn't as much a fiasco as a monumental screwup by Atari that didn't give it the funding it needed after release, so Cryptic wasn't able to put out any proper content updates... :)


That said, Cryptics F2P model is an insult to their playerbase in and of itself...

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Yeah love GW2 so far and it will be epic cant wait


I'm really glad you do. For me personally I was let down. Big empty cities that you have to wander around and find things to do which means your clicking on every damn thing which kinda sucks if you are pressed for time and actually want to get something accomplished. Horrible lag, The voice acting is atrocious and the story so far is like something out if a Saturday morning Kids show. But worst of all are the facebook game elements.


Don't get me wrong there are a lot of people that love it I just found it closer to a browser game than a real MMO and the beta community is well your typical GW2 fans so yeah 4chan.


I won't be pre-ordering after beta which sucks because I was really looking forward to it; TOR will be my main game and hopefully TSW will give me something to play on the side.

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The main issue of late isn't is that Cryptic games aren't fun. Champions Online is actually a very fun game as far as the game itself goes. The issue is that they put out a 2-4 GB client game with about 50% the content they had planned and promised their player base for release (STO without a real second faction and far less primary Federation content and CO with entire zones left out and entire level ranges without quests lines to level through and no real end game even today).


They are still fun little mmo's and worth a second look far after release (CO is coming out with their massive patch April 13th'ish akin to Swtor's 1.2 ... it took them nearly 2 years to do what Bioware did in 3 months!). Their dev team is extremely small though.




Personally I always head back to CO to try out the new comic series updates and certain this large new one. I've piggy backed two mmo's several time as CO is always my "fun for a short time" fall back game.



You know what, this guy is right. I feel a little bad I was kinda harsh with my assessment of STO graphics earlier. It's simply that I found anyone thinking the graphics were better than SWTORs so ludicrous that it would actually hurt poor STO by creating false expectations.


I admit, a couple of weeks before SWTOR launched I downloaded CO to give it a go. It has kinda become a guilty little pleasure, a dirty secret, a mistress you visit once a week. The game's are nice little MMO's- no triple A material by any stretch . But they are fun casual pastimes, which is what a game should be about anyway.


Just don't don't go selling them as higher quality material because they're not. Though SWTOR can learn a lesson or two from character customization at least.

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It's simply that I found anyone thinking the graphics were better than SWTORs so ludicrous that it would actually hurt poor STO by creating false expectations.



something must be extremely wrong with your system settings :D


Or the blurry TOR textures did something to your eyes...

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WoW also had 40 man raids that were incredibly difficult and a wide range of gear. Lets also not forget how detailed leveling was and the fact that the game was revolutionary when it launched. SWTOR was neither.


There is a reason why people scream "don't compare SWTOR to WOW (a 7 year old game)" because you really don't want to compare it.


90% of the features in SWTOR originated in WoW as well.


And WoW features didn't originate from EQ?

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something must be extremely wrong with your system settings :D


Or the blurry TOR textures did something to your eyes...


WoW...your still here. with the way you profess your hated for this game I figured you would have moved on. SWG is dead get over it....this isnt SWG

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I'm really glad you do. For me personally I was let down. Big empty cities that you have to wander around and find things to do which means your clicking on every damn thing which kinda sucks if you are pressed for time and actually want to get something accomplished. Horrible lag, The voice acting is atrocious and the story so far is like something out if a Saturday morning Kids show. But worst of all are the facebook game elements.


Don't get me wrong there are a lot of people that love it I just found it closer to a browser game than a real MMO and the beta community is well your typical GW2 fans so yeah 4chan.


I won't be pre-ordering after beta which sucks because I was really looking forward to it; TOR will be my main game and hopefully TSW will give me something to play on the side.


And the cities in TOR aren't empty? They aren't small? Atleast gw2 draws you in. There is nothing drawing about the TOR cities. Not to mention the boring gameplay

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And the cities in TOR aren't empty? They aren't small? Atleast gw2 draws you in. There is nothing drawing about the TOR cities. Not to mention the boring gameplay


See that's a different strokes things I am so caught up in my story I really don't notice who is around me.....unlike GW2 where every time a NPC opens their mouth I cringe (Honestly it's like watching Hawk The Slayer all over again) Like I said I saw a lot of folks who were happy but I saw just as many saying "What the hell? This isn't a MMO it's a Facebook game" The game will do fine because it's a F2P but it isn't the TOR WoW or hell even EQ2 killer that it has been hyped to be.

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STO is good for about a week, then you see a shim petting a tribble and talking about rolling a Klingon or guys getting together on the bridge of a buddy to RP a poker game in the ready room and you want to gouge your eyes out with a spoon.
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See that's a different strokes things I am so caught up in my story I really don't notice who is around me.....unlike GW2 where every time a NPC opens their mouth I cringe (Honestly it's like watching Hawk The Slayer all over again) Like I said I saw a lot of folks who were happy but I saw just as many saying "What the hell? This isn't a MMO it's a Facebook game" The game will do fine because it's a F2P but it isn't the TOR WoW or hell even EQ2 killer that it has been hyped to be.


From the gameplay I've seen, it's far from a facebook game. The story in TOR doesn't draw one in at all, actually, its quite boring. The climax for each of the arcs is great, but the dribble in between is terrible. And the worlds, as stated, are small and boring. GW2 looks like out of the box it is going to have a better gameplay value than TOR itself. STO has better features, while it is not the better game. TOR could redeem itself, but it could also fall on it's face easily. WoW is easily better than TOR at this point, and while I agree that gw2 probably wont be better, it will still have a hell of a lot better launch that TOR in terms of gameplay and features. TOR is a barren game

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Ah the standard "x" game will kill "y" game when it is released. You would think that after 8 to 9+ years of game killing predictions spread across a multitude of games. People would learn that those prediction almost alway fall on their face.


Do you even know about GW2? Dynamic events 'just appear', and have multiple paths that it can take depending on if the player fails or succeeds.


i.e Centaurs raiding a camp, if you save it, you get to launch a counter attack, if it fails they own the camp and you lose all the npcs there for a while.


no area will ever be to low or too high as you sidekick up and down. A level 30 going into a level 5 zone drops down to level 5.


GW2 is innovative, and from watching numerous beta videos it's WORLDS ahead of SWTOR.

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I'm really glad you do. For me personally I was let down. Big empty cities that you have to wander around and find things to do which means your clicking on every damn thing which kinda sucks if you are pressed for time and actually want to get something accomplished. Horrible lag, The voice acting is atrocious and the story so far is like something out if a Saturday morning Kids show. But worst of all are the facebook game elements.


Don't get me wrong there are a lot of people that love it I just found it closer to a browser game than a real MMO and the beta community is well your typical GW2 fans so yeah 4chan.


I won't be pre-ordering after beta which sucks because I was really looking forward to it; TOR will be my main game and hopefully TSW will give me something to play on the side.


I doubt you played. I really doubt you did.


Everything in your post is was and always will be WRONG

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wow Star trek as an mmo... i didnt know that.......


You didn't know because it wasn't that good. ;-)


I had a ton of fun in STO, but only while leveling my first character. Alts were boring since they went through the EXACT same content. And at end-game, there's really nothing to do other than Borg and Undine zerg-fest excuses for raiding that don't really drop anything decent.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Originally Posted by darthdoll

3. 3 Warzones is fine currently, Rift was the same when it launched, wow had none when launched.


Of course it had none; they practically invented them.


Anyway, three warzones isn't fine, especially not after playing WAR.




Wow did not invent pvp zones. You want pvp zones, go see how many DAOC has.

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