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My server's population went from heavy to light within one month..


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The population of Fleet is not in any way an indication of the population of the server.


As the game progresses, more people hit 50 and they transform from being on some other planet, to doing laps in fleet. Anyone who thinks "zomg, a month ago only 60 in Fleet, now 100, game is GROWING!" is just stupid. The equation is not hard to figure out. A month ago the ratio was:


Fleet: 75

Everywhere else: 500


Now it's:


Fleet: 150

Everywhere else: 200


It just means more people have reached end game and discovered that it entails queing for Warzones or spamming LFG in fleet. Also, more people are working on alts that primarily queue for warzones since they are flat tired of the side-quests and have figured out you can easily level to 50 and have everything you need just by queuing for WZ's and doing your class quests.


No one queues for WZ's from a planet because of the insanely long loading screens every time your WZ finishes. And fleet is the logical place to spam LFG, especially since there's no mechanism for teleporting group members to a Flashpoint. Fleet is also the ONLY place in the game where you have access to virtually all important vendors, GTN, trainers, mailboxes and banks.

Edited by Mannic
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Flame it all you want make up reason for this and that.. the simple fact is the game is dying a slow death.. if I am wrong then come Dec 31, 2012 I will come back and admit it but mark my words this game is dead by the end of the year and is free to play.


I'm sure before then, you'll have changed your prediction to Dec 31, 2013...

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Doesn't anybody understand how server populations work?


Bioware not only increased server population caps hundreds of times (and never reduced the standard for 'standard' to make them look less empty) but Bioware also used colossal pressure and heat to fuse many gamers into a single gamer. So when you actually count the players on your server, what you're counting is totally wrong. You need to use new maths to get an accurate count of how much YOU LOVE THIS GAME.


this this this.



people really need to stop relying on their own eyes. noobs.

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Flame it all you want make up reason for this and that.. the simple fact is the game is dying a slow death.. if I am wrong then come Dec 31, 2012 I will come back and admit it but mark my words this game is dead by the end of the year and is free to play.


1.6-1.7 MILLION people disagree with you. It's hard to see that because there are so many damn servers and because of the fact that the forums are always a haven for negativity. Those who are enjoying the game are in the game, enjoying the game. Not whining on the forums.


That being said, this game will never be F2P. Mark my words. Did you ever see SWG go F2P?


There's this little company called LucasArts and their decisions hold a great deal of weight.

Edited by Lazirus-
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1.6-1.7 MILLION people disagree with you. It's hard to see that because there are so many damn servers and because of the fact that the forums are always a haven for negativity. Those who are enjoying the game are in the game, enjoying the game. Not whining on the forums.


That being said, this game will never be F2P. Mark my words. Did you ever see SWG go F2P?


There's this little company called LucasArts and their decisions hold a great deal of weight.


Please take a look at current sales. It is going to be tough to maintain what you are quoting.

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Please take a look at current sales. It is going to be tough to maintain what you are quoting.


I'm talking about active subscriptions, not sales. Active subscriptions come from games that have already been sold.


That being said, it's obviously rational for any person to think that sales figures in the millions, or even in the hundreds of thousands, should be maintained over the course of months, for this type of game.



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Please take a look at current sales. It is going to be tough to maintain what you are quoting.


I dont even get why people get hung up on sales numbers, "official responses based on secret ingame metrics" or any of that.



the only thing that matters is /who at prime time. It's that simple really. There are servers (the most populated ones at launch - the ones were people migrate to now) with a healthy pop. And there is a dozen servers for every one of those where the pop decline cannot be denied.

you just make yourself look silly if you try to. Nope, it does not matter how serious you take yourself, sorry.

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Tortantic f2p this summer and the guy writing i'm purple writhe gets paid by bioware or just amother fanboi this game is awful still in beta wow clone with hackers bugs and no pvp free to.play inc



1.7million /216=7880 per server if all were on at once,


3900 per faction if divisons were perfect

most say 15-20% pop on during peak which = 585-780 per side

17 planets 13 different flashpoints per faction 3 warzones


if the pop is close to 1000 000 those numbers drop down to 345 @ 15% and 463 @ 20%


Your correct, there has been a population drop the fact that the peaks are not as high show that BUT the valleys are not any lower which is kind of saying somethings as well.


Now someone explain to me the numbers labeled pop 100, 200, 300 ect going up along the left hand side... is that concurrent logins ie 100 000, 200 000, 300 000 etc


Because if that is what its telling me THEN there is at least 200 000 players on AT ANY ONE TIME which could mean at least 1 million subs... not too shabby

Edited by WhiskyJax
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Darn man I really feel for you that is terrible.


I know BW is against merging servers for the simple fact of the image that can be percieved, but dead servers are always a problem in MMOs and usually they are solved by character transfers or merges - neither of which we have seen.


Your situation sucks and really I wish there was something I could do for you.


All I can offer is that if you roll a toon on Hedarr Soongh I can give you some money to start with...otherwise I would just say un-sub until they make an option available to you. Problem is you probably enjoy playing and want to continue to play - on your main - but cannot.



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Darn man I really feel for you that is terrible.


I know BW is against merging servers for the simple fact of the image that can be percieved, but dead servers are always a problem in MMOs and usually they are solved by character transfers or merges - neither of which we have seen.


Your situation sucks and really I wish there was something I could do for you.


All I can offer is that if you roll a toon on Hedarr Soongh I can give you some money to start with...otherwise I would just say un-sub until they make an option available to you. Problem is you probably enjoy playing and want to continue to play - on your main - but cannot.




they don't need money,

they can earn by themselves,

the real solution is provide a free server transfer

or let re-leveling to 50 just in ONE DAY,

other option is not acceptable.

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That is great that you found a server with a thriving population, and that you're willing to re-roll toons there. I have thought about that many, many times.


The frustration comes when I look at what has already been accomplished. I would rather stab myself, than redo all the work I've done with my characters.


- All crafting professions at least 300+, several maxed at 400

- lvl 50 Jedi Guardian

- lvl 50 Jedi Sentinel

- lvl 45 Jedi Sage

- lvl 37 Jedi Shadow

- lvl 38 Smuggler

- lvl 31 Trooper

- lvl 20 Bounty Hunter


Re-roll on another server? I don't think so...


Friday evening, at 9:30 PM EST (Eastern server - Krayiss Obelisk)

- Balmorra = less than 10 people

- Quesh = less than 5 people

- Hoth = less than 10 people

- was working on my lvl 37 Jedi Shadow at the time


YET ... some trolls will come along and say that I'm crying "the sky is falling" and mention some cliche ******** about tin-foil hats, etc, etc.


No matter how many times I've given details over the last couple of weeks, they spew useless rhetoric and ignore the actual facts from those that are unhappy with THEIR server's population. You notice how I've never said anything about the overall health or population of SWTOR? I have no knowledge of that first hand.


What I do/did have first hand knowledge of, is the server that I "live" on. Apparently that isn't good enough.


Personally, I'm done. Account has expired (few days ago), and I have no intention to resub until something is offered or done about the server population issues, and a bunch of other game issues (that shouldn't have been there in the first place).


You should just bite the bullet and re-roll Republic on Dark Reaper, probably the heaviest pop PvP server(west cost). Take solice in the fact that server transfers will be coming and you will be able to transfer your characters over. WZ pretty much pop instantly as Republic and there is a good overall population. I only say this because it seems you're willing to put some time into the game so yes re-rolling is tough but Dark Reaper will never be a dead server and you could just Warzone yourself to 50. If DR is dead then you can bet TOR will be dead. Heck I will eve personally give you 200K credits(PM me if you do reroll with your char name) to help you level faster. I've got so much money and nothing to spend it on so I'd like to help others.

Edited by rbguy
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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat


lol please stop with all the servers cap crap. Servers are quickly becoming ghost towns, maybe its more obvious in less populated ones, mine is Hex Droid and we have all noticed fleet is waaaaayyy less populated, and lvling an alt a pain because you feel you are the only player out there, so no way to do heroics.


IMHO its BW fault and its mini shards, they had a soooo low cap on shards that now some ppl quits and servers gets empty. Why? maybe Hero Engine cant handle MMOs size shards? i dont know.



We need some kind of free server transfer AND merge

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On the weekend on my server there's around 170 odd people in the fleet.... yet, you still cant find a group for anything.


I see people on their speeder bikes doing laps of the fleet, or spinning round in circles for no apparent reason other than extremely mild entertainment.


The most fun i've had in recent days is standing over the barrier in the fleet, inviting random people and gripping them to their deaths.


It's a shame really, I want to play this game.... But who wants to do a heroic instance when there is absolutely no incentive. Do two EV's and you're almost (if not) in full Coumni / half Rakata.


Gone are the days of weeks worth of raiding just to get a piece of gear or two (and we all know these were the good times, vanilla MC etc, when seeing someone in full BLUES was impressive)... But that's because of the player base. Everyone wants everything to be given to them with minimal effort, and get annoyed when things take "too long". Well this is the result. A game where everyone has everything, and no one wants to play any more.

nonsense, u miss old EQ raid days?

it worst than a day job,

BTW, most players still dont have full coumni/rakata stuff.

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Dont you worry ! Bioware found the perfect fix for your problem, they adjusted the settings for Heavy/Standard/Light, so you will see full Servers again! Pretty much like Warhammer did btw ;)


Yes its not going to solve your problem, but it makes them look better until March when the next wave of subs rolls in.

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I too am on Rwookrorro, and it is a ghost town nearly all the time.


I regularly do searches to see how many people are on, when I was last playing... 73 imps and 42 repubs, That is pretty average.


I play nearly all day every day, and I can tell you that more often then not you are completely alone on high level planets. It truly is a ghost town, and the galactic market is a joke because of it.


I have a very large friends list and most of them are never on, and according to the guld logs nearly everyone has stopped playing the game, as they have not logged in in weeks.


I was alone on ilum for a hour tonight against a few bored repubs so I made a deal and dueled them 1v1.



Our server doesn't habe the pop to run group content. Its very very hard to get a group going because with such a low pop there are times wjen not even 1 healer is playing the game.



I will not reroll ever, I will hold out hope for a while, but id quit playing before rerolling, I have too much invested in my 6 characters.

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It has nothing to do with raising the server cap, it's people leaving the server.


I rolled on Uthar wynn and it was full for a few weeks, even on Republic you would often have over 100 in fleet. Now it's light and has 25 in fleet on a good day, I had to leave and reroll on a full server. If it was just a server cap issue there would still be over a 100 players in fleet.....fact is they left.

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Our guild went from 150 members with about 50 active to 90 members with about 15 active. And our guild forums are full of "I'm quitting" threads.


We've already cancelled our 16 man raids due to missing members...


What makes everything even better: we have about 80% Sorcs... talk about class balance lol.


Sadly I don't care any more because I quit my sub as well and am waiting for it to run out. I've already posted my good bye thread on the guild forums.


Oh well... I wouldn't care that much if I hadn't supported the BW-scum with my $60. I hope they choke on it.

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You should just bite the bullet and re-roll Republic on Dark Reaper, probably the heaviest pop PvP server(west cost). Take solice in the fact that server transfers will be coming and you will be able to transfer your characters over. WZ pretty much pop instantly as Republic and there is a good overall population. I only say this because it seems you're willing to put some time into the game so yes re-rolling is tough but Dark Reaper will never be a dead server and you could just Warzone yourself to 50. If DR is dead then you can bet TOR will be dead. Heck I will eve personally give you 200K credits(PM me if you do reroll with your char name) to help you level faster. I've got so much money and nothing to spend it on so I'd like to help others.


I'm on Dark Reaper as well. We're well populated, but far from the highest pop PvP server regardless of time zone.



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Have you ever considered that it went from heavy to light because the raised the population caps twice?


Servers like mine that were listed as full have just as many if not more people then they had at launch the server just can handle the population better.



Yes the Doomcryers will tell you it's "Mass exodus!!!111eleven!eatatjoes" but the guys who actually run the game say it's the server cap increase and they would know.


in b4 /tinfoilhat




Only 2 MMORPGs since WoW have ever retained their initial peak numbers or grown from their release numbers.


Personally I think SWTOR could stay the 2nd biggest western MMO and even grow again (if they seriously get onto fixing stuff), but it's unlikely that SWTOR has kept all the people it had in the initial surge atm.


And by unlikely I probably mean almost impossible.

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Correilain run went from 100 or so to like 250+ at prime time.... queue for pvp are normaly 1-2 min and FLashpoint well i dont run them anymore but i see ppl making some in chat all the time.Not to mention pugs have started to beat EV and karaga palace alot and even on hard mode..



Some server may be lower population and its normal after a while but overall the game is going very very strong i would say.

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