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The harsh tale of my last 24 hours of playing SWTOR


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This will be a coolstorybro tale of woe, bugs, and exploits from someone who has defended this game repeatedly and received abuse for doing so.


Yesterday I wanted to play my favorite current addiction SWTOR. Queue for PVP, and when I try to enter, I'm kicked out of the game to the character selection screen.


Then my friend comes on and wants to run Foundry HM. So I think, sure, why not? PVP isn't working. Everything is going smooth in Foundry, even the HK fight until a point where HK gets a buff he's not supposed to and one shots our party. Try again, same. Try again, same. We die 5 times hoping this will stop happening.


Demoralizied, our group disbands. My friend and I are getting frustrated, we need a confidence booster. So we PUG a D7 HM group. Get to the clone boss and infinite clones start spawning. Three bug-ridden deaths later we call it a night.


This morning I'm ready to wash the fail away. PUG a group for normal mode False Emperor. The tank unfortunately loses his ability to move in the middle of some big pulls. Twice. We manage because this is normal mode, thank God it wasn't HM or we'd never have finished. He had to relog twice btw and me once for lag issues.


I come back from work tonight and get slammed over and over again by the same premade guild. They predictably wipe the floor with our group who have no premades. This goes on for 1.5 hours, with my faction deciding to camp one objective for medals with no enemy in sight. Daydreaming of what cross-server PVP would be like, I wander to Ilum for dailies and notice a box that says "NO OBJECT", the same box I've been seeing for weeks. 30 minutes later the dailies have bored me and I queue for PVP again. Again, the same guild. But we take a 1-0 lead in Huttball, and just as I feel that finally FINALLY I could be on the winning end of a warzone against this guild, the game freezes and crashes robbing me of 4 commendations and a victory.


I don't often throw controllers but my headset is on the ground right now, thankfully it's light and I didn't toss it very hard. It was just the culmination of 2 straight days in SWTOR of buggy, brutal failure.


Look, I've been a loyal Bioware fan ever since I bought that gothic, glossy Baldur's Gate box with those glorious 5 CD's over 10 years ago. The spiral bound manual full of funny asides and medieval-feeling script is something I will never forget. We've had our ups and downs but almost always ups. You're my favorite developer by a mile.


BUT you have got to get a handle on the quality control in this game. If this had been any other developer, I would not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. I always have time for Bioware, though. Your name and reputation are the only things keeping my hope in this game alive. Please please please do something about these issues that have (as I was later informed) been around for months.





Bioware fanatic since 1999

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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Wow, almost every gamebreaking issue happened to you in that short of a time frame. Brutal.


Calling renegadeimp here to tell you everything is ok.


You know what's weird?


I didn't have a single one of these from level 1-49. Now that I'm playing the 50 content, all of a sudden every run seems to have some sort of gambreaker.


I'm torn between logging in again and calling it a night. :( Was going to log in again but now I feel anxiety, like what will go wrong next? :(:(:(

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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You know what's weird?


I didn't have a single one of these from level 1-49. Now that I'm playing the 50 content, all of a sudden every run seems to have some sort of gambreaker.


I'm torn between logging in again and calling it a night. :( Was going to log in again but now I feel anxiety, like what will go wrong next? :(:(:(


take 2 days off. bad days happen. if you haven't had some bad, unlucky, frustrating days playing any mmo, then you haven't played very much.

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take 2 days off. bad days happen. if you haven't had some bad, unlucky, frustrating days playing any mmo, then you haven't played very much.



I'm not an MMO gamer, I'm mostly a Bioware gamer. If this game weren't made by Bioware, I wouldn't have played another MMO outside of the month I wasted playing WoW. It actually embarrasses me that I play one now.


Just out of curiosity, when did you play your first Bioware game?


BTW the friend I was with is talking about quitting. He got to 50 long before I did and has experienced these issues as well.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I'm not an MMO gamer, I'm mostly a Bioware gamer. If this game weren't made by Bioware, I wouldn't have played another MMO outside of the month I wasted playing WoW. It actually embarrasses me that I play one now.


Just out of curiosity, when did you play your first Bioware game?


BTW the friend I was with is talking about quitting. He got to 50 long before I did and has experienced these issues as well.


Vote with your wallet.


I've fortunately not had nearly as many issues as you, but there's been enough to dissuade me from going another month. I'm not a melodrama queen who does "I QUIT" posts trying to get a reaction from Bio, I just take my money elsewhere and check back every now and again to see if they've lifted their game. Life is too short to rage over, particularly a game which is supposed to be fun. ; )

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I'm not an MMO gamer, I'm mostly a Bioware gamer. If this game weren't made by Bioware, I wouldn't have played another MMO outside of the month I wasted playing WoW. It actually embarrasses me that I play one now.


Just out of curiosity, when did you play your first Bioware game?


BTW the friend I was with is talking about quitting. He got to 50 long before I did and has experienced these issues as well.


I guess I'm the opposite. I'm not a big BW guy. Only played KOTR, and frankly didn't see what the big deal was.


Played WoW for years, and SWG before that. Playing with those player bases, I've had a number of frustrating days. No MMO can give you the "perfect" setting a single player game does. But the social aspect, for good and for bad, is what I like.

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I guess I'm the opposite. I'm not a big BW guy. Only played KOTR, and frankly didn't see what the big deal was.


Played WoW for years, and SWG before that. Playing with those player bases, I've had a number of frustrating days. No MMO can give you the "perfect" setting a single player game does. But the social aspect, for good and for bad, is what I like.


I guess what I was getting at is, you can't just say "you're having a bad day in an MMO."


Not when I've been emotionally invested in this company for 13 years. It's shocking to see half of the hard mode instances as the same as normal except with rage timers and loads of bugs. Or PVP with no cross-server, or flashpoints with no LFG. In playing 30 minutes total of Ilum PVP I saw so many design flaws it made me wonder at the time and care put into this project.


It's really a culmination of all that and never having experienced anything like it before with Bioware's other games. I know there are a lot of people who hop around from MMO to MMO, not sure if you're one of them. But none of them will care about Bioware after they're gone. I do, and it goes well beyond just having a bad day. The end game is shocking.

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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I guess what I was getting at is, you can't just say "you're having a bad day in an MMO."


Not when I've been emotionally invested in this company for 13 years. It's shocking to see half of the hard mode instances as the same as normal except with rage timers and loads of bugs. Or PVP with no cross-server, or flashpoints with no LFG. In playing 30 minutes total of Ilum PVP I saw so many design flaws it made me wonder at the time and care put into this project.


It's really a culmination of all that and never having experienced anything like it before with Bioware's other games. I know there are a lot of people who hop around from MMO to MMO, not sure if you're one of them. But none of them will care about Bioware after they're gone. I do, and it goes well beyond just having a bad day. The end game is shocking.


so quit for 2 months and come back and see if you like it. no company has ever created a perfect mmo with a perfect endgame. WoW has the most subscribers, and there are tons of people that absolutely hate that game. It also might be that MMO's aren't your cup of tea.

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This will be a coolstorybro tale of woe, bugs, and exploits from someone who has defended this game repeatedly and received abuse for doing so.


Yesterday I wanted to play my favorite current addiction SWTOR. Queue for PVP, and when I try to enter, I'm kicked out of the game to the character selection screen.


Then my friend comes on and wants to run Foundry HM. So I think, sure, why not? PVP isn't working. Everything is going smooth in Foundry, even the HK fight until a point where HK gets a buff he's not supposed to and one shots our party. Try again, same. Try again, same. We die 5 times hoping this will stop happening.


Demoralizied, our group disbands. My friend and I are getting frustrated, we need a confidence booster. So we PUG a D7 HM group. Get to the clone boss and infinite clones start spawning. Three bug-ridden deaths later we call it a night.


This morning I'm ready to wash the fail away. PUG a group for normal mode False Emperor. The tank unfortunately loses his ability to move in the middle of some big pulls. Twice. We manage because this is normal mode, thank God it wasn't HM or we'd never have finished. He had to relog twice btw and me once for lag issues.


I come back from work tonight and get slammed over and over again by the same premade guild. They predictably wipe the floor with our group who have no premades. This goes on for 1.5 hours, with my faction deciding to camp one objective for medals with no enemy in sight. Daydreaming of what cross-server PVP would be like, I wander to Ilum for dailies and notice a box that says "NO OBJECT", the same box I've been seeing for weeks. 30 minutes later the dailies have bored me and I queue for PVP again. Again, the same guild. But we take a 1-0 lead in Huttball, and just as I feel that finally FINALLY I could be on the winning end of a warzone against this guild, the game freezes and crashes robbing me of 4 commendations and a victory.


I don't often throw controllers but my headset is on the ground right now, thankfully it's light and I didn't toss it very hard. It was just the culmination of 2 straight days in SWTOR of buggy, brutal failure.


Look, I've been a loyal Bioware fan ever since I bought that gothic, glossy Baldur's Gate box with those glorious 5 CD's over 10 years ago. The spiral bound manual full of funny asides and medieval-feeling script is something I will never forget. We've had our ups and downs but almost always ups. You're my favorite developer by a mile.


BUT you have got to get a handle on the quality control in this game. If this had been any other developer, I would not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. I always have time for Bioware, though. Your name and reputation are the only things keeping my hope in this game alive. Please please please do something about these issues that have (as I was later informed) been around for months.





Bioware fanatic since 1999



First off, this isn't the Bioware that made KOTOR or Jade Empire or Mass Effect, this is some "new" division that was put together when they decided they were going to make this game, these guys are not Bioware, at least not in my eyes, all i see is Mythic + EA when i see this game, the ONLY thing that reminds me of Bioware in this game are the dialogue options.


My advice, let this game develop for a few months then come back and see if you like it, if not, look for something else to play and forget all about this game.



Bioware fan since 1996.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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It sure doesn't hold a stinky candle (not even the pleasant smelling variety) to the scope and scale of the Baldur's Gate series, that's for dang sure.


Which is a game-related tragedy, in my opinion. All this technology and all the techno-savantry available to us today and ...I just dunno. I dunno how much nostalgia's doing the thinking for me on this one.


I can't be objective. I like good stories and immersive environments that encourage you to explore them and leave you wanting to know more about not only what's behind that fog of war yonder but also chomping at the bit to see how the rest of the story unfolds.


I just dunno anymore. Why that gets so lost in translation in MMO's, I may never know, but it sucks.

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It sure doesn't hold a stinky candle (not even the pleasant smelling variety) to the scope and scale of the Baldur's Gate series, that's for dang sure.


Which is a game-related tragedy, in my opinion. All this technology and all the techno-savantry available to us today and ...I just dunno. I dunno how much nostalgia's doing the thinking for me on this one.


I can't be objective. I like good stories and immersive environments that encourage you to explore them and leave you wanting to know more about not only what's behind that fog of war yonder but also chomping at the bit to see how the rest of the story unfolds.


I just dunno anymore. Why that gets so lost in translation in MMO's, I may never know, but it sucks.


Guild Wars 2 has a shot at delivering what you are looking for in an MMO, i don't know if it can pull it off, but from what i have heard and seen of the game, GW2 will be the closest to delivering that high level of quality that you speak of, the immersive environments, wanting to know more about the world you are in, stuff like that, again i say, i can't know for sure if Guild Wars 2 will be this way, but right now it has the best chance of bringing that to us.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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You know what's weird?


I didn't have a single one of these from level 1-49. Now that I'm playing the 50 content, all of a sudden every run seems to have some sort of gambreaker.


I'm torn between logging in again and calling it a night. :( Was going to log in again but now I feel anxiety, like what will go wrong next? :(:(:(


with any luck your pc will blow up! :cool:

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I cant stand it anymore and dont know if Ill log in again. It takes 10 minutes just to get in a WZ now and then its only 6/8 people or people leave. As we know Illum is a dead buket of crap. So all I'm doing is standing around waiting for WZ to drop which is broken anyway.


I have started 2 alts but cant stand to log them in as Coruscant was bad enough the first time around. Why make a planet that all you do is walk, walk, walk. And they put people on the planet at level 10 when you dont even have sprint. If you want to do the dailys you res back to fleet then have to walk for 15 minutes to get back to where you were.


I hope no other MMO ever tries to focus all their money on cut scenes. Most people just space bar them even if they dont admit it.

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Guild Wars 2 has a shot at delivering what you are looking for in an MMO, i don't know if it can pull it off, but from what i have heard and seen of the game, GW2 will be the closest to delivering that high level of quality that you speak of, the immersive environments, wanting to know more about the world you are in, stuff like that, again i say, i can't know for sure if Guild Wars 2 will be this way, but right now it has the best chance of bringing that to us.



I'm looking forward to seeing what GW2 comes to the table with, yep. I somehow managed to fail to ever get around to getting into GW1, so I'm hoping that GW2 will be as much a continuance for the old GW1 players as a new, self-realized vista new blood to the GW series can jump on, but I'm not too worried about that.


Not afraid to get snagged up by the lore and wind up lurking in my office between spats of work soaking up lore and whatnot I missed out of GW1 either, if it's good stuff.


So, here's to hoping you're right!

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First off, this isn't the Bioware that made KOTOR or Jade Empire or Mass Effect, this is some "new" division that was put together when they decided they were going to make this game, these guys are not Bioware, at least not in my eyes, all i see is Mythic + EA when i see this game, the ONLY thing that reminds me of Bioware in this game are the dialogue options.


My advice, let this game develop for a few months then come back and see if you like it, if not, look for something else to play and forget all about this game.



Bioware fan since 1996.


You're right, I felt the same way.


Logged back in and had some of the same issues described in the OP. Just alt+f4 in frustration and canceled by sub. I really wanted to like it even though I'm not an MMO fan, I felt that if it had some fixes I could... oh well. :(

Edited by kristoffbrujah
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This will be a coolstorybro tale of woe, bugs, and exploits from someone who has defended this game repeatedly and received abuse for doing so.


Yesterday I wanted to play my favorite current addiction SWTOR. Queue for PVP, and when I try to enter, I'm kicked out of the game to the character selection screen.


Then my friend comes on and wants to run Foundry HM. So I think, sure, why not? PVP isn't working. Everything is going smooth in Foundry, even the HK fight until a point where HK gets a buff he's not supposed to and one shots our party. Try again, same. Try again, same. We die 5 times hoping this will stop happening.


Demoralizied, our group disbands. My friend and I are getting frustrated, we need a confidence booster. So we PUG a D7 HM group. Get to the clone boss and infinite clones start spawning. Three bug-ridden deaths later we call it a night.


This morning I'm ready to wash the fail away. PUG a group for normal mode False Emperor. The tank unfortunately loses his ability to move in the middle of some big pulls. Twice. We manage because this is normal mode, thank God it wasn't HM or we'd never have finished. He had to relog twice btw and me once for lag issues.


I come back from work tonight and get slammed over and over again by the same premade guild. They predictably wipe the floor with our group who have no premades. This goes on for 1.5 hours, with my faction deciding to camp one objective for medals with no enemy in sight. Daydreaming of what cross-server PVP would be like, I wander to Ilum for dailies and notice a box that says "NO OBJECT", the same box I've been seeing for weeks. 30 minutes later the dailies have bored me and I queue for PVP again. Again, the same guild. But we take a 1-0 lead in Huttball, and just as I feel that finally FINALLY I could be on the winning end of a warzone against this guild, the game freezes and crashes robbing me of 4 commendations and a victory.


I don't often throw controllers but my headset is on the ground right now, thankfully it's light and I didn't toss it very hard. It was just the culmination of 2 straight days in SWTOR of buggy, brutal failure.


Look, I've been a loyal Bioware fan ever since I bought that gothic, glossy Baldur's Gate box with those glorious 5 CD's over 10 years ago. The spiral bound manual full of funny asides and medieval-feeling script is something I will never forget. We've had our ups and downs but almost always ups. You're my favorite developer by a mile.


BUT you have got to get a handle on the quality control in this game. If this had been any other developer, I would not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. I always have time for Bioware, though. Your name and reputation are the only things keeping my hope in this game alive. Please please please do something about these issues that have (as I was later informed) been around for months.





Bioware fanatic since 1999




For the past 1 1/2 month ive been dealing with issues in False Emperor specifically and its frustrating as hell so I can sympathize. Ive put in a ticket every time as well, most of them get closed with no response or, some rhetoric from the protocol droid.

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First off, this isn't the Bioware that made KOTOR or Jade Empire or Mass Effect, this is some "new" division that was put together when they decided they were going to make this game, these guys are not Bioware, at least not in my eyes, all i see is Mythic + EA when i see this game, the ONLY thing that reminds me of Bioware in this game are the dialogue options.


My advice, let this game develop for a few months then come back and see if you like it, if not, look for something else to play and forget all about this game.



Bioware fan since 1996.





For all their faults Mythic made a better go with release PvP and RvR.

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This will be a coolstorybro tale of woe, bugs, and exploits from someone who has defended this game repeatedly and received abuse for doing so.


Yesterday I wanted to play my favorite current addiction SWTOR. Queue for PVP, and when I try to enter, I'm kicked out of the game to the character selection screen.


Then my friend comes on and wants to run Foundry HM. So I think, sure, why not? PVP isn't working. Everything is going smooth in Foundry, even the HK fight until a point where HK gets a buff he's not supposed to and one shots our party. Try again, same. Try again, same. We die 5 times hoping this will stop happening.


Demoralizied, our group disbands. My friend and I are getting frustrated, we need a confidence booster. So we PUG a D7 HM group. Get to the clone boss and infinite clones start spawning. Three bug-ridden deaths later we call it a night.


This morning I'm ready to wash the fail away. PUG a group for normal mode False Emperor. The tank unfortunately loses his ability to move in the middle of some big pulls. Twice. We manage because this is normal mode, thank God it wasn't HM or we'd never have finished. He had to relog twice btw and me once for lag issues.


I come back from work tonight and get slammed over and over again by the same premade guild. They predictably wipe the floor with our group who have no premades. This goes on for 1.5 hours, with my faction deciding to camp one objective for medals with no enemy in sight. Daydreaming of what cross-server PVP would be like, I wander to Ilum for dailies and notice a box that says "NO OBJECT", the same box I've been seeing for weeks. 30 minutes later the dailies have bored me and I queue for PVP again. Again, the same guild. But we take a 1-0 lead in Huttball, and just as I feel that finally FINALLY I could be on the winning end of a warzone against this guild, the game freezes and crashes robbing me of 4 commendations and a victory.


I don't often throw controllers but my headset is on the ground right now, thankfully it's light and I didn't toss it very hard. It was just the culmination of 2 straight days in SWTOR of buggy, brutal failure.


Look, I've been a loyal Bioware fan ever since I bought that gothic, glossy Baldur's Gate box with those glorious 5 CD's over 10 years ago. The spiral bound manual full of funny asides and medieval-feeling script is something I will never forget. We've had our ups and downs but almost always ups. You're my favorite developer by a mile.


BUT you have got to get a handle on the quality control in this game. If this had been any other developer, I would not be giving them the benefit of the doubt. I always have time for Bioware, though. Your name and reputation are the only things keeping my hope in this game alive. Please please please do something about these issues that have (as I was later informed) been around for months.





Bioware fanatic since 1999


All your post tells me is that the game is working as intended.


Just ask the fanboys. Which I am.

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Actually, I think it's good to keep posting experiences like this and reporting bugs. They do seem to address them at an ever increasing rate which I find heartening. I also sympathize with your experience. I guess I've beta'd enough games and played enough others from launch that I sort of get into a rhythm and report everything diligently, and then monitor the response to see the reaction of the company involved. By comparison: play a game based overseas and see how responsive they are to your concerns. Even domestically, TBH, for a newly launched game, they're right up there with only one other game that I've experienced... and that game didn't have nearly the subs, to be fair.


What I can say for now is, keep reporting the issues because that helps them help us. There is a balance between what they can physically do in a given amount of time (manpower considerations) and how stridently we can express the importance or gravity of an issue to gameplay. From there, they have to prioritize.

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OP, the only thing keeping me playing this boring, bug-ridden mess is the IP. I deeply love Star Wars, and occasionally this game feels a lot like a galaxy far, far away. Unfortunately, those moments are less frequent than I'd like, but they pop up once in a while.


I have absolutely no faith in Bioware as a company. While you look at a corporate track record paved with gold bricks, all I see are polished turds left and right, the latest being Dragonage II. Even KotOR was a bug-ridden disaster, although it was saved by its atmosphere and IP (hmm, sounds familiar).


Blizzard's MMO may be a soulless monstrosity, but with each passing day I find myself appreciating its fluid seamlessness more. As evil and terrible as WoW is, at least Blizzard knows how to pump out polished content -- they have this crap down to a science. Bioware doesn't and, what's worse is, I don't sense any urgency from them to get things fixed. Customer service is a joke, the upcoming content (aside from the new WZ) is snore city, and I just don't feel like these people want to retain my business.


I resubbed for another month a couple of days ago, but this is probably it for me. Unlike a lot of the Bioclowns here, I don't play MMOs for story; I play them to have a gaming experience with other people. I don't need to be spoonfed voice acted dialogue to feel immersion -- in fact, I actually appreciate the lack of this sort of 'immersion' elsewhere because it allows me to spin my own tales. In TOR, we're all just clones of 8 heroes, doing the same exact things for the same exact levels as everyone else.



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