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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Call me stupid but...


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Neural Overload maybe? As in the toon you were chasing didn't actually speed up, you just slowed down? Could that have been it? It's from the Vanguard shield spec


No, he froze me or whatever they have and sped away. He was a freshy so he would almost die in the stun. So each time he would have like 2k health left, just enough time to grenade me and sprint away.

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I would bet anything that it was Storm. It's a nice move to do when you're getting pummeled.....click on an enemy far away from your current situation, and "force leap" to them. Of course, it's kind of a 'jumpin out of the pan into the fire' thing, but I digress.
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Vanguards have Storm and it has a 4 sec speed buff to 30% that can be speced in the skill tree. Also I've seen another class boost my speed somehow. Never knew who or how but my speed increased while in combat during a few War Zones. Edited by whataboutbob
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I did something similar in a Huttball match. It was a speed powerup.


I was almost dead, I Cryo-grenaded the guy attacking me, popped my damage shield and Armour Adrenal, touched the speed-buff powerup in the pit, and ran away to the heal powerup.

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He's done it like ten times since now. Not to bring up an old thread but there's no way after seeing it this many times it's a skill and not a 3pp.


It's to the point that he's showing off now lol.


Like others have said it was probably a Vanguard using Hold The Line. I also use this skill, 30% speed increase, immune to all cc(push,pull,knockdown,snares,roots, etc.) except stuns. Its also only on a 30 second cooldown, lasts 8 seconds

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Yes it was probably a vanugard storming.


If not (Half the speed of a sorc? really? Storm goes WAY faster than speed), it was probably Hold The Line, the 21 pnt Tactics ability. +30% speed and knockback, snare, physics immunity. Basically all but stuns and mezz.

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