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Please don't tell my wife...


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My wife is a great gal and all..she played WoW for 5 years with me...and D2 for years before that..BUT...


Do you have any idea how pissed off she would be if she knew i was sittin on the fleet buying Mako pretend gifts to make her like me more when i didn't buy my wife a DAMN THING for Valentines Day?????


Holy cow she would have my ******* as a change purse...

Edited by LexiCazam
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I sincerly hope she does not know your screenname, or know how to use google... Pretty sure she can find this thread, and then.... well... let's just say if you find yourself singing soprano, give me a call, my band could always use another high registered vocalist.
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u mean it took you a week to find out valentines day was a week ago? :p


My wife said she's being disturbed by the dreams she has about her companions.... should I tell her about my dreams with Vette? :p


No matter how many packs you smoke a day you will never, ever have Androniko's voice.



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I kinda liked the Judy chic that paid you on Jutta...


She;s a bit bipolar though, I was really nice to her but after I did a Class quest on Hutta she sent me an email telling me I got her mother beaten and she hoped i'd die.


all i'm saying is make sure she keeps her hands where you can see them and has nowhere to conceal anything sharp.

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She;s a bit bipolar though, I was really nice to her but after I did a Class quest on Hutta she sent me an email telling me I got her mother beaten and she hoped i'd die.


all i'm saying is make sure she keeps her hands where you can see them and has nowhere to conceal anything sharp.


Properly buffed lekku can be deadly.

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My wife is a great gal and all..she played WoW for 5 years with me...and D2 for years before that..BUT...


Do you have any idea how pissed off she would be if she knew i was sittin on the fleet buying Mako pretend gifts to make her like me more when i didn't buy my wife a DAMN THING for Valentines Day?????


Holy cow she would have my ******* as a change purse...


She should serve you divorce papers.

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My wife is a great gal and all..she played WoW for 5 years with me...and D2 for years before that..BUT...


Do you have any idea how pissed off she would be if she knew i was sittin on the fleet buying Mako pretend gifts to make her like me more when i didn't buy my wife a DAMN THING for Valentines Day?????


Holy cow she would have my ******* as a change purse...


Did SHE get you anything?

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LOL, you must be careful, I to started on D2 and D3 this year will be the circle complete. Online games cost me a relationship or two. Now I just try to play casual but introduced new girlfriend to the Sims now I can play in peace. Wish there was more to my life lol....


On a gaming site it says this




1) I sometimes play games for many hours and when I need the toilet I hold it for as long as possible.

2) I look at the clock and justify playing longer by telling myself just another hour.

3) I look at the clock after an hour knowing I have to get up in the morning and say, just another 30mins.

4) I find myself looking at my lifes schedule and think, maybe if I do this job first then that and then I will have longer to play.

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I play this game on my TV in the living the room and I have been with my old lady for nearly 6 years now and it is hilarious that you bring this up.


She was messing with me the other day because she kept hearing "wow, is the for me, thanks" over and over again.


She said i owe her some serious valentines gifts since i keep buying crap for Vette.


Its funny all around how much of this game makes my girl and kids laugh. My 4 year old can quote the beginning of huttball. My girlfriend laughs at my ship droids little quotes.

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You SERIOUSLY didn't get your wife a valentine's day present? Even though we are on a strict budget, my husband and managed to get each other gifts.....and yeah, if I hadn't gotten him one, I would have been on the hot seat. And vice-versa, although I told him (since he bought this stuff on V-day) that he could have waited a day until the candy went on sale, lol. So yeah, don't let her ever find out that you pay pretend money to improve your standing with a bunch of pixels.


And to the poster that said his wife was having strange dreams about her companion....and his possible dreams about Vette? Well, this game has invaded my dream world, but not to that extent yet.

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1) I sometimes play games for many hours and when I need the toilet I hold it for as long as possible.

2) I look at the clock and justify playing longer by telling myself just another hour.

3) I look at the clock after an hour knowing I have to get up in the morning and say, just another 30mins.

4) I find myself looking at my lifes schedule and think, maybe if I do this job first then that and then I will have longer to play.


Come on now all 4 of those things can be applied to alot of stuff, work stuff included.


Heck if i am at the bar I do all 4 of those things, I dont think i have a problem drinking. Its pretty easy actually. Lift, sip, repeat.

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You SERIOUSLY didn't get your wife a valentine's day present? Even though we are on a strict budget, my husband and managed to get each other gifts.....and yeah, if I hadn't gotten him one, I would have been on the hot seat. And vice-versa, although I told him (since he bought this stuff on V-day) that he could have waited a day until the candy went on sale, lol. So yeah, don't let her ever find out that you pay pretend money to improve your standing with a bunch of pixels.


And to the poster that said his wife was having strange dreams about her companion....and his possible dreams about Vette? Well, this game has invaded my dream world, but not to that extent yet.


I have to admit we did not do gifts this year either. Flowers and an in house date. I have a pretty solid job but gas is really just killing us all i think. I heard today it will go up to 5 bucks by summer. /sigh.


Sorry a bit off topic. I also contemplated doing holidays a week after the holiday since everything would be super cheap, but i have not been able to commit to that plan, I always break down...I am such a sucker lol.

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You mean Juda.


Who either sends you a note signed "with love" or another titled " I hope you die" depending on how you handle a mission?


Mood swings are a kink I'll never understand.


Mood swings are fine, you just gotta learn the cycle to make the most of them ;)

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You SERIOUSLY didn't get your wife a valentine's day present?


I don't know what my deal is..I just pay no heed to artificial holidays..or birthdays..

I'm good at Christmas though !!

I'm not cheap..i don't think....shoot maybe i am..


I should probably step up my game, we have been together almost 20 years (I am 37), it seems i've grown insensitive to alot of the little things..


on the lighter side...


Who is the hottest chic to court in this game!

Edited by Vizwik
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