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Marauder Vs Jugg


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So got my main to 50 and in full Champ gear. Time to start some alts right? My guild needs a tank so I started playing around with Mars and Jugs. Got both just over lvl 20 at this point. I've been playing in some WZs and obviously PVE as well. I understand that a 20th-ish lvl toon is not an indicator of end game ability but it is a bit of an indicator of the overall utility and ability.


It feels like the Jugg is kinda weak to me and I find this to be strange. You'd think the increased armor alone would equate a large survivability increase but I’m just not seein it.


So although this might be a hard question to answer which class do you think is the overall better class? Is the Jugg just not a viable PVP class? Am I just not feeling the endgame powa?

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I'd say "better" is a matter of opinion, but the Juggernaut is definitely the class with more options. Playing to 20 isn't a good way to judge either class, as we really don't shine until around level 40. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If I could do it all over, I'd make a Juggernaut instead of a Marauder (and I am a Battlemaster & in almost full Rakata gear for PVE).
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For some reason the game-changers in Jugg tank utility are all on and above the "backhand" row of the "Immortal" tree.




"Force charge" stuns the target--including elites--for 2 seconds. You get 2 seconds for a free attack.


"Force push" resets force charge. They go flying. Might as well "force charge" again, which stuns again. You get 2 seconds for a free attack.


"Backhand" stuns the target for 4 seconds. Enough time for a full ravage.


"Force Choke" no longer needs to be channeled, meaning you can hit the target while they're stunned and choking, or pommel strike for high damage.


"Force scream" creates a mini-static barrier which absorbs all incoming damage, nice way to end your series of stunning attacks.


This is all stuff you use on every single elite or human player, pretty much--


With all powers being available, you can start every fight with 12 seconds of enemies being stunned and useless and getting wailed on, and then watch them uselessly fight back afterwards as you're encased in defensive buffs.

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armor isn't really a good indicator of how durable a character is in this game.


Only weapon attacks are actually soaked by armor. kinetic, internal, elemental damage- all the fire, rockets, bleeds, lightning and pebbles that jedi throw at you- none of that touches armor. it all goes right through to your squishie hit points. The only thing your armor stops are pew pew and light sabers.


You have to be in Soresu form to actually receive any appreciable gain in mitigation, and you have to know which talents improve your durability. how often you defend an attack by parrying/deflecting is generally a better indicator of durability, same with abilities that take a percentage of damage off the top.


many of the low-tree jugger talents across all the specs are for quality of life and rage maintenance. its all sunder economy and rage reductions on utility attacks. you won't see any appreciable increase in durability on jugger until you get another tier or 2 up the tree and start seeing stuff like invincible, the force charge shield in vengeance, that kind of stuff.



as far as which one is better, its a matter of taste.


If you prefer a more forgiving experience that gives you a lot of upfront durability and allows you to take some hits on the chin, stick with jugger- the endurance of the class will eventually shine through.


If you don't think you need that extra buffer of toughness to make the grade and you think you're skilled enough to pick your fights and get where you need to be, then marauder might be a better fit. You should keep in mind though that marauder is a very intense class. When played by a skilled player, its easily the most unstoppable murder machine in any MMO. When played by anyone else, its free valor.

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armor isn't really a good indicator of how durable a character is in this game.


Only weapon attacks are actually soaked by armor. kinetic, internal, elemental damage- all the fire, rockets, bleeds, lightning and pebbles that jedi throw at you- none of that touches armor. it all goes right through to your squishie hit points. The only thing your armor stops are pew pew and light sabers.


I wish this stuff wasn't still believed and spread as if it were true, cause it isn't.


The vast majority of damage in this game is kinetic or energy (pebbles are kinetic, lightning is energy). Most if not all classes have one or two moves that can do elemental or internal damage, but they aren't the bulk of the damage you do.


What people confuse this with is DEFENSE, which force and tech attacks bypass entirely. That is completely different from armor.

Edited by hadoken
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as far as which one is better, its a matter of taste.


If you prefer a more forgiving experience that gives you a lot of upfront durability and allows you to take some hits on the chin, stick with jugger- the endurance of the class will eventually shine through.

That's so not true unless you're an Immortal Jugg. And even then, Marauders/Sents have a 4 second vanish on a pretty short cd, a 20% damage reduction for 30 seconds (which is huge) and ofc Undying Rage which makes them practically invincible for 5 seconds. Idk where and how a Jugg/Guardian is supposed to be more forgiving.


To answer the OPs question: Marauder is the much safer bet at the moment, Juggs are kinda lackluster right now.

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