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Pvp Jugg, Full rage or Hybrid Rage/vengance with Shien form


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Been thinking about this build for pvp... instead of going full rage, get the Shien form and lose Force Crush... is it worth it ? I'm still level 24 and I do not have a full grasp of the class capabilites....


Would it be better a more "traditional" aproach focusing on Shii-Cho and full rage build?




Comments? Thoughts ??

Edited by larrynho
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Force crush is your go-to move in Rage and pretty much the whole build revolves around it's use. It slows your opponents down, does some nice damage and builds your shockwave stacks. Without it you can only build 4 stacks of shockwave every 1 minute with force choke. As tempting as it might be to pick up some juicy vengeance talents it's just not worth it in my oppinion.


You also didn't even take unstoppable from vengeance which is the best talent in the tree and would be the only reason i can think of to go hybrid.

Edited by Darth_Sookie
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Force crush is your go-to move in Rage and pretty much the whole build revolves around it's use. It slows your opponents down, does some nice damage and builds your shockwave stacks. Without it you can only build 4 stacks of shockwave every 1 minute with force choke. As tempting as it might be to pick up some juicy vengeance talents it's just not worth it in my oppinion.


You also didn't even take unstoppable from vengeance which is the best talent in the tree and would be the only reason i can think of to go hybrid.


If you get force choke reduction talent thats 4 ticks every 50 seconds which is a precursor in the rage tree. That being said I'd rather have 6% more force damage talent.

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i tried to pvp with this build already, although it is nice, its more tricky to use. it is also much harder for you to kill sages with this build. shien form is really nice and i love it, but if you can manage without it i think its more effective for a jugg to have force crush then shien form. the 2 aoe that u can produce from 6-7k damage 2 times in a row + voice scream, and all the other side skill is a very very big burst. compared to shien form.
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Considering the fact that the success of rage build revolves around 2 factors:

a) Shockwave charges

b) auto crit on smash


So you want to have the charges as often as possible, considering you start with Force Charge followed by Force Crush or Force Choke to do one smash and than you use one of the previously mentioned abilities that are off cd and use Obliterate to get another auto crit on smash... rather than wait 50sec. That few more atk % from Shien is not worth it.

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in all honesty though, i got bored of my sith jugg. he is full champ gear. the rage build is awsome, and i love it, but the 2 trick skill to do the burst just bored me to death. that is why i play sentinel now, fing amazing is all i gotta say.
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Rage is a one trick pony. Let the OP try it out, he will do 20-30% less damage in warzones and respec, its the only way to learn.


PS I would take enraged sunders over accuracy any day of the week, an Extra sunder adds to the huge opening combo


PvP stim/relic, Saber throw (2 stacks of sunder), Charge, Force crush, sundering assault(2 more stacks of sunder), Force push, Charge (force crush has ticked over this time), Slam. This slam hits for about 4-5k and leaves the opponent at less then half life and there is little they can do about it.

Edited by AGSThomas
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