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Yeah, Tatooine is a low to mid-20's planet for the Sith. You're next planet should be Alderaan, around the 27-ish range.


On your ship's galaxy map, you can hover the mouse over the planet and it will tell you want level range the planet is intended for.

Edited by mathisk
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@ OP


For Empire side you wanna go to Nar Shadaa first then Tatooine. You can go to Tatooine at level 24, but i recommend doing it high 24, meaning you are about to turn to 25. Reason is Tatooine is a huge zone, and you probably dont want to get around by running. So wait until you are 24/almost 25 or just 25 and higher when you have your mount.


I went there when i was 24, but i knew that after doing the missions in Mos Ila Spaceport i would turn 25 and have my speeder.

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Here is the planetary order by levels.


  • Lvl 1-10 Tython/Ord Mantell/Korriban/Hutta
  • Lvl 10-16 Coruscant/Dromund Kaas
  • Lvl 16-20 Taris (Republic)/Balmorra (Empire)
  • Lvl 20-24 Nar Shaddaa
  • Lvl 24-28 Tattoine
  • Lvl 28-32 Alderaan
  • Lvl 32-36 Balmorra (Republic)/Taris (Empire)
  • Lvl 36-37 Quesh
  • Lvl 37-41 Hoth
  • Lvl 41-44 Belsavis
  • Lvl 44-47 Voss
  • Lvl 47-50 Corellia
  • Lvl 50 Ilum


That list however does not have to be followed. While you can visit any planet as soon as you get your ship (at around lvl 16), it is not recommended because that way it will be very hard, even impossible to do anything on the planet. Now of course 1 or 2 levels above or bellow (or 10 above in my case :D) won't make a big difference but any much bigger than that and the content will be hard.

Edited by dosadnik
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Ok thanks I was a little confused about that. I guess I was also wrong for thinking that once you got a ship you could go anywhere :p. So that means Republic can never go to Dromuund Kaas, and vice versa. Hmm, I learn something new every day.


Edit: Also another question. When you first go to Balmorra as an Empire player, you'll see higher level Republic players there, and vice versa? Can they attack you and you attack them?

Edited by ultimatesjk
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Ok thanks I was a little confused about that. I guess I was also wrong for thinking that once you got a ship you could go anywhere :p. So that means Republic can never go to Dromuund Kaas, and vice versa. Hmm, I learn something new every day.


Actually once you get your ship you can go anywhere. It's just not recommended. Imagine you've just turned 20 and you head of to Ilum. The planet will be full of lvl 50 mobs. And if you're on a PvP server it will be even worse with all the 50 players running around.


You are right about Republic never being able to visit Dromund Kaas as well as Empire never being able to visit Coruscant. They also can't visit the opposite faction's starter planets. I.E. Republic can't visit Korriban and Hutta, and Empire can't visit Tython and Ord Mantell.


Edit: Well I guess it's not everywhere in that case, but you get my point.

Edited by dosadnik
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Edit: Also another question. When you first go to Balmorra as an Empire player, you'll see higher level Republic players there, and vice versa? Can they attack you and you attack them?


Actually, no -- the two sides see different versions of Balmorra. The first lower-level planet where you'll see Republic players running around is Nar Shaada, and that's in a Sanctuary area where you can't attack each other. There's a world PvP zone on Tatooine where you can also encounter Rep players and be attacked, but you'll get a clear warning as you approach it.

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Actually, no -- the two sides see different versions of Balmorra. The first lower-level planet where you'll see Republic players running around is Nar Shaada, and that's in a Sanctuary area where you can't attack each other. There's a world PvP zone on Tatooine where you can also encounter Rep players and be attacked, but you'll get a clear warning as you approach it.


Technically you can see other faction players all over Tatooine, it's just that the quests don't direct you to the same areas, you have to go exploring

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