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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why do you Play an Op?


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After winning another WZ and looking at the scoreboard. I simply have to accept t is official: we are the worst class in the game. I was basically blazing along healing the whole game and consulars are rocking 600k ez mode, double my healing. Damage wise- we barely hit 300k on our best days. Hell I have only seen that a few times. other classes sleepwalk to that total.


We suck at every single aspect of the game. Huttball: suck. PvE: Suck. Healing: Suck. DPS: Suck.


So other than novely: why do you play this class still? I think I want to be the first on our server to try and go for High Warlord with the most asstastic class star wars has ever come up with. Why do you?

Edited by Bloodguard
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Sounds like you have made up your mind about the state of the class, so why continue playing something you loath? Reroll sorc/consular and be happy.


This is a game, you play it for enjoyment. Play a class that you enjoy and stop trying to bring others down with you because there are plenty who excel at an op/scoundrel.

Edited by Katrasle
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I completely believe you are lying to yourself when you say you enjoy the class, especially after reading your first post. It is your desire to be that "600k ez mode" healing class but instead of admitting it, you are trying to sound ****** by saying your class is horrible.


So anyway, continue on playing your terrible class (which some players actually excel at) and pat yourself on the back thinking you are doing something difficult. Carry on.

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I completely believe you are lying to yourself when you say you enjoy the class, especially after reading your first post. It is your desire to be that "600k ez mode" healing class but instead of admitting it, you are trying to sound ****** by saying your class is horrible.


So anyway, continue on playing your terrible class (which some players actually excel at) and pat yourself on the back thinking you are doing something difficult. Carry on.


I think the class is cool looking. Our armor doesnt look like a futuristic african tribal outift. I enjoy the challenge as well. I am able to do flashpoints, pvp and enjoy myself. I can even gank people.


But our class does suck. There is no debate about that. People can do well with a terrible class. That doesn't mean the class doesnt still blow.


But I do have fun.

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But our class does suck. There is no debate about that. People can do well with a terrible class. That doesn't mean the class doesnt still blow.


But I do have fun.


Sorry, but I am sure you can find many posts out there that claim the opposite. Trying to state there is no debate about it and saying that your "opinion" is fact is not beneficial to your argument.


It is also more rare for someone to post about how awesome they are at their class/spec, most of them are ingame playing and getting better. Using the tools to bring down their opponents. That is how you get better at a class, not by sitting on a forum saying how horrible you are and trying to get others to agree with you.

Edited by Katrasle
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So you don't play an OP then?


As I said in the post right before yours, I play a sniper. Is this where you say I don't have any idea what I'm talking about and continue saying how bad your class is?


(Future reference, post this in the operative forum if you don't want responses from all IA advanced classes).

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Then why do you care what others do? You said so in your first post that you won that WZ so obviously your job was completed. That other sorc/consular could have healed for 2 million and it would have been worthless because he still lost and let his teammates die. I would say if you can keep your team alive while doing lower healing that you simply fit a different class of healer, one who doesn't rely solely on big numbers.


Play smart, play your role, use your utility to keep your team alive during raids/warzones and for Pete's sake STOP equaling class quality with higher numbers.

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Sounds like you have made up your mind about the state of the class, so why continue playing something you loath? Reroll sorc/consular and be happy.


This is a game, you play it for enjoyment. Play a class that you enjoy and stop trying to bring others down with you because there are plenty who excel at an op/scoundrel.


Consider reading stats sometime in any pvp session and then tell me about it otherwise consider taking some remedial math classes in your spare time. Again the poster is not discussing the enjoyment of the game versus something else. Please stick to the topic or supply data that actually discusses the OP theories of such Or supply other pro rants in some Jedi forums of such.


The damage reduction has gone to far and with each release is getting worse.

Edited by tordo
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Then why do you care what others do? You said so in your first post that you won that WZ so obviously your job was completed. That other sorc/consular could have healed for 2 million and it would have been worthless because he still lost and let his teammates die. I would say if you can keep your team alive while doing lower healing that you simply fit a different class of healer, one who doesn't rely solely on big numbers.


Play smart, play your role, use your utility to keep your team alive during raids/warzones and for Pete's sake STOP equaling class quality with higher numbers.


I gotta back this guy up, not cause I play operative, but because i play MM sniper, we gotta stick together my brother, there are only a dozen of us left lol, OP you need to reroll son, i get killed by you operatives in pvp all the time from those backstabs, maybe you should pick your targets better

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Consider reading stats sometime in any pvp session and then tell me about it otherwise consider taking some remedial math classes in your spare time. Again the poster is not discussing the enjoyment of the game versus something else. Please stick to the topic or supply data that actually discusses the OP theories of such Or supply other pro rants in some Jedi forums of such.


The damage reduction has gone to far and with each release is getting worse.


So all these stats that you are alluding to are showing that operatives continually being crushed by every opponent in every way possible? Is this what you are implying, because that is what the OP was saying.


There are plenty of players that excel at this class despite these "damning statistics" that you are talking about. People like you just want to complain about numbers instead of playing the game and getting practical data from actually fighting opponents.


Keep your amazing statistics, I'll continue observing those operatives who continually show how awesome the class can be as more of a deciding factor than you empty words.

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and getting practical data from actually fighting opponents.


Keep your amazing statistics, I'll continue observing those operatives who continually show how awesome the class can be as more of a deciding factor than you empty words.


Thats the problem. the players who excel at playing an OP would absolutely crush everyone with an actual competetive class. Andthey start to realize it. The really good OPs on my server already rerolled to a real class.

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I play a marksman sniper and if I listened to all the crap that roams this forum about this class/spec in PvP I would have probably quit the game a long time ago.


The guy asked about OP, fyi, OP=operative, so why you spam thread with your BS, if yo're snipe? Chill out, make your own thread about how the snipers.

Only nonrelevant info in this thread comes from you, fyi nonrelevant=crap.


@ thread i play OP, because i like story, look, rifles, versatility, animations.

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The thing is I play Scoundrel, Operative, Sorcerer, and Sage and hands down the Sorcerer and the Sage are the two better healing classes. With either of them I can out heal the Scoundrel and the Operative and I have not even spec'ed the Sorcerer or the Sage for healing.


The Sorc and the Sage pretty much never run out of the ability to cast a heal, however with the Scoundrel and the Operative if you neglect to watch your power you WILL run out that is a garantee. Even if you do not run out of power, and all of a sudden you have to heal through a group crisis period, you WILL fall so far behind keeping your group up that you will have to make a decision on who dies and who remains standing because there is no way to keep your power up through situations like that, there is just way too much to do.


The Sorc and the Sage in all situations can just heal and not worry about the stupid mechanics of keeping their force/power up, all they have to do is toss heals nothing else.


I play these classes because their stories, like pretty much all of the stories, are worth the ride...I love the female Smuggler's voice acting it is without a doubt in my mind the best PC voice acting in the game. :cool:

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Sorry, but I am sure you can find many posts out there that claim the opposite. Trying to state there is no debate about it and saying that your "opinion" is fact is not beneficial to your argument.


It is also more rare for someone to post about how awesome they are at their class/spec, most of them are ingame playing and getting better. Using the tools to bring down their opponents. That is how you get better at a class, not by sitting on a forum saying how horrible you are and trying to get others to agree with you.


False, the vast majority agrees that the class is in need of repair, and there is a big number of people who still play it, like myself. Despite having 2 50s and another 2 mid level characters, I still main my operative.

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I play an OP because it makes me feel good when I crush others who are considered "ELITE OP FACEROLL classes" It is rewarding when you work hard for something rather then going the easy route.



Think of it as life, take for example to wrestler who won nationals with one leg. Worked twice as hard as everyone else, and was better at it. I'm pretty sure he feels amazing and it was a pretty cool story to boot.


So I say, be the one legged operative, and roll everyone who has two working legs. You will smile.

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Rolled an Operative because I wanted to play a stealth class, and Sith Assassin, by level 35, felt kinda gimped. Enjoying backstabbing mobs to death. I play on a PvP server, but don't really PvP, so no, I didn't roll the Operative to be "OMG SUPER OP PVP GG".
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